Evènement pour le groupe Combinatoire Énumérative et Algébrique

Date 2018-02-16  10:45-11:45
TitreParallelogram Polyominoes and the Delta Conjecture 
RésuméThe Delta Conjecture is an important open problem in algebraic combinatorics. It gives a combinatorial interpretation for certain instances of the Delta operator, which is a linear operator on the space of symmetric functions that acts diagonally on the basis of Macdonald polynomials. The Delta Conjecture is stated in terms of parking functions, which are labelled Dyck paths. We give a combinatorial interpretation for some particular instances of the Delta Conjecture in terms of decorated parallelogram polyominoes, showing some recursions and proving the “hh” case using a bijection with some subset of parking functions. 
OrateurAlessandro Iraci 
UrlUniversité de Pise, Italie 

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