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An efficient method for correcting long PacBio reads
du groupe BioInformatique et Visualisation

Date 2014-11-18  14:00-15:00
TitreAn efficient method for correcting long PacBio reads 
RésuméPacBio Single Molecule, Real Time sequencing is a third generation sequencing technique producing long reads with comparatively lower throughput and higher error rate. Errors include numerous indels and complicate downstream analysis like mapping or de novo assembly. A hybrid strategy that takes advantage of the high accuracy of Second Generation short reads has been proposed for correcting long reads. Mapping of short reads on long reads provides sufficient coverage to eliminate up to 99% of errors, however at the expense of prohibitive running times and considerable amounts of disk and memory space. We present LoRDEC, a hybrid error correction method that builds a succinct de Bruijn graph representing the short reads, and seeks a corrective sequence for each erroneous region in the long reads by traversing chosen paths in the graph. In comparisons, LoRDEC is at least six times faster and requires at least 93% less memory or disk space than available tools, while achieving comparable accuracy. LoRDEC software is available on the ATGC platform ( References [1] L. Salmela and E. Rivals. LoRDEC: accurate and efficient long read error correction. Bioinformatics, August 26 2014. On line doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu538. 
OrateurEric Rivals 
UrlDR CNRS, LIRMM Montpellier 

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