
Overlaping tiles

  • {Pour un raffinement spatio-temporel tuil{\'e}}  (with S. Archipoff), in #jfla#, Saint-Malo, France, 2016 (hal)  (pdf).

  • Interpolations : \'ecritures de contraintes r\'eactives pour improvisation pianistique (d\'emo)  (with S. Archipoff et al. ), in #jim#, 2016 (hal)  (pdf).

  • Structured Reactive Programming with Polymorphic Temporal Tiles  (with S. Archipoff), in #farm#, pp 29-40, 2016  (doi) .

  • Flux m\'edia tuil\'es polymorphes: une s\'emantique op\'erationnelle en {Haskell}  (with T. Bazin), in #jfla#, 2015 (hal)  (pdf).

  • Tiled Polymorphic Temporal Media  (with P. Hudak), in #farm#, pp 49-60, 2014  (doi)  (hal)  (pdf).

  • Programmer avec des tuiles musicales: le {T}-calcul en {Euterpea}  (with P. Hudak), in #jim#, 2014 (hal)  (pdf).

  • {libTuile}~: un moteur d'ex\'ecution multi-\'echelle de processus musicaux hi\'erarchis\'es  (with F. Berthaut and M. Desainte-Catherine), in #jim#, 2013 (hal)  (pdf).

  • Multi-scale design of interactive music systems : the {libTuiles} experiment  (with F. Berthaut and M. Desainte-Catherine), in #smc#, 2013 (hal)  (pdf).

  • The {T}-Calculus~: towards a structured programming of (musical) time and space  (with F. Berthaut and M. De{S}ainte-Catherine and Y. Orlarey and S. Salvati), in #farm#, pp 23-34, 2013  (doi)  (hal)  (pdf).

  • Advanced synchronization of audio or symbolic musical patterns: an algebraic approach  (with F. Berthaut and B. Martin), International Journal of Semantic Computing  6 (4):409-427, 2012  (doi)  (hal)  (pdf).

  • Advanced synchronization of audio or symbolic musical patterns  (with F. Berthaut and B. Martin), in Sixth IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), pp 202-209, 2012  (doi)  (hal)  (pdf).

  • Vers une mod\'elisation combinatoire des structures rythmiques simples de la musique, Revue Francophone d'Informatique Musicale (RFIM)  2, 2012 (hal)  (pdf).