Percolation in lattices

Bond Percolation

This is an implementation of bond percolation. See Chapter 3 of [POG]. See also my blog post Percolation and self-avoiding walks related to this code.


  • Sebastien Labbe (2012-12-17): initial version, for pog lecture group



Geoffrey Grimmett, Probability on Graphs,


Bond percolation sample

We construct a bond percolation sample in dimension d=2 with probability of open edges p=0.3:

sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(p=0.3, d=2)
sage: S
Bond percolation sample d=2 p=0.300

An edge is defined uniquely as a starting point in Z^d and an axis direction given by an integer i such that 1 <= i <= d. One may ask if a given edge is in the sample S:

sage: ((34,56), 2) in S     # random

The result is cached so the same answer is returned again:

sage: ((34,56), 2) in S     # random
sage: ((34,56), 2) in S     # random

The cluster containing the point zero is returned as an iterator:

sage: S.cluster()
<generator object at ...>

It may be finite of infinite. If you believe it is finite, you may compute its cardinality. If the cluster is infinite, it will not halt:

sage: S.cluster_cardinality() # not tested, might not halt

For larger values of p, the cluster might be larger if not infinite. In this case you may want to stop the computation at a certain point determined in advance. The following method does this. And it returns the cardinality if it is smaller than the stop value:

sage: S = BondPercolationSample(p=0.45, d=2)
sage: S.cluster_cardinality_stop_at(stop=10)          # random
sage: S.cluster_cardinality_stop_at(stop=100)          # random
sage: S.cluster_cardinality_stop_at(stop=1000)          # random

Bond percolation samples

Construction of 20 bond percolation samples. For each of them, compute the cardinality of the open cluster containing zero:

sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSamples
sage: S20 = BondPercolationSamples(p=0.4, d=2, n=20)
sage: S20.cluster_cardinality(stop=100)               # random
[4, 2, 1, 4, 1, 10, 62, 71, 1, 25, 19, 2, 2, 42, '>=100', 1, 18, 2, '>=100', 20]

By considering “larger than 100” to be an infinite cluster, this gives a value of 2/20 = 0.10 for the percolation probability:

sage: S20.percolation_probability(stop=100)        # random

By increasing the stop value, the computations can be redone again on the same samples. In this case, by using a stop value of 1000, we get a value of 0 for the percolation probability of p=0.4:

sage: S20.cluster_cardinality(stop=1000)             # random
[4, 2, 1, 4, 1, 10, 62, 71, 1, 25, 19, 2, 2, 42, 176, 1, 18, 2, 186, 20]
sage: S20.percolation_probability(stop=1000)         # random

Percolation probability

One can define the percolation probability function for a given dimension d. It will generate n samples and consider the cluster to be infinite if its cardinality is larger than the given stop value:

sage: from slabbe import PercolationProbability
sage: T = PercolationProbability(d=2, n=10, stop=100)
sage: T
Percolation Probability $\theta(p)$
d = dimension = 2
n = # samples = 10
stop counting at = 100

Compute the value for a certain probability p:

sage: T(0.4534)             # random

Of course, this value will change for another equal percolation probability since it depends on the samples:

sage: T = PercolationProbability(d=2, n=10, stop=100)
sage: T(0.4534)              # random

Anyway, it is useful to draw the plot of the percolation probability:

sage: T = PercolationProbability(d=2, n=10, stop=100)
sage: T.return_plot((0,1), adaptive_recursion=4, plot_points=4)     # optional long
Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives

Here we use Sage adaptative recursion algorithm for drawing plots which finds the particular important intervals to ask for more values of the function. See help section of plot function for details. Because T might be long to compute we start with only 4 points


  • Make it 100% doctested (presently 21/24 = 87%)

  • Base it on DiscreteSubset code

  • Fix tikz2pdf use

Do we want to use?:

sage: from sage.sets.set_from_iterator import EnumeratedSetFromIterator
sage: from itertools import count
sage: S = EnumeratedSetFromIterator(count)
sage: S
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...}

and ?:

sage: M = FiniteSetMaps(["a", "b"], [3, 4, 5]); M
Maps from {'a', 'b'} to {3, 4, 5}

Methods and classes

class slabbe.bond_percolation.BondPercolationSample(p, d=2)

Bases: SageObject

Let $L^d = (Z^d,E^d)$ be the hypercubic lattice.

