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  1. pdf Metarouting with Automatic Tunneling in Multilayer Networks.
    Noureddine Mouhoub, Maria Moloney, Damien Magoni.
    Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 230:103929, October 2024.
  2. pdf A Transitive Closure Algorithm for Routing with Automatic Tunneling.
    Noureddine Mouhoub, Lamine Lamali, Damien Magoni.
    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 17 pp., March 2024.
  3. pdf A Complete Review on the Application of Statistical Methods for Evaluating Internet Traffic Usage.
    Vaníce Canuto Cunha, Arturo A. Z. Zavala, Damien Magoni, Pedro R. M. Inácio, Mário M. Freire.
    IEEE Access, Volume 10:128433-128455, December 2022.
  4. pdf Detection and Mitigation of Low-rate Denial-of-Service Attacks: A Survey.
    Vinícius de Miranda Rios, Pedro R. M. Inácio, Damien Magoni, Mário M. Freire.
    IEEE Access, Volume 10:76648-76668, July 2022.
  5. pdf Detection of Reduction-of-Quality DDoS Attacks Using Fuzzy Logic and Machine Learning Algorithms.
    Vinícius de Miranda Rios, Pedro R. M. Inácio, Damien Magoni, Mário M. Freire.
    Computer Networks, Volume 186:107792, February 2021.
  6. pdf Spying on Instant Messaging Servers: Potential Privacy Leaks through Metadata.
    Alexandre Pujol, Damien Magoni, Liam Murphy, Christina Thorpe.
    Transactions on Data Privacy, 12(2):175-206, 2019.
  7. pdf Adaptive Multicast Streaming for Videoconferences on Software-Defined Networks.
    Christelle Al Hasrouty, Mohamed Lamine Lamali, Vincent Autefage, Cristian Olariu, Damien Magoni, John Murphy.
    Computer Communications, 132:42-55, 2018.
  8. pdf A Survey on Health Monitoring Systems for Health Smart Homes.
    Haider Mshali, Tayeb Lemlouma, Maria Moloney, Damien Magoni.
    International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 66:26-56, 2018.
  9. pdf A Survey on Secure and Resilient Session Schemes: Technical Comparison and Assessment.
    Daouda Ahmat, Damien Magoni.
    Transactions on Future Internet, 4(13):e1, 2018.
  10. pdf Adaptive Monitoring System for e-Health Smart Homes.
    Haider Mshali, Tayeb Lemlouma, Damien Magoni.
    Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 43:1-19, 2018.
  11. pdf PHOEBE: An Automation Framework for the Effective Usage of Diagnosis Tools in the Performance Testing of Clustered Systems.
    Omar Portillo-Dominguez, Philip Perry, Damien Magoni, John Murphy.
    Software: Practice and Experience, 47(11):1837-1874, 2017.
  12. pdf A Twofold Self-Healing Approach for MANET Survivability Reinforcement.
    Leila Mechtri, Fatiha Djemili Tolba, Salim Ghanemi, Damien Magoni.
    International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics, 5(4):309-326, 2017.
  13. pdf NEmu: A Distributed Testbed for the Virtualization of Dynamic, Fixed and Mobile Networks.
    Vincent Autefage, Damien Magoni.
    Computer Communications, 80:33-44, 2016.
  14. pdf TRINI: An Adaptive Load Balancing Strategy Based on Garbage Collection for Clustered Java Systems.
    Omar Portillo-Dominguez, Philip Perry, Damien Magoni, Miao Wang, John Murphy.
    Software: Practice and Experience, 46(12):1705-1733, 2016.
  15. pdf Dynamic Greedy Routing in Overlay Networks Using Virtual Coordinates from the Hyperbolic Plane.
    Damien Magoni, Cyril Cassagnes.
    Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 27(4):519-532, 2016.
  16. pdf End-to-End Key Exchange through Disjoint Paths in P2P Networks.
    Daouda Ahmat, Damien Magoni, Tegawende Bissyande.
    Transactions on Security and Safety, 2(3):e3, 2015.
  17. pdf Energy-efficient Power Allocation Algorithms for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks.
    Fatiha Djemili Tolba, Damien Magoni, Pascal Lorenz, Wessam Ajib.
    International Journal of Sensor Networks, 16(4):199-209, 2014.
  18. pdf Virtual Connections in P2P Overlays with DHT-Based Name to Address Resolution.
    Telesphore Tiendrebeogo, Daouda Ahmat, Damien Magoni, Oumarou Sie.
