Code for arXiv:1906.01104

The code contained in [Lab2021c]



S. Labbé. Rauzy induction of polygon partitions and toral $Z^2$-rotations, 2021,


sage: from slabbe.arXiv_1906_01104 import beta8,beta9,tau
sage: beta8*beta9*tau
Substitution 2d: {0: [[17]], 1: [[12]], 2: [[16, 10]], 3: [[16, 9]], 
4: [[17, 7]], 5: [[12, 7]], 6: [[16], [2]], 7: [[14], [4]], 
8: [[17], [2]], 9: [[13], [3]], 10: [[13], [2]], 11: [[12], [2]], 
12: [[15, 11], [5, 1]], 13: [[18, 10], [4, 1]], 14: [[16, 10], [3, 1]],
15: [[16, 9], [2, 0]], 16: [[14, 6], [4, 1]], 17: [[14, 8], [4, 1]], 
18: [[13, 6], [3, 1]]}