DGCI home 10th Int. Conf. on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery

Information for authors

Paper submission procedure

Prospective contributors are invited to submit full papers in English reporting their original work. The submission procedure is as follows:

  1. Online submission registration. Authors should fill the online form to obtain an identification number (ID). This ID will be used for the hardcopy submission and for later correspondences.

  2. Hardcopy submission. Four copies of each complete paper, including cover page (see below), should be sent to the address below and ARRIVE no later than September 14, 2001. We encourage you to use the LNCS style even for the submitted paper. This will reduce your work when preparing the camera-ready version (see below).

    All pages should show the ID obtained after online submission registration and be consecutively numbered. The final length of the accepted papers will be 10 pages. Papers considerably longer than the final length risk being rejected without review.

Cover page

The cover page must contain the following information:

These information should match the information provided when filling the online submission registration form.

Submission address

DGCI 2002 Secretariat
LaBRI, Université Bordeaux 1
351 Cours de la Libération

Review process

All papers will be reviewed by (at least) two persons and their reviews will be returned to the corresponding author on November 12, 2001. Authors will be expected to revise their papers according to the suggestions of the reviewers. Those who do not, risk having their camera ready version rejected. Decision on oral or poster presentation will be taken solely on suitability.

Preparation of camera-ready version

As previously notified, the proceedings of the DGCI'2002 conference will be published in an issue of LNCS.

In order to ensure that your paper is correctly published by Springer, we ask contributing authors to follow their instructions. You will find everything you may need at the following address:


You may use either LaTeX or Word. But keep in mind that either the publisher and ourselves highly discourage you from using Word. In any cases, you are highly encouraged to use the LNCS styles available from the link above.

Tu publish your paper, we need both the camera-ready paper files and a signed copyright form.

Camera-ready paper files

Camera-ready papers must not exceed 12 pages, hard limit.

Here is an abstract of what we (editors) need:

You should send us one file gathering all the necessary files listed above, either as a tar gzipped archive file or as a zipped file (using WinZip). You should name your file with the convention name-id.ext where

This file should be sent before December 14, 2001 at the DGCI e-mail address dgci2002@labri.fr

Copyright form

Don't forget to fill and send a copyright form for each author (available on Springer LNCS website). Otherwise Springer won't publish your paper. You must send the completed and signed copyright form to us either by mail or by fax.

DGCI 2002 Secretariat
LaBRI, Université Bordeaux 1
351 Cours de la Libération
FAX: +

Information for presentations

Information for oral presentations

Each oral presentation is given 25 minutes. The speaker should not take longer than 20 minutes in order to leave time to questions. For the oral presentation, speakers have access to a PC running Windows and Linux. PowerPoint and Acroread are installed on this PC. An overhead projector will also be available.

Information for poster presentations

Each poster presentation is allocated a panel 1.5m high and 1m wide. Scotch tape will be available to fasten the poster to the panels.

Last update: mars 11, 2002
lun mar 11 16:23:11 CET 2002