    International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology, 5(1):11-25, 2012.
  19. pdf Scalability and Efficiency of Push-Driven P2PTV Systems.
    Cyril Cassagnes, Damien Magoni, Hyunseok Chang, Wenjie Wang, Sugih Jamin.
    Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 7(3):93-103, 2011.
  20. pdf Saving Energy and Maximizing Connectivity by Adapting Transmission Range in 802.11g MANETs.
    Fatiha Djemili Tolba, Damien Magoni, Pascal Lorenz.
    Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 3(2):81-89, 2007.
  21. pdf Autonomous, Scalable, and Resilient Overlay Infrastructure.
    Khaldoon Shami, Damien Magoni, Pascal Lorenz.
    Journal of Communications and Networks, 8(4):378-390, 2006.
  22. pdf Relevance of Massively Distributed Explorations of the Internet Topology: Simulation Results.
    Jean-Loup Guillaume, Matthieu Latapy, Damien Magoni.
    Computer Networks, 50(16):3197-3224, 2006.
  23. pdf Network Topology Analysis and Internet Modelling with Nem.
    Damien Magoni.
    International Journal of Computers and Applications, 27(4):252-259, 2005.
  24. pdf Multicast State Distribution by Joins Using Multiple Shortest Paths.
    Damien Magoni, Pascal Lorenz.
    Journal Of Interconnection Networks, 6(2):115-129, 2005.
  25. pdf Internet Core Topology Mapping and Analysis.
    Damien Magoni, Mickaël Hoerdt.
    Computer Communications, 28(5):494-506, 2005.
  26. pdf Tearing Down the Internet.
    Damien Magoni.
    IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 21(6):949-960, 2003.
  27. pdf Oriented Multicast Routing Applied to Network Level Agent Search.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 4(2):255-272, 2001.
  28. pdf Analysis of the Autonomous System Network Topology.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    ACM Computer Communication Review, 31(3):26-37, 2001.

Journals (in French)

  1. pdf Evaluation de la fiabilité d'une table de hachage distribuée construite dans un plan hyperbolique.
    Telesphore Tiendrebeogo, Daouda Ahmat, Damien Magoni.
    Technique et Science Informatiques, 33(4):311-341, 2014.
  2. Virtualisation distribuée de réseaux dynamiques et mobiles avec Nemu.
    Vincent Autefage, Damien Magoni.
    Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, RNTI-SM-2:19-38, 2013.
  3. Repartition d'etats multipoints par utilisation des plus courts chemins multiples.
    Damien Magoni, Pascal Lorenz.
    Technique et Science Informatiques, 26(10):1227-1244, 2007.
  4. pdf Cartographie distribuée du coeur de l'Internet.
    Mickaël Hoerdt, Damien Magoni.
    Annales des Télécommunications, 60(5-6):558-587, 2005.
  5. Recherche dynamique d'agent dans la couche réseau par multipoint orienté.
    Damien Magoni.
    Technique et Science Informatiques, 23(5-6):763-784, 2004.

Conference Proceedings

  1. pdf To Squelch or not to Squelch: Enabling Improved Message Dissemination on the XRP Ledger.
    Lucian Trestioreanu, Flaviene Scheidt, Wazen Shbair, Jérôme François, Damien Magoni, Radu State.
    NOMS'24 - 37th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium,
    7 pp., May 6-10, 2024, Seoul, South Korea.
  2. pdf Detection of Slowloris Attacks using Machine Learning Algorithms.
    Vinícius de Miranda Rios, Pedro R. M. Inácio, Damien Magoni, Mário M. Freire.
    SAC'24 - 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing,
    10 pp., April 8–12, 2024, Avila, Spain.
  3. pdf MNTG: A New Flexible Multilayer Network Topology Generator.
    Noureddine Mouhoub, Maria Moloney, Damien Magoni.
    VCC'23 - 1st IEEE Virtual Conference on Communications,
    7 pp., November 28-30, 2023, Cyberspace.
  4. pdf Federated Byzantine Agreement Protocol Robustness to Targeted Network Attacks.
    Vytautas Tumas, Sean Rivera, Damien Magoni, Radu State.
    ISCC'23 - 28th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications,
    pp. 443-449, July 9-12, 2023, Gammarth, Tunisia.
  5. pdf Topology Analysis of the XRP Ledger.
    Vytautas Tumas, Sean Rivera, Damien Magoni, Radu State.
