Sebastián Barbieri Lemp

Mini courses

Dinámica simbólica sobre los grupos, [in spanish] Ciudad de México, Escuela de invierno en grupos y dinámica en México, january 2018.


Como decorar una cocina con matemáticas, FUNDAPROMAT, Panamá, April 2024.
Sturmian configurations through asymptotic pairs, Brin Mathematics Research Center, Maryland, US, October 2023.
Entropía en sistemas dinámicos, VIPO USACH, Santiago, 2023.
Self-simulable groups, Dyadisc 5, Liège, Belgium, March 2023.
Pares asintóticos indistuinguibles, Somachi, december 2022.
Self-simulable groups, Group Actions: Dynamics, Measure, Topology, Munster, Germany, December 2022.
Insdistinguishability and multidimensional Sturmian configurations, Combinatorics on Words seminar, November 2022.
VIDEO The Lanford-Ruelle theorem for actions of sofic groups, UT Groups & Dynamics, November 2022.
Indistinguishability and multidimensional Sturmian configurations, Dyadisc, Liège, June 2022.
Formalismo termodinámico en grupos sóficos, Seminario de sistemas dinámicos de Santiago, PUC, May 2022.
VIDEO Pares asintóticos indistinguibles, Seminario de álgebra de Guadalajara, Marzo 2022.
VIDEO Self-simulable groups, UT Groups & Dynamics, October 2021.
VIDEO Effective dynamics, UT Groups & Dynamics, September 2021.
Self-simulable groups, Séminaire TEICH Marseille, Virtual, April 2021.
Acciones calculables de grupos y su dinámica, [in spanish] Seminario de Grupos y Geometría, Virtual, October 2020.
On the relation between topological entropy and asymptotic pairs, Seminario de sistemas dinámicos de Santiago, Virtual, June 2020.
VIDEO Topological Markov properties, One day online session for symbolic dynamics, Virtual, May 2020.
VIDEO Sobre la relación entre entropía topológica y parejas asintótcas, [en español] Coloquio UNAM, Mexico city, March 2020.
VIDEO Topological entropies of subshifts of finite type in countable amenable groups, Symbolic Dynamical Systems, Oaxaca, May 2019.
The domino problem for word-hyperbolic groups, Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness, Santiago, December 2018.
The Dobrushin Lanford Ruelle theorem on steroids, UBC probability seminar, Vancouver, October 2018.
A strongly aperiodic SFT in the Grigorchuk group, Algorithmic questions in Dynamical systems, Toulouse, March 2018.
A strongly aperiodic SFT in the Grigorchuk group, Pingree Park, July 2017.
Shift spaces on groups: computability and dynamics, PhD thesis defense, June 2017.
Realizability of non-expansive dynamics and applications, Workshop dyadisc, Amiens, June 2017.
Symbolic dynamics and simulation theorems, Séminaire Automata IRIF, Paris, May 2017.
Strongly aperiodic subshifts in countable groups, Séminaire Ernest, Marseille, April 2017.
Strongly aperiodic subshifts in countable groups, Séminaire de combinatoire et théorie des nombres, Lyon, March 2017.
The torsion problem for the automorphism group of a full $\mathbb{Z}^d$-shift and its topological fullgroup, Wandering Seminar, Wroclaw, March 2017.
The group of reversible Turing machines and the torsion problem for $\operatorname{Aut}(\mathcal{A}^{\mathbb{Z}^d})$ and related topological fullgroups, CMM, Santiago, December 2016.
The domino problem for self-similar structures, CIE, Paris, June 2016.
The group of reversible Turing machines, AUTOMATA, Zurich, June 2016.
Une courte preuve de l'existence des subshifts fortement apériodiques sur les groupes dénombrables, [in french] Interactions, ENS de Lyon, May 2016.
Que pensent les mosaïques de la monotonie ? [in french] Séminaire détente matématique, ENS de Lyon, March 2016.
A short proof of the existence of non-empty strongly aperiodic subshifts over $\{0,1\}$ in countable groups, Séminaire LAMA, Chambery, January 2016.
A short proof of the existence of non-empty strongly aperiodic subshifts over $\{0,1\}$ in countable groups, Amiens, December 2015.
The domino problem for structures between $\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{Z}^2$, Paris-est Creteil, November 2015.
The domino problem for structures between $\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{Z}^2$, University of Turku, Turku, October 2015.
Subshifts in groups: From square-free words on graphs to aperiodic subshifts, Rouen, October 2015.
Effectiveness and aperiodicity of subshifts, Journées Calculabilitées, Fontainebleau, April 2015.
Effectiveness in finitely generated groups, Paris, LIAFA (now IRIF), November 2014.


The domino problem for fractal subsets between $\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{Z}^2$, Paris, Journées GDR-IM, january 2016.
Effectiveness in finitely generated groups, Chile, Workshop on Symbolic Dynamics on finitely presented Groups, december 2014.