#include "customize.wml"
#include <banner.wml> title="Teaching" path="teaching"
#include <download.tag>

  <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width="98%">

;;; <frame title="Book">

;;;  I have writen a <a href="publications.html#lr:03:algorithmique-parall">book</a> 
;;;  with my PhD. advisor, <a href="http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~yrobert/">Yves Robert</a>.
;;;  It is entitled "Algorithmique Parallèle" and is published at the
;;;  <a href="http://www.dunod.com">"Dunod Éditions"</a>.<br>

;;;  The official page of the editor about this book is
;;;  <a href="http://www.dunod.com/pages/ouvrages/ficheouvrage.asp?Pro_Code_GPE=46531">"here"</a> 
;;;  and the official page of the authors (with new tutorials, exams, exercises, ...) is
;;;  <a href="http://graal.ens-lyon.fr/~yrobert/algopar/">here</a>.<br>
;;;  I do not know wether you will like this book or not but I am very proud of it. :)
;;; </frame>

 <frame title="Since I'm hired in Bordeaux"> 
Since I was hired in 2005, I teach about 200 hours a year. I mainly
 give lectures on : 
 <li> <a href="http://dept-info.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/~guermouc/SE/"> Operating Systems</a>.</li>
 <li> Introduction to Networks. </li>
 <li> <a href="http://dept-info.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/~guermouc/"> Network Administration</a>. </li>
 <li> <a href="http://dept-info.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/~guermouc/SR/"> Network Security</a>. </li>
  <li> System Programming. </li>
 <li> Unix. </li>

;;;   <a href="Teaching/Parallelisme-03/">Parallel algorithms and architectures</a> (32h TD):
;;;   These tutorials were given to students from the second year of 
;;;   Magistère of Informatique and Modelisation at ENS Lyon.<br>

;;;   <a href="Teaching/Algo-DEUG-03/">Introduction to Algorithms</a> (18h TD + 30h TP) :
;;;   This course has been given to students from the second year of any
;;;   scientific DEUG (except MIAS) at UCBL. Following this course is
;;;   necessary to follow computer science studies. This course is available in the 
;;;   <download file="Cours" name="PDF format" ext="pdf" dir="Teaching/Algo-DEUG-03" mandatory="1"> or
;;;   in the <a href="Teaching/Algo-DEUG-03/Cours/">HTML format</a>. 
;;; <frame title="Old Teachings" name="passes">
;;;  <h3>2004 - 2005</h3>
;;;    <b>High-preformance computing</b> (4h course) <b>:</b> These course
;;; seances have been given to students  from the last year
;;; (3rd year) of the ENSEEIHT ingenier school. The topic of the course
;;; was the manipulation of task dependency graphs to optimize the
;;; behaviour of the target application (either sequential or parallel).
;;; <br>
;;;    <b>Distributed Computing</b> (12h TP) <b>:</b> These course
;;; seances have been given to students from the last year
;;; of the ENSEEIHT ingenier school. The topic of the course is an
;;; introduction to distibruted comuting and to the manipulation of the PVM
;;; environment.
;;; <br>

;;;    <b>Numerical Algorithms</b> (40h TP) <b>:</b> These course
;;; seances have been given to students from the first year
;;; of the ENSEEIHT ingenier school. The topic of the course is an
;;; introduction linear algebra algorithms.
;;; <br>

;;;    <b>Operating Systems</b> (16h TP) <b>:</b> These course
;;; seances have been given to students  from the first year
;;;  of the ENSEEIHT ingenier school. The topic of the course is an
;;; introduction to the UNIX operating system.  <br>

;;;  <h3>2003 - 2004</h3>

;;;   <b> New technologies and teaching (NTE)</b> (60h TD) <b>:</b>
;;;   This course has been given to students of the first year of
;;;   DEUG "mediation culturelle" and DEUG sociology at Universite Lumiere
;;; Lyon 2. This course was
;;;   concerned by an introduction to the manipulation of
;;;   text/image/tables-editing tools.
;;; <br>
;;;  <h3>2002 - 2003</h3>

;;;   <b>Introduction to Algorithms</b> (27h TD/TP) <b>:</b>
;;;   This course has been given to students from the second year of any
;;;   scientific DEUG (except MIAS) at UCBL. Following this course is
;;;   necessary to follow computer science studies.<br>
;;;   <b>New technologies and teaching (NTE)</b> (48h TD) <b>:</b>
;;;   This course has been given to students of the first year of
;;;   "mediation culturelle" at Universite Lumiere Lyon 2. This course was
;;;   concerned by an introduction to the manipulation of
;;;   text/image/tables-editing tools.<br>

;;; </frame>