    SAC'23 - 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing,
    8 pp., March 27-31, 2023, Tallinn, Estonia.
  6. pdf Probabilistic Edge Multicast Routing for the XRP Network.
    Vytautas Tumas, Sean Rivera, Damien Magoni, Radu State.
    GLOBECOM'22 - IEEE Global Communications Conference,
    7 pp., December 4-8, 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  7. pdf A Highly Parallelizable Algorithm for Routing With Automatic Tunneling.
    Noureddine Mouhoub, Lamine Lamali, Damien Magoni.
    NETWORKING'22 - 21st IFIP International Networking Conference,
    9 pp., June 13-16, 2022, Catania, Italy.
  8. pdf Impact of Self C Parameter on SVM-based Classification of Encrypted Multimedia Peer-to-Peer Traffic.
    Vanice Canuto Cunha, Damien Magoni, Pedro R. M. Inácio, Mario M. Freire.
    AINA'22 - 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications,
    Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems vol. 449,
    pp. 180-193, April 13-15, 2022, Sydney, Australia.
  9. pdf VaVite: Verifiable Information Exchange for Virtual Asset Service Providers.
    Vytautas Tumas, Robert Norvill, Damien Magoni, Radu State.
    IPTComm'20 - 13th International Conference on Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications,
    8 pp., October 13-15, 2020, Chicago, IL, USA.
  10. pdf Classification of Encrypted Internet Traffic Using Kullback-Leibler Divergence and Euclidean Distance.
    Vanice Canuto Cunha, Arturo A. Z. Zavala, Pedro R. M. Inácio, Damien Magoni, Mario M. Freire.
    AINA'20 - 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications,
    Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing vol. 1151,
    pp. 883-897, April 15-17, 2020, Caserta, Italy.
  11. pdf Multi-Layer-Mesh: A Novel Topology and SDN-based Path Switching for Big Data Cluster Networks.
    Leandro Batista de Almeida, Damien Magoni, Philip Perry, Eduardo Cunha de Almeida, John Murphy, Anthony Ventresque.
    ICC'19 - 53rd IEEE International Conference on Communications,
    7 pp., May 20-24, 2019, Shanghai, China.
  12. pdf Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for Anomaly Detection in the Internet of Things.
    Shane Brady, Damien Magoni, John Murphy, Haytham Assem, Andres Omar Portillo Dominguez.
    LA-CCI'18 - 5th IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence,
    6 pp., November 7-9, 2018, Guadalajara, Mexico.
  13. pdf An Edge Computing Approach to Explore Indoor Environmental Sensor Data for Occupancy Measurement in Office Spaces.
    Sofiane Zemouri, Damien Magoni, Ayoub Zemouri, Yiannis Gkoufas, Kostas Katrinis, John Murphy.
    ISC2'18 - IEEE International Smart Cities Conference,
    8 pp., September 16-19, 2018, Kansas City, MO, USA.
  14. pdf SDN-enabled Adaptation of Videoconference Streams to Network Dynamics.
    Christelle Al Hasrouty, Mohamed Lamine Lamali, Damien Magoni, John Murphy.
    GLOBECOM'17 - IEEE Global Communications Conference,
    7 pp., December 4-8, 2017, Singapore.
  15. pdf SVC Videoconferencing Call Adaptation and Bandwidth Usage in SDN Networks.
    Christelle Al Hasrouty, Cristian Olariu, Vincent Autefage, Damien Magoni, John Murphy.
    GLOBECOM'17 - IEEE Global Communications Conference,
    7 pp., December 4-8, 2017, Singapore.
  16. pdf An Approach to Mitigate Multiple Malicious Node Black Hole Attacks on VANETs.
    John Tobin, Christina Thorpe, Damien Magoni, Liam Murphy.
    ECCWS'17 - 16th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security,
    pp. 470-479, June 29-30, 2017, Dublin, Ireland.
  17. pdf Towards an Emulated IoT Test Environment for Anomaly Detection using NEMU.
    Shane Brady, Adriana Hava, Philip Perry, John Murphy, Damien Magoni, Omar Portillo.
    GIoTS'17 - 1st Global Internet of Things Summit,
    pp. 1-6, June 6-9, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland.
  18. pdf SEMOS: A Middleware for Providing Secure and Mobility-aware Sessions over a P2P Overlay Network.
    Daouda Ahmat, Mahamat Barka, Damien Magoni.
    AFRICOMM'16 - 8th EAI International Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries,
    Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering vol. 208,
    pp. 111-121, December 6-7, 2016, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  19. pdf Mobile VPN Schemes: Technical Analysis and Experiments.
