Journées Graphes et Algorithmes (JGA) 2022 (Ulm, November 16th-18th 2022)
The Weak (2,2)-Labelling Problem for graphs with forbidden induced structures
Conference on Algorithm and Discrete Applied Mathematics (Gandhinagar, February 9th-11th 2023)
The Weak (2,2)-Labelling Problem for graphs with forbidden induced structures
- Best Student Presentation Award
GT Graphes et Optimisation (GT GO) (LaBRI, March 3rd 2023)
On inducing degenerate sums through 2-labellings
GDR-IM (IRIF, April 4th-7th 2023)
Poster: Adding direction constraints to the 1-2-3 Conjecture
Journées Graphes et Algorithmes (JGA) 2023 (Lyon, November 21st-24th 2023)
Monitoring edge-geodetic sets on oriented graphs
Séminaire du GT AlCoLoCo (Clermont-Ferrand, December 14th 2023)
Monitoring edge-geodetics of graphs
GT Graphes et Optimisation (GT GO) (LaBRI, January 12th 2024)
Monitoring edge-geodetics of graphs
Mathematics Weekly Seminar IITDh (IIT Dharwad, March 7th 2024)
On inducing degenerate sums through 2-labellings
Journée de l'EDMI (LaBRI, April 11th 2024)
Poster: From Antimagic to Equitable Labellings
Journée du Département CombAlgo (LaBRI, April 17th 2024)
From Antimagic to Equitable Labellings
IWOCA 2024 (Ischia, July 2nd 2024)
From Antimagic to Equitable Labellings