A sample contained in the set {0,1}^{E^d}.

An edge e in E is open (=1) in the sample with probability p.

Cached __contains__ method below does the job of memory.


Return an iterator over open neighbors of the point pt.


  • pt - tuple, point in Z^d

  • m - integer, limit


The result is consistent:

sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.5)
sage: list(S.children((0,0)))        # random
[(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]

Might be different for another sample:

sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.5)
sage: list(S.children((0,0)))        # random
[(-1, 0)]

In dimension 3:

sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.5,3)
sage: list(S.children((0,0,0)))        # random
[(1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, -1)]
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.5,3)
sage: list(S.children((0,0,0)))        # random
[(1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0)]
sage: list(S.children((0,0,0)))        # random
[(1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0)]
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(1,2)
sage: list(S.children((0,0)))        # random
[(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(1,3)
sage: list(S.children((0,0,0)))        # random
[(1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, -1)]

Return an iterator over the open cluster containing the point pt.


  • pt - tuple, point in Z^d. If None, pt=zero is considered.


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.5) sage: it = S.cluster() sage: next(it) (0, 0)



  • pt - tuple, point in Z^d. If None, pt=zero is considered.


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample
sage: BondPercolationSample(0.01).cluster_cardinality() # random
sage: BondPercolationSample(0.4).cluster_cardinality()  # random
cluster_cardinality_stop_at(stop, pt=None)

Return the cardinality of the cluster or the strin “>=STOP” if the size is larger than stop value.


  • stop - integer

  • pt - tuple, point in Z^d. If None, pt=zero is considered.


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.3,2)
sage: S.cluster_cardinality()                # random
sage: S.cluster_cardinality_stop_at(1000)    # random
sage: S.cluster_cardinality_stop_at(100)     # random
sage: S.cluster_cardinality_stop_at(10)      # random
cluster_in_box(m, pt=None)

Return the cluster (as a list) in the primal box [-m,m]^d containing the point pt.


  • m - integer

  • pt - tuple, point in Z^d. If None, pt=zero is considered.


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.3,2)
sage: S.cluster_in_box(2)         # random
[(-2, -2), (-2, -1), (-1, -2), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (0, 0)]

Return an iterator over all edges in the primal box [-m,m]^d.


  • m - integer


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(1,2)
sage: for a in S.edges_in_box(1): print(a)
((-1, -1), (0, -1))
((-1, -1), (-1, 0))
((-1, 0), (0, 0))
((-1, 0), (-1, 1))
((0, -1), (1, -1))
((0, -1), (0, 0))
((0, 0), (1, 0))
((0, 0), (0, 1))
neighbor(pt, d)

Return the neighbors of the point pt in direction d.


  • pt - tuple, point in Z^d

  • direction - integer, possible values are 1, 2, …, d and -1, -2, …, -d.


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.5,2) sage: S.neighbor((2,3),1) (3, 3) sage: S.neighbor((2,3),2) (2, 4) sage: S.neighbor((2,3),-1) (1, 3) sage: S.neighbor((2,3),-2) (2, 2)

plot(m, pointsize=100, thickness=3, axes=False)

Return 2d graphics object contained in the primal box [-m,m]^d.