    Daouda Ahmat, Mahamat Barka, Damien Magoni.
    AFRICOMM'16 - 8th EAI International Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries,
    Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering vol. 208,
    pp. 88-97, December 6-7, 2016, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  20. pdf Deploying a Content Delivery Service Function Chain on an SDN-NFV Operator Infrastructure.
    Nicolas Herbaut, Daniel Négru, Damien Magoni, Pantelis Frangoudis.
    TEMU'16 - 6th International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia,
    pp. 1-7, July 25-27, 2016, Heraklion, Greece.
  21. pdf SDN-Driven Multicast Streams with Adaptive Bitrates for VoIP Conferences.
    Christelle Al Hasrouty, Vincent Autefage, Cristian Olariu, Damien Magoni, John Murphy.
    ICC'16 - IEEE International Conference on Communications,
    7 pp., May 23-27, 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  22. pdf Virtualization Toolset for Emulating Mobile Devices and Networks.
    Vincent Autefage, Damien Magoni, John Murphy.
    MOBILESOFT'16 - 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems,
    10 pp., May 16-17, 2016, Austin, TX, USA.
  23. pdf Context-Aware Adaptive Framework for e-Health Monitoring.
    Haider Mshali, Tayeb Lemlouma, Damien Magoni.
    GREENCOM'15 - 11th IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications,
    pp. 276-283, December 11-13, 2015, Sydney, Australia.
  24. pdf An IDS-based Self-healing Approach for MANET Survival.
    Leila Mechtri, Fatiha Djemili Tolba, Salim Ghanemi, Damien Magoni.
    IPAC'15 - International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing, Security and Advanced Communication,
    pp. 82:1-82:5, November 23-25, 2015, Batna, Algeria.
  25. pdf A Predictive Approach for Efficient e-Health Monitoring.
    Haider Mshali, Tayeb Lemlouma, Damien Magoni.
    HEALTHCOM'15 - 17th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services,
    pp. 268-273, October 14-17, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
  26. pdf A Mission-Oriented Service Discovery Mechanism for Highly Dynamic Autonomous Swarms of Unmanned Systems.
    Vincent Autefage, Serge Chaumette, Damien Magoni.
    ICAC'15 - 12th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing,
    pp. 31-40, July 7-10, 2015, Grenoble, France.
  27. pdf Comparison of Time Synchronization Techniques in a Distributed Collaborative Swarm System.
    Vincent Autefage, Serge Chaumette, Damien Magoni.
    EUCNC'15 - 24th European Conference on Networks and Communications,
    pp. 455-459, June 29-July 2, 2015, Paris, France.
  28. pdf Virtual and Consistent Hyperbolic Tree: A New Structure for Distributed Database Management.
    Telesphore Tiendrebeogo, Damien Magoni.
    NETYS'15 - 3rd International Conference on Networked Systems,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 9466,
    15 pp., May 13-15, 2015, Agadir, Morocco.
  29. pdf Adaptive GC-Aware Load Balancing Strategy for High-Assurance Java Distributed Systems.
    Omar Portillo-Dominguez, Miao Wang, John Murphy, Damien Magoni.
    HASE'15 - 16th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering,
    pp. 68-75, January 8-10, 2015, Daytona Beach, FL, USA.
  30. pdf Analysis of Dependency Evaluation Models for e-Health Services.
    Haider Mshali, Tayeb Lemlouma, Damien Magoni.
    GLOBECOM'14 - IEEE Global Communications Conference,
    pp. 2429-2435, December 8-12, 2014, Austin, TX, USA.
  31. pdf An Efficient Partial Data Aggregation Scheme in WSNs.
    Imane Horiya Brahmi, Soufiene Djahel, Damien Magoni, John Murphy.
    WD'14 - IFIP Wireless Days International Conference,
    3 pp., November 12-14, 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  32. pdf Messages Prioritization in IEEE 802.15.4 based WSNs for Roadside Infrastructure.
    Imane Horiya Brahmi, Soufiene Djahel, Damien Magoni, John Murphy.
    ICCVE'14 - International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo,
    pp. 1106 - 1113, November 3-7, 2014, Vienna, Austria.
  33. pdf Load Balancing of Java Applications by Forecasting Garbage Collections.
    Omar Portillo-Dominguez, Miao Wang, Damien Magoni, Philip Perry, John Murphy.
