#use wml::std::grid
#include "customize.wml"
#include <banner.wml> title="Abdou's Homepage" path="home"
#include <news.tag>
#include <download.tag>

  <table border=0 width="98%">
    <tr><td width="50%" valign=top>

;;; News ;;;

<frame title="Abdou.news">
<newsentry header="no news yet">

;;; <newsentry header="Added some LaTeX sources" pubdate="Tue Feb 10 @ 09:12 am">
;;;   Some people have been asking me for the sources of my <download
;;;   file="These_src" name="PhD dissertation" ext="tgz" dir="ps"> and of the
;;;   <download file="These_slides_src" name="slides of my defense" ext="tgz"
;;;   dir="ps">. It is full of uggly LaTeX hacks but who knows... you may find
;;;   something interesting in it.
;;; </newsentry>

;;; <newsentry header="SimGrid Day at Besancon :)" pubdate="Thu Jan 22 2003 @ 7:00 pm">
;;;   You can get the <download file="Simgrid-Besancon" ext="pdf" dir="articles" name="slides">.
;;; </newsentry>

;;; <newsentry header="Loïs" pubdate="Sun Dec 14 2003 @ 2:51 pm">
;;;   Our third son is born by a sunny winter afternoon. And he is cute...
;;; </newsentry>

;;; <newsentry header="I got my PhD." pubdate="Thu Dec 11 2003 @ 4:30 pm">
;;;   Everything went fine. Nothing more to add. 

;;;   Check out the 
;;;   <download file="thesis_main" ext="pdf" dir="articles" name="final dissertation"> 
;;;   or the 
;;;   <download file="thesis_slides" ext="pdf" dir="articles" name="slides">.

;;; Check out 
;;;   <a href=publications.html#l:03:algorithmique-parall>here</a>
;;;   for the final dissertation and 
;;;   <a href=publications.html#SoutenancePhD>here</a> 
;;;   for the slides.

;;; </newsentry>

;;; <newsentry header="Yearly update of the wml stuff... ;)" pubdate="Tue Jul 8 2003 @ 6:20 pm">
;;;   Click on the View Source at the bottom of the page to know how these
;;;   pages are generated.
;;; </newsentry>
;;; <newsentry header="Added a LaTeX page" pubdate="Tue Jul 1 2003 @ 9:26 am">
;;;   Many documentations in the pdf format (TeXBook, documented LaTeX sources, ...).
;;; </newsentry>
;;; <newsentry header="Updated the research part" pubdate="Thu Jun 26 2003 @ 1:53 pm">
;;;   Bibtool is great ! :)
;;; </newsentry>
;;; <newsentry header="Updated the research and teaching part" pubdate="Thu Fev 13 2003 @ 1:26 pm">
;;;   Article++ (on steady-state graph scheduling and on AlNeM) and The great book 
;;;   on Parallel Algorithms. ;)
;;; </newsentry>
;;; <newsentry header="SimGrid 2 finally available" pubdate="Fri Sep 20 2002 @ 2:13 pm">
;;;   SimGrid and MSG have at last been merged. The webpage is <a href=simgrid2.html>here</a> !
;;; </newsentry>
;;; <newsentry header="Thx Mt!" pubdate="Fri Jul 12 2002 @ 6:55 pm">
;;;   Martin was pissed off because my wml source code was crappy and out of date. 
;;;   So he has rewritten it using his stuff. Now, it's much nicer and the publication 
;;;   page is generated thanks to a simple bibtex file.
;;; </newsentry>
;;; <newsentry header="At last..." pubdate="Mon Jul 23 2001 @ 0:28 am">
;;;   At last, I've discovered wmk and how to use css. Almost everything was taken 
;;;   from the design <a href="http://dan.hersam.com/designs/mod_tweedy/">Dan Hersam</a> 
;;;   sent to <a href="http://oswd.org">oswd.org</a>.
;;; </newsentry>
;;; <newsentry header="Small update" pubdate="Mon Mar 5 2000 @ 0:54 pm">
;;;   I've updated the research part. By the way wml is realy cool.
;;; </newsentry>
;;; <newsentry header="One more..." pubdate="Fri Sep 29 2000 @ 1:03 pm">
;;;   I've added the research part of this homepage. My opininon is it
;;;   was getting urgent even if there isn't a lot of things to
;;;   say... yet. ;)
;;; </newsentry>
;;; <newsentry header="Fiat Lux." pubdate="Wed Sep 27 2000 @ 2:42 pm">
;;;   I was tired with my ugly out of date homepage. Lots of people were
;;;   asking me photos of my childrens but I really had no time (and I
;;;   still have no time by the way but...) to design a new one. I've
;;;   found oswd.org an hour ago and, after a few changes, even if
;;;   there's nothing of interest in it, it kicks ass. Thanks
;;;   artwiz. :) 
;;; </newsentry>

