Evènement pour le groupe Modélisation et Verification

Date 2010-05-20  11:30-12:45
TitreImplicit Real Vector Automata 
RésuméThis work addresses the efficient handling of non-convex real polyhedra, i.e., sets of real vectors satisfying arbitrary Boolean combinations of linear constraints. We develop a symbolic data structure for representing such sets, based on an implicit and concise encoding of a known structure, the Real Vector Automaton. The resulting formalism provides a canonical representation of non-convex polyhedra, is closed under Boolean operators, and admits an efficient decision procedure for testing the membership of a vector. Joint work with Julien Brusten and Jean-François Degbomont 
LieuSalle 076, LaBRI, Rez-de-chaussée 
OrateurBernard Boigelot 
UrlInstitut Montefiore (Liège, Belgique) 

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