As of 2023-2024, I am a temporary teaching and research assistant (A.T.E.R.:"Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche") in Computer Science at Université de Bordeaux. I do my research in the "Graphs and Optimization" team at LaBRI, and my teaching in the Computer Science department of IUT de Bordeaux.

Previously, I was a PhD student in discrete mathematics at Institut Fourier under the supervision of Sylvain Gravier and Isabelle Sivignon. I defended my PhD thesis on July 3, 2023. The manuscript and the slides from my presentation are available in the "Publications" section.

example graphic

I am interested in games in general, as well as structural graph theory. My focus so far has predominantly been on positional games, which are a family of combinatorial games played on hypergraphs (including tic-tac-toe, Hex...). More specifically, the main part of my PhD thesis is about the Maker-Breaker convention. I have also studied connectivity problems in hypergraphs and reconfiguration problems in graphs.

Aside from my research, I enjoy teaching mathematics and computer science, as well as popularizing discrete mathematics to all audiences.