New Website, First Post!

Date Tue 22 July 2014 By Emmanuel Fleury Category misc

I decided to renew a bit my old website, for technical reasons, I decided to use the Pelican framework. It provides a Python framework to statically produce a website according to some templates and some content.

This framework as several nice features and, together with the bootswatch CSS framework, it gives a quite nice result as you may have noticed.

Also, take a look at my publication page which is done through a pelican-bibtex plugin that I forked from Vlad Niculae. Basically, it allows to only maintain a BibTeX file with all my references and the display is automatically generated.

I’ll try to keep up with this blog and give some news of my activities and production here (but, I know by experience that this is hard to keep a right pace at publishing interesting things, so we’ll see).