    ISPDC'14 - International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing,
    pp. 127-134, June 24-27, 2014, Porquerolles, France.
  34. pdf Determination of Bit-Rate Adaptation Thresholds for the Opus Codec for VoIP Services.
    Yi Han, Damien Magoni, Patrick McDonagh, Liam Murphy.
    ISCC'14 - IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications,
    7 pp., June 23-26, 2014, Madeira, Portugal.
  35. pdf Towards Securing Communications in Infrastructure-poor Areas.
    Daouda Ahmat, Tegawende Bissyande, Damien Magoni.
    AFRICOMM'13 - EAI International Conference on e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries,
    Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering vol. 135,
    pp. 59-69, November 25-27, 2013, Blantyre, Malawi.
  36. pdf MUSeS: Mobile User Secured Session.
    Daouda Ahmat, Damien Magoni.
    WD'12 - IFIP Wireless Days International Conference,
    6 pp., November 21-23, 2012, Dublin, Ireland.
  37. pdf Reliable and Scalable Distributed Hash Tables Harnessing Hyperbolic Coordinates.
    Telesphore Tiendrebeogo, Daouda Ahmat, Damien Magoni.
    NTMS'12 - IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security,
    6 pp., May 7-10, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
  38. pdf Overlay Addressing and Routing System Based on Hyperbolic Geometry.
    Cyril Cassagnes, Telesphore Tiendrebeogo, David Bromberg, Damien Magoni.
    ISCC'11 - IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications,
    pp. 294-301, June 28-July 1, 2011, Kerkyra, Greece.
  39. pdf Virtual Internet Connections Over Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Overlay Networks.
    Telesphore Tiendrebeogo, Damien Magoni, Oumarou Sie.
    INTERNET'11 - International Conference on Evolving Internet,
    pp. 58-65, June 19-24, 2011, Luxembourg.
  40. An Overlay Architecture for Achieving Total Flexibility in Internet Communications.
    Cyril Cassagnes, David Bromberg, Damien Magoni.
    AITM'10 - International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies for Management,
    pp. 39-60, November 22-23, 2010, Wroclaw, Poland.
  41. pdf On the Scalability of P2P-Based Push-Driven Live Streaming Systems.
    Cyril Cassagnes, Damien Magoni, Hyunseok Chang, Wenjie Wang, Sugih Jamin.
    ICC'10 - IEEE International Conference on Communications,
    May 23-27, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.
  42. pdf Impacts of Peer Characteristics on P2PTV Networks Scalability.
    Khaldoon Shami, Damien Magoni, Hyunseok Chang, Wenjie Wang, Sugih Jamin.
    INFOCOM'09 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications,
    pp. 2736-2740, April 19-25, 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  43. pdf Hierarchical Security Architecture for Next Generation Mobile Networks.
    Fazirulhisyam Hashim, Rubaiyat Kibria, Damien Magoni, Abbas Jamalipour.
    ICSPCS'07 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems,
    pp. 580-585, December 17-19, 2007, Gold Coast, Australia.
  44. pdf Connectivity, Energy and Mobility Driven Clustering Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
    Fatiha Djemili Tolba, Damien Magoni, Pascal Lorenz.
    GLOBECOM'07 - IEEE Global Communications Conference,
    pp. 2778-2782 , November 26-30, 2007, Washington, DC, USA.
  45. pdf A Stable Clustering Algorithm for Highly Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
    Fatiha Djemili Tolba, Damien Magoni, Pascal Lorenz.
    ICSNC'07 - International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications,
    pp. 11-16, August 25-31, 2007, Cap Esterel, France.
  46. pdf A Scalable Middleware for Creating and Managing Autonomous Overlays.
    Khaldoon Shami, Damien Magoni, Pascal Lorenz.
    COMSWARE'07 - International Conference on Communication Systems, Software and Middleware,
    January 7-12, 2007, Bangalore, India.
  47. pdf Energy Saving and Connectivity Factor Tradeoff by Adaptative Transmission Range in 802.11g MANETs.
    Fatiha Djemili Tolba, Damien Magoni, Pascal Lorenz.
    ICWMC'06 - International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications,
    pp. 45-50, July 29-31, 2006, Bucharest, Romania.
  48. pdf Scalable Distributed k-Resilient Name to Address Binding System for Overlays.
    Khaldoon Shami, Damien Magoni, Piotr Lipinski, Pascal Lorenz.
    ICN'06 - International Conference on Networking,
    pp. 46-54, April 23-29, 2006, Mauritius.
