International Workshop on Javatm for Parallel and Distributed Computing

Held in conjunction with  the
International Parallel 
Distributed Processing Symposium 

(IPDPS 2003)
(April 22-26, 2003,
Nice, FRANCE) 

Tuesday, April 22, 2003


9H00 Beginning of workshop
9H00 Welcome, Opening Remarks and Overview of the Workshop 
Serge Chaumette
9H15 Invited Session : To be announced
10H00 Break
10H30 Session 1: Formal Aspects 

A Formal Specification of Java Concurrency to Assist Software Verification 
Brad Long and Ben Long 

Distributed Process Networks in Java 
Thomas M. Parks and David Roberts

11H15 Session 2: Applications

LEAF: A Toolkit for Developing Coordinated Learning Based MAS 
Steven Lynden and Omer F. Rana

Using Java for Plasma PIC Simulations 
Quanming Lu and Vladmir Getov

Wrapping Legacy Codes  for Grid-Based Applications
Yan Huang, Ian Taylor, David Walker and Robert Davies

12H30 Lunch
14H00 Session 3: Methodology

Programming Metasystems with Active Objects 
Michele Di Santo, Franco Frattolillo, Nadia Ranaldo, Wilma Russo and Eugenio Zimeo

A Methodology for Concurrent and Distributed Java Applications 
Rafael Ramirez and Andrew E. Santosa

14H50 Session 4: Performance

Selective Optimization of Locks by Runtime Statistics and Just-in-time Compilation 
Ray Odaira and Kei Hiraki

15H15 Break
15H45 Session 4 (continued) :  performance 

Characterizing Java Application Performance 
Ghulam Lashari

Performance and Scalability of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks in Java 
Michael A. Frumkin, Matthew Schultz, Haoqiang Jin, and Jerry Yan 

Session 4: Run-time Support

Resource Management for Parallel Adaptive Components 
Luc Courtrai, Frédéric Guidec, Nicolas Le Sommer,and Yves Mahéo

Transparent Distributed Threads for Java 
Bernhard Haumacher, Thomas Moschny, Jürgen Reuter, and Walter F. Tichy 

RMIX: A Multiprotocol RMI Framework for Java
David Kurzyniec, Tomas Wrzosek, Vaidy Sunderam, and Aleksander Slominski

17H45 Open Discussion
18H00 End of workshop