  • pointsize, integer (default:100),

  • thickness, integer (default:3),

  • axes, bool (default:False),


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.5,2)
sage: S.plot(2)           # optional long

It works in 3d!!:

sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.5,3)
sage: S.plot(3, pointsize=10, thickness=1)     # optional long
Graphics3d Object


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample
sage: BondPercolationSample(0.3, d=2).save_pdf(20)    # optional long
Creation du fichier tikz_sample_d2_p300_m20.tikz
Using template '/Users/slabbe/.tikz2pdf.tex'.
tikz2pdf: calling pdflatex...
tikz2pdf: Output written to 'tikz_sample_d2_p300_m20.pdf'.

Return tikz code.


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.5,2)
sage: S.tikz(2)
[inner sep=0pt,thick, 
 reddot/.style={fill=red,draw=red,circle,minimum size=5pt}]
\clip (-2.4, -2.4) rectangle (2.4, 2.4);
\draw (..., ...) -- (..., ...);
\node[circle,fill=none,draw=red,minimum size=0.8cm,ultra thick,inner sep=0pt] at (0,0) {};
\node[above right] at (0,0) {$(0, 0)$};


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSample
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.5,3)
(0, 0, 0)
sage: S = BondPercolationSample(0.5,5)
(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
class slabbe.bond_percolation.BondPercolationSamples(p, d, n)

Bases: SageObject

Return a list of n BondPercolationSample of given parameter p and dimension d.


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSamples
sage: BondPercolationSamples(0.2,2,3)
<slabbe.bond_percolation.BondPercolationSamples object at ...>

Return the list of cardinality of the cluster for each sample or +Infinity if the size is larger than stop value.


  • stop - integer


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSamples
sage: S20 = BondPercolationSamples(p=0.2, d=2, n=20)
sage: S20.cluster_cardinality(100)       # random
[1, 4, 1, 2, 2, 6, 5, 1, 5, 9, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1]
sage: d = 2
sage: n = 5
sage: for p in srange(0,1,0.1): print(p,BondPercolationSamples(p,d,n).cluster_cardinality(100)) # optional long
0.000000000000000 [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
0.100000000000000 [5, 1, 2, 1, 2]
0.200000000000000 [3, 1, 4, 1, 1]
0.300000000000000 [11, 7, 2, 1, 3]
0.400000000000000 [3, 3, 35, 10, '>=100']
0.500000000000000 ['>=100', '>=100', '>=100', '>=100', 26]
0.600000000000000 ['>=100', '>=100', '>=100', '>=100', '>=100']
0.700000000000000 ['>=100', '>=100', '>=100', '>=100', '>=100']
0.800000000000000 ['>=100', '>=100', '>=100', '>=100', '>=100']
0.900000000000000 ['>=100', '>=100', '>=100', '>=100', '>=100']


sage: from slabbe import BondPercolationSamples
sage: S = BondPercolationSamples(0.2,2,20)
sage: S.ntimes_over_size(100)    # random
sage: S = BondPercolationSamples(0.4,2,20)
sage: S.ntimes_over_size(100)    # random
sage: S = BondPercolationSamples(0.5,2,20)
sage: S.ntimes_over_size(100)    # random
class slabbe.bond_percolation.PercolationProbability(d, n, stop, verbose=False)

Bases: SageObject


sage: from slabbe import PercolationProbability
sage: f = PercolationProbability(d=2, n=10, stop=100)
sage: f
Percolation Probability $\theta(p)$
d = dimension = 2
n = # samples = 10
stop counting at = 100
return_plot(interval=(0, 1), adaptive_recursion=4, plot_points=4, adaptive_tolerance=0.1)

Return a plot of percolation probability using basic sage plot settings.