  49. pdf Application Layer Addressing, Routing and Naming Framework for Overlays.
    Damien Magoni, Pascal Lorenz.
    GLOBECOM'05 - IEEE Global Communications Conference,
    pp. 66-71, November 28-December 2, 2005, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA.
  50. pdf Distributed Addressing and Routing Architecture for Internet Overlays.
    Damien Magoni, Pascal Lorenz.
    ICN'05 - International Conference on Networking,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 3420,
    pp. 646-653, April 17-21, 2005, Saint Gilles, Reunion Island.
  51. pdf Multicast State Balancing By Using Alternate Shortest Paths.
    Damien Magoni.
    ICCCN'04 - International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks,
    pp. 295-300, October 11-13, 2004, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  52. pdf Distribution of Multicast Tree States Over the IPv6 Network Topology.
    Mickaël Hoerdt, Damien Magoni.
    ICC'04 - IEEE International Conference on Communications,
    pp. 1991-1995, June 20-24, 2004, Paris, France.
  53. pdf A Source Discovery Protocol for ASM Applications in SSM Networks.
    Mickaël Hoerdt, Frédéric Beck, Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    ICN'04 - International Conference on Networking,
    pp. 324-330, March 1-4, 2004, Pointe-à-Pitre, French Caribbean.
  54. pdf Completeness of the Internet Core Topology Collected by a Fast Mapping Software.
    Mickaël Hoerdt, Damien Magoni.
    SOFTCOM'03 - International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks,
    pp. 257-261, October 7-10, 2003, Split, Croatia.
  55. pdf Hierarchical Addressing and Routing Mechanisms for Distributed Applications Over Heterogeneous Networks.
    Damien Magoni.
    ICCS'03 - International Conference on Computational Science,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 2659,
    pp. 1093-1102, June 2-4, 2003, Melbourne, Australia.
  56. pdf Robustness Performance of the Internet Connectivity Under Targeted Attacks.
    Damien Magoni.
    ICCT'03 - International Conference on Communication Technology,
    pp. 1440-1443, April 9-11, 2003, Beijing, China.
  57. pdf A Scalable and Unifying Architecture for Deploying Advanced Protocols in the Internet.
    Damien Magoni.
    ICT'03 - International Conference on Telecommunications,
    pp. 1001-1007, February 23-28, 2003, Papeete, French Polynesia.
  58. pdf nem: A Software for Network Topology Analysis and Modeling.
    Damien Magoni.
    MASCOTS'02 - IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems,
    pp. 364-371, October 11-16, 2002, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.
  59. pdf Evaluation of Internet Topology Generators by Power Law and Distance Indicators.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    ICON'02 - IEEE International Conference On Networks,
    pp. 401-406, August 27-30, 2002, Singapore.
  60. pdf Internet Topology Modeler Based on Map Sampling.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    ISCC'02 - IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications,
    pp. 1021-1027, July 1-4, 2002, Giardini Naxos, Italy.
  61. pdf Network Layer Search Service Using Oriented Multicasting.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    INFOCOM'02 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications,
    pp. 1346-1355, June 23-27, 2002, New York City, New York, USA.
  62. pdf Analysis and Comparison of Internet Topology Generators.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    NETWORKING'02 - IFIP International Networking Conference,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 2345,
    pp. 364-375, May 19-24, 2002, Pisa, Italy.
  63. pdf Influence of Network Topology on Protocol Simulation.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    ICN'01 - International Conference on Networking,
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 2093,
    pp. 762-770, July 9-13, 2001, Colmar, France.
  64. pdf Algorithm for an Oriented Multicast Routing Protocol.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    ICC'01 - IEEE International Conference on Communications,
    pp. 2593-2597, June 11-14, 2001, Helsinki, Finland.
  65. pdf Agent Search by Oriented Multicast.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot, David Paté, Dominique Grad.
    SNPD'00 - International Conference on Software engineering applied to Networking and Parallel/Distributed computing,
    pp. 181-188, May 18-21, 2000, Reims, France.

Workshop Proceedings

  1. pdf Semiring Algebraic Structure for Metarouting with Automatic Tunneling.
    Noureddine Mouhoub, Lamine Lamali, Damien Magoni.
    NIB'22 - 1st IEEE International Workshop on New IP and Beyond (co-located with the 30th IEEE ICNP),
    6 pp., October 30-November 2, 2022, Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
  2. pdf A Spatial Correlation Aware Scheme for Efficient Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks.
