Caromel Attali family partly missing in Sri Lanka

The bodies of Isabelle and Ugo have been recovered from Sri Lanka. A funeral oecumenic ceremony will take place in Antibes at 14h the 28th of March.

Tom is still missing.

Grant in memory of Isabelle Attali/Bourse en mémoire d'Isabelle Attali

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This web page is dedicated to the family of our friends Denis Caromel, Isabelle Attali and their two boys Ugo and Tom.

They were staying in the Yala Safari Beach Hotel, 1/2 km from the entrance of the Yala National Park (and 28km from Tissamaharamaya) in the south east part of Sri Lanka when the tidal wave reached the area. They were in their room at the hotel.

The family has been separated during the event. Denis is now in a hospital in Nice, France, after staying a week in a hospital in Colombo. Isabelle, Ugo an Tom are missing. The hotel was between the sea (some 200 meters from it) and a lagoon (some 400 meters behind the hotel). Denis beleives that his family may have been taken by the wave in the direction of the lagoon or that they may have been stuck in their bungalow that was number 114. Denis decided to make the papers published by the Est Republicain available on this Web site because it may help the rescue teams in the process of looking for Isabelle, Tom and Ugo. It is strictly forbiden to use it for any other purpose.    
- Est Republicain paper describing what happened in english
- Article de l'Est Republicain décrivant ce qui s'est passé en français article 1 (the small photo of Tom is only available in the regular paper version/la petite photo de Tom n'est disponible que dans la version papier de l'article)     article 2

Here are some photos (additional and larger photos bellow)


Here is a map of the location.

Isabelle is nearly 42 (born 01/63) , blond, 1m63, 65kg, clear complexion. She has scars (about 30cm long) on both thighs because she has been operated on at the hips. Her left leg is shorter (approximately 2 centimeters) than the other. She has a dental bridge (up right). Here is dental information that may help to identify her.

dental information

Ugo is nearly 8 (01/97), 1.20m, blond, very short hair, clear complexion. He has recently lost four teeth (two front top, and two front bottom) that have been replaced by adult teeth. Ugo has a small scar at the chin and one at the forehead. Ugo has a mole in the back. He also has a mole in the hair, on the right side.

Tom is nearly 5 (born 01/00), 1m., blond, very short hair, clear complexion. He has a small scar in the back (bottom left). Feets slightly turned to the inside. Tom has a mole in the hair, on the right side.

Please direct any information that may help finding them to the following e-mail addresses : (Cecile Attali)

We are constantly working to find them since Monday 26th. Thanks to anyone who can help.



Here are the same photos in large format.

About the tragedy


About Isabelle and her work

Reports on Isabelle's work

Isabelle's husband, Denis

Family and photos