Evènement pour le groupe Algorithmique Distribuée

Date 2012-07-16  14:00-15:00
TitreFrom self-stabilizing to self-stabilizing with service guarantee weight-based clustering  
RésuméI will present a generic scheme to transform a silent self-stabilizing 1-hop weight-based clustering protocol, called original protocol P, to a self-stabilizing with service guarantee protocol, called the transformed protocol TP. TP requires only 2 bits more than P. Moreover, starting from an arbitrary configuration, TP reaches a safe con guration in at most 3 rounds, where the following useful minimal service is provided: "each node belongs to a 1-hop cluster having an e ffectual leader". Afterwards, TP reaches a terminal configuration in at most 4*SP rounds where SP is the stabilization time of P protocol. During stabilization of TP protocol, the minimal service is preserved, so the clustering structure is available throughout the entire network. Intervenant: Fouzi Mekhaldi 
Lieus. 076 
OrateurFouzi Mekhaldi 

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