    Imane Horiya Brahmi, Soufiene Djahel, Damien Magoni, John Murphy.
    P2MNET'15 - 11th IEEE International Workshop on Performance and Management of Wireless and Mobile Networks,
    pp. 847-854, October 26-29, 2015, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA.
  3. pdf Towards an Automated Approach to Use Expert Systems in the Performance Testing of Distributed Systems.
    Omar Portillo-Dominguez, Miao Wang, John Murphy, Damien Magoni, Nick Mitchell, Peter Sweeney, Erik Altman.
    JAMAICA'14 - ACM International Workshop on Joining AcadeMiA and Industry Contributions to Test Automation and Model-based Testing (co-located with the ACM ISSTA),
    pp. 22-27, July 21, 2014, San Jose, California, USA.
  4. pdf Automated WAIT for Cloud-based Application Testing.
    Omar Portillo-Dominguez, Miao Wang, John Murphy, Damien Magoni.
    TTC'14 - IEEE International Workshop on Testing The Cloud (co-located with the IEEE ICST),
    pp. 370-375, March 31-April 4, 2014, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
  5. pdf Network Emulator: a Network Virtualization Testbed for Overlay Experimentations.
    Vincent Autefage, Damien Magoni.
    CAMAD'12 - IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks,
    pp. 266-270, September 17-19, 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
  6. Internet Topology Analysis and Modeling.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    CCW'01 - IEEE Computer Communications Workshop,
    pp. 299-307, October 14-17, 2001, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.

Conference Proceedings (in French)

  1. Générateur de topologies pour les réseaux hétérogènes et multicouches.
    Noureddine Mouhoub, Maria Moloney, Damien Magoni.
    CORES'24 - 9èmes Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l'évaluation de performance et l'expérimentation des réseaux de communication,
    mai 2024, Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, France.
  2. (Presque) Floyd-Warshall sous stéroïdes : (encore) un algorithme de routage pour l'établissement automatique de tunnels.
    Noureddine Mouhoub, Lamine Lamali, Damien Magoni.
    ALGOTEL'22 - 24èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications,
    30 mai - 3 juin 2022, Saint-Rémy-Lès-Chevreuse, France.
  3. WireGuard ou comment mettre en place un VPN en un temps record.
    Vincent Autefage, Damien Magoni.
    JRES'22 - 14èmes Journées Réseaux de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche,
    17-20 mai 2022, Marseille, France.
  4. Adaptation des flux de vidéoconférence en coeur de réseau SDN.
    Christelle Al Hasrouty, Cristian Olariu, Vincent Autefage, Damien Magoni, John Murphy.
    CORES'17 - 2èmes Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l'évaluation de performance et l'expérimentation des réseaux de communication,
    mai 2017, Quiberon, France.
  5. Arbres de diffusion pour sessions MVoIP avec flux hétérogènes.
    Christelle Al Hasrouty, Vincent Autefage, Cristian Olariu, Damien Magoni, John Murphy.
    ALGOTEL'16 - 18èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications,
    mai 2016, Bayonne, France.
  6. pdf Distributed Collaborative System for Heterogeneous Swarms of Autonomous Mobile Robots.
    Vincent Autefage, Serge Chaumette, Damien Magoni.
    CFIP'15 - 17ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles,
    juillet 2015, Paris, France.
  7. Influence des modèles de mobilité sur un système collaboratif pour flottes autonomes hétérogènes.
    Vincent Autefage, Serge Chaumette, Damien Magoni.
    ALGOTEL'15 - 17èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications,
    juin 2015, Beaune, France.
  8. NEmu : un outil de virtualisation de réseaux à la demande pour l'enseignement.
    Vincent Autefage, Damien Magoni.
    JRES'13 - 10èmes Journées Réseaux,
    décembre 2013, Montpellier, France.
  9. Virtualisation de réseau avec Network Emulator et application à l'évaluation d'un réseau recouvrant.
    Vincent Autefage, Damien Magoni.
    CFIP'12 - 16ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles,
    pp.153-160, octobre 2012, Anglet, France.
  10. DHT Basée sur la Géométrie Hyperbolique.
    Cyril Cassagnes, Telesphore Tiendrebeogo, Yérom-David Bromberg, Damien Magoni.
    CFIP'11 - 15ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles,
    mai 2011, Sainte-Maxime, France.
  11. Etude du passage à l'échelle d'un système pair-à-pair de diffusion télévisuelle.
    Cyril Cassagnes, Damien Magoni, Chang Hyunseok, Sugih Jamin.
