Evènement pour le groupe Modélisation et Verification

Date 2014-06-05  11:00-12:00
TitreSequentialization and Bounded Model-checking 
RésuméBounded model checking (BMC) has successfully been used for many practical program veri fication problems, but concurrency still poses a challenge. Sequentializations have emerged as an efficient technique to obtain analysis tools for concurrent programs by reusing tools designed for sequential programs. In this talk, we describe some recent results concerning the design and the implementation of efficient sequentializations targeted to using BMC tools as backends. The presented sequentializations are implemented in the tool CSeq (http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/gp4/cseq/cseq.html). 
OrateurSalvatore La Torre 
UrlUniv. Salerno 

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