  • interval, default=(0,1)

  • adaptive_recursion, default=0

  • plot_points, default=10

  • adaptive_tolerance default=0.10


sage: from slabbe import PercolationProbability
sage: T = PercolationProbability(d=2, n=10, stop=100)
sage: T.return_plot()           # optional long
Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
slabbe.bond_percolation.compute_percolation_probability(range_p, d, n, stop)


sage: from slabbe.bond_percolation import compute_percolation_probability
sage: compute_percolation_probability(srange(0,0.8,0.1), d=2, n=5, stop=100) # random
d = 2, n = number of samples = 5
stop counting at = 100
p=0.0000, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=1
p=0.1000, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=1
p=0.2000, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=5
p=0.3000, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=6
p=0.4000, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=31
p=0.5000, Theta=1.00, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=-Infinity
p=0.6000, Theta=1.00, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=-Infinity
p=0.7000, Theta=1.00, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=-Infinity
sage: range_p = srange(0,0.8,0.1)
sage: compute_percolation_probability(range_p, d=2, n=5, stop=100) # not tested
d = 2, n = number of samples = 5
stop counting at = 100
p=0.0000, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=1
p=0.1000, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=1
p=0.2000, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=5
p=0.3000, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=6
p=0.4000, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=31
p=0.5000, Theta=1.00, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=-Infinity
p=0.6000, Theta=1.00, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=-Infinity
p=0.7000, Theta=1.00, if |C|< 100 then max|C|=-Infinity
sage: range_p = srange(0.45,0.55,0.01)
sage: compute_percolation_probability(range_p, d=2, n=10, stop=1000) # not tested
d = 2, n = number of samples = 10
stop counting at = 1000
p=0.4500, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=378
p=0.4600, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=475
p=0.4700, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=514
p=0.4800, Theta=0.100, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=655
p=0.4900, Theta=0.700, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=274
p=0.5000, Theta=0.700, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=975
p=0.5100, Theta=0.700, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=16
p=0.5200, Theta=0.700, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=125
p=0.5300, Theta=0.900, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=4
p=0.5400, Theta=0.700, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=6
sage: range_p = srange(0.475,0.485,0.001)
sage: compute_percolation_probability(range_p, d=2, n=10, stop=1000) # not tested
d = 2, n = number of samples = 10
stop counting at = 1000
p=0.4750, Theta=0.200, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=718
p=0.4760, Theta=0.200, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=844
p=0.4770, Theta=0.200, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=566
p=0.4780, Theta=0.500, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=257
p=0.4790, Theta=0.200, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=566
p=0.4800, Theta=0.300, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=544
p=0.4810, Theta=0.300, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=778
p=0.4820, Theta=0.500, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=983
p=0.4830, Theta=0.300, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=473
p=0.4840, Theta=0.500, if |C|< 1000 then max|C|=411
sage: range_p = srange(0.47,0.48,0.001)
sage: compute_percolation_probability(range_p, d=2, n=20, stop=2000)  # not tested
d = 2, n = number of samples = 20
stop counting at = 2000
p=0.4700, Theta=0.0500, if |C|< 2000 then max|C|=1666
p=0.4710, Theta=0.100, if |C|< 2000 then max|C|=1665
p=0.4720, Theta=0.000, if |C|< 2000 then max|C|=1798
p=0.4730, Theta=0.0500, if |C|< 2000 then max|C|=1717
p=0.4740, Theta=0.150, if |C|< 2000 then max|C|=1924
p=0.4750, Theta=0.150, if |C|< 2000 then max|C|=1893
p=0.4760, Theta=0.150, if |C|< 2000 then max|C|=1458
p=0.4770, Theta=0.150, if |C|< 2000 then max|C|=1573
p=0.4780, Theta=0.200, if |C|< 2000 then max|C|=1762
p=0.4790, Theta=0.250, if |C|< 2000 then max|C|=951
slabbe.bond_percolation.percolation_graphics_array(range_p, d, m, ncols=3)


sage: from slabbe.bond_percolation import percolation_graphics_array
sage: percolation_graphics_array(srange(0.1,1,0.1), d=2, m=5)    # optional long
sage: P = percolation_graphics_array(srange(0.45,0.55,0.01), d=2, m=5)  # optional long
sage:'array_p45_p55_m5.png')     # not tested
sage: P = percolation_graphics_array(srange(0.45,0.55,0.01), d=2, m=10) # optional long
sage:'array_p45_p55_m10.png')    # not tested