A post-doc position in combinatorics in Bordeaux, 2016-2017

The ANR-GRAAL project (Random trees and graphs --- Graphes et arbres aléatoires) is offering a one year post-doctoral position in combinatorics at the University of Bordeaux (LaBRI), starting anytime between September and December 2016.
See here for the web page of the combinatorics group in Bordeaux.
The topics of the GRAAL project are combinatorial and/or probabilistic aspects of graphs, maps (embedded graphs) and trees. See here for a more complete description.

Interested applicants should have a good background in combinatorics and/or probability theory. They should submit an application (pdf format) with: In addition, the candidates should ask two people to send us letters of reference.
The applications and letters should be sent to Mireille Bousquet-Mélou (bousquet@labri.fr) and Jean-François Marckert (marckert@labri.fr) before January 15th. Do not hesitate to ask us for more information.

Net salary: 2070 euros/month The postdoc will be covered by a health insurance program.