    JDIR'10 - 11èmes Journées Doctorales en Informatique et Réseaux,
    mars 2010, Sophia Antipolis, France.
  12. Evaluation de l'impact d'attaques distribuées par déni de service utilisant un protocole multipoint à source unique.
    Mickaël Hoerdt, Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    JDIR'04 - 6èmes Journées Doctorales Informatique et Réseaux,
    pp. 128-136, 2-4 novembre 2004, Lannion, France.
  13. Arbres des plus courts chemins multiples dans l'Internet IPv6.
    Mickaël Hoerdt, Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    ALGOTEL'04 - 6èmes Rencontres francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications,
    pp. 75-80, 26-28 mai 2004, Batz-sur-Mer, France.
  14. Complétude de la topologie du coeur d'Internet par cartographie rapide.
    Mickaël Hoerdt, Damien Magoni.
    CFIP'03 - 10ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles,
    pp. 409-424, 7-10 octobre 2003, Paris, France.
  15. Répartition des états de routage multipoint par les plus courts chemins multiples.
    Mickaël Hoerdt, Jean-Jacques Pansiot, Damien Magoni, Dominique Grad.
    ALGOTEL'03 - 5èmes Rencontres francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications,
    pp. 139-145, 12-14 mai 2003, Banyuls-sur-mer, France.
  16. Protocole de recherche d'agent par diffusion multipoint orientée.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    CFIP'02 - 9ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles,
    pp. 85-98, 27-30 mai 2002, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
  17. Topologie des Systèmes Autonomes de l'Internet.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    JDIR'02 - 5èmes Journées Doctorales Informatique et Réseaux,
    pp. 1-10, 4-6 mars 2002, Toulouse, France.
  18. Algorithme pour la modélisation de la topologie d'Internet.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot.
    ALGOTEL'01 - 3èmes Rencontres francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications,
    pp. 153-159, 28-30 mai 2001, Saint Jean de Luz, France.
  19. Mécanismes de diffusion orientée.
    Damien Magoni, Jean-Jacques Pansiot, David Paté, Dominique Grad.
    ALGOTEL'00 - 2èmes Rencontres francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications,
    pp. 155-159, 10-12 mai 2000, La Rochelle, France.

Patents (in French)

  1. Mécanismes de communication avec un service accessible via un réseau de télécommunication....
    Université de Bordeaux - Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux - CNRS,
    n° d'enregistrement national : 21 13781, n° de publication : 3 131 153, date de délivrance : 26 avril 2024.

Dissertations (in French)

  1. Topologies de l'Internet : des routeurs aux réseaux recouvrants.
    Habilitation à diriger des recherches,
    Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg 1,
    n° d'ordre 718, 190 pages, décembre 2007.
  2. Service de recherche d'agent par diffusion multipoint orientée.
    Thèse de doctorat,
    Université Louis Pasteur - Strasbourg 1,
    n° d'ordre 3978, 154 pages, janvier 2002.


  1. pdf D4 - IoT Test Bed Setup and Test Plan.
    Log Analytics in a Distributed IoT System, EI-IPP-2014-0344, September 2016.
  2. pdf D6.3 - e-SENS European Interoperability Reference Architecture.
    Electronic Simple European Networked Services, CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6, May 2015.
  3. pdf D6.2 - e-SENS European Interoperability Reference Architecture.
    Electronic Simple European Networked Services, CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6, February 2015.
  4. pdf D2 - Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Candidate Technologies.
    Web Services Adaptation of a Secure Online Platform for e-Business Data Exchange, EI-IPP-2013-0260, January 2015.
  5. pdf D1 - Current Status Evaluation.
    Web Services Adaptation of a Secure Online Platform for e-Business Data Exchange, EI-IPP-2013-0260, August 2014.
  6. pdf D6.2 - Evaluation Results of Content-aware Cross-layer Optimisations for Advanced Multimedia Applications.
    Enriched Network-aware Video Services over Internet Overlay Networks, FP7-ICT-2009-4, February 2013.
  7. pdf D6.1 - Initial Testbed Description and Preliminary Evaluation Results of Content-aware Cross-layer Optimisations for Advanced Multimedia Applications.
    Enriched Network-aware Video Services over Internet Overlay Networks, FP7-ICT-2009-4, February 2012.

© 2000-2024 Damien Magoni.
Last updated: August 7, 2024.