
The Biometric Power Graph application aims at helping the researcher in biometric authentication to evaluate the performance of its biometric authentication method. Its advantage over the standard evaluation methods rely on its ability to identify individuals or samples sources of errors. The documentation is available here

Research project

This project is a research project linked to:

  • visualisation: with the design of specific graph drawing algorithms.
  • biometry: with the proposal of new methods to evaluate the performance.

How to test the current version

A docker machine has already been build for NVIDIA computer

# Installation of docker
sudo apt-get install
sudo addgroup $USER docker # user must logout/login to take that into account

# Execution of the application from a pre-made docker container
xhost + # Allow access docker to X
docker run -i --rm=true --privileged \
	-e "DISPLAY=unix\$DISPLAY" \
	-v "/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" \
	-t rgiot/bpg-nvidia:ijcb2017

Once the application will be enough mature, a repository with the source code and a complete documentation to build the project will be available. If you still want to contribute to the application do not hesitate to contact me. Current source code is here and should be compiled as any Tulip plugin.
