
30 09 2020

The stallings_graphs package

This is a SageMath package, meant to experiment with finitely generated subgroups of (finite rank) free groups.

To install: run the following command under sage:

sage -pip install stallings-graphs

You may also download the package from and install it locally.

To consult the documentation (pdf), click here.

To consult the documentation (html), click here.

Additional install notes, based on my (limited) experience, mostly in mac OS…

The documentation with the package discusses prerequisites. In addition, sage must have access to your pdflatex. Towards this purpose, I have a .bashrc file in my home directory, with the following content:

export PATH=/Library/TeX/texbin:$PATH


I also have an init.sage file in the ~/.sage/ directory with the following content (specific to mac OS):

path_to_pdflatex = ':' + os.path.sep + os.path.join('Library','TeX','texbin')

path_to_convert = ':/usr/local/bin'

os.environ['PATH'] += path_to_pdflatex

os.environ['PATH'] += path_to_convert

You are encouraged to look into the makefile file in the stallings_graphs folder, to see other potentially useful make commands.

Pascal Weil