;;;end news

;;; links ;;;
;;;<frame title="links.">
;;;  <b><a href="http://www.google.com">google.com</a></b> - a great search engine<br>
;;;  <b><a href="http://www.debian.org">debian.org</a></b> - still the best linux distribution I know<br>
;;;  <b><a href="http://oswd.org">oswd.org</a></b> - the site that made me start again my homepage<br>
;;;  <b><a href="http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs">Research Index</a></b> - a search engine for computer science articles<br>
;;;  <b><a href="http://www.nada.kth.se/~viggo/problemlist/compendium.html">The compendium</a></b> - a compendium of NP optimization problems<br>
;;;  <b><a href="http://guilde.jeunes-chercheurs.org/Guilde/">La Guilde</a></b> - la guilde des doctorants<br>
;;;  <b><a href="http://cnu.ifsic.univ-rennes1.fr/">CNU - Section 27</a></b> - le site du CNU de la section 27<br>
;;;  <b><a href="http://www.bnrmetal.com/">BNRMetal</a></b> - A site about metal bands (discography, biography, members)<br>

;;;<frame title="Local services">
;;;  <b><a href="http://localhost/horde2/">Horde2 :: Kronolith</a></b><br>
;;;  <b><a href="https://webmail.imag.fr/">IMAG WebMail</a></b><br>
;;;  <b><a href="http://localhost/phpmyadmin/">PHP My Admin</a></b><br>
;;;  <b><a href="http://localhost/acidlab/">ACID lab</a></b><br>
;;;  <b><a href="http://localhost:631/">CUPS</a></b><br>
<frame title="links to some friends.">
    <b><a href="http://www-id.imag.fr/Laboratoire/Membres/Legrand_Arnaud/">Alvin</a></b> - Arnaud Legrand<br>
    <b><a href="http://www.loria.fr/~quinson">Mt</a></b> - Martin Quinson<br>
    <b><a href="http://www.polytech.unice.fr/~hrenard/">Ln</a></b> - Hélène Renard<br>
    <b><a href="http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/loris.marchal">Loris</a></b> - Loris Marchal<br>
    <td width="50%" valign=top>

;;; who.am.i ;;;

<frame title="who.am.i">
  <grid layout=2x8 align=ll valign=tttttttt border=0 spacing=5>
      <cell>Abdou Guermouche</cell>

      ;;; <cell><b><small>age:</small></b></cell>
      ;;; <cell>31</cell>

;;;      <cell><b><small>family:</small></b></cell>
;;;      <cell>a wonderful wife named 
;;;      <a href="mailto:legrandsophie\@free.fr">Sophie</a> 
;;;      and three sons: "Clément" and "Rémi" and "Loïs"</cell>


      <cell>I'm an associate professor at the University of Bordeaux
      1. I'm a member of the <a href="http://www.labri.fr">LaBRI</a>
      laboratory and member of
      the <a
      href="http://hiepacs.bordeaux.inria.fr/">HiePACS</a> INRIA project-team.</cell>


      <cell> Music (METAL), some running and swiming, playing with linux, ... </cell>
      <cell> + 33 5 24 57 41 03 </cell> 

      <cell> + 33 5 40 00 66 69 </cell>

      <cell> LaBRI <br>
             351, cours de la Libération <br>
	     F-33405 Talence cedex <br>


;;; links ;;;


;;;<iframe title="" src="https://haltools.inria.fr/Public/afficheRequetePubli.php?projet_anr=37127&CB_auteur=oui&CB_titre=oui&CB_article=oui&langue=Anglais&tri_exp=annee_publi&tri_exp2=typdoc&tri_exp3=date_publi&ordre_aff=TA&Fen=Aff&css=../css/styles_publicationsHAL_frame.css" style="width:98%; height:400px"></iframe>

;;;    <small>
;;;    <strong>Electronic mail address:</strong>
;;;       <a href="mailto:Arnaud.Legrand@ens-lyon.fr" class="white">
;;;	Arnaud.Legrand@ens-lyon.fr</a><br>
;;;    <strong>Web address:</strong>
;;;      <a href="http://www.ens-lyon.fr/~alegrand" class="white">
;;;	http://www.ens-lyon.fr/~alegrand</a><br>
;;;    Last modification : <:= &isotime(time()) :>.
;;;    </small>