network manipulator (nem)


The design of network protocols is greatly accelerated by the use of simulators particularly when studying a protocol's behavior in a large internetwork topology. However the accuracy of the simulation results are heavily affected by the input network topology. As taking a real map as an input is not always feasible, artificially created topologies are often used. There exist many network topology generators available but recent discoveries on the Internet topology have made most of them obsolete when it comes to model a typical part of the Internet. We propose a free open source software designed for network topology analysis and modeling called network manipulator. It is capable of creating realistic Internet-like topologies and it can check proof them on the fly by a thorough topology analysis. nem is a network topology modeler (generator), analyzer and converter software. The generator module creates graphs that comply with the power laws recently discovered in the Internet topology. The analyzer module provides detailed information on the topological properties of the graphs. The converter module allows nem to be used in combination with other network modeling softwares. nem is a software written in C++ and available for download at no charge.


network manipulator (nem) version 0.9.6


nem is released under the GNU LGPL version 3.


If you use nem for your research or educational work, please cite:

pdf Network Topology Analysis and Internet Modelling with Nem.
Damien Magoni.
International Journal of Computers and Applications, 27(4):252-259, 2005.

Last updated: March 5, 2016.