Coding of Polyhedron exchange transformations (PETs)

Coding of Polyhedron exchange transformations (PETs)

Coding of Z^2-actions given by a tuple of Polyhedron exchange transformations (PETs) and one polyhedron partition


A polyhedron partition:

sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronPartition
sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronExchangeTransformation as PET


  • Sébastien Labbé, January 2020, initial version

class slabbe.coding_of_PETs.PETsCoding(PETs, partition)

Bases: object

Coding of a tuple of commuting PETs by a partition


  • PETs – tuple of PolyhedronExchangeTransformation

  • partition – polyhedron partition


sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronPartition
sage: h = 1/3
sage: p = Polyhedron([(0,h),(0,1),(h,1)])
sage: q = Polyhedron([(0,0), (0,h), (h,1), (h,0)])
sage: r = Polyhedron([(h,1), (1,1), (1,h), (h,0)])
sage: s = Polyhedron([(h,0), (1,0), (1,h)])
sage: P = PolyhedronPartition({0:p, 1:q, 2:r, 3:s})
sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronExchangeTransformation as PET
sage: base = identity_matrix(2)
sage: Re1 = PET.toral_translation(base, vector((2/3, 0)))
sage: Re2 = PET.toral_translation(base, vector((0, 1/4)))
sage: from slabbe import PETsCoding
sage: PETsCoding((Re1,Re2), P)
Coding of PETs (Polyhedron Exchange Transformation of
Polyhedron partition of 2 atoms with 2 letters
with translations {0: (2/3, 0), 1: (-1/3, 0)}, Polyhedron Exchange
Transformation of
Polyhedron partition of 2 atoms with 2 letters
with translations {0: (0, 1/4), 1: (0, -3/4)}) by partition
Polyhedron partition of 4 atoms with 4 letters

TODO: Maybe we want to make the union with the ambient space of the PETs?


Return the coincidences for pattern of given shape.


  • sizes – tuple of integers


list of patterns


sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronPartition
sage: h = 1/3
sage: p = Polyhedron([(0,h),(0,1),(h,1)])
sage: q = Polyhedron([(0,0), (0,h), (h,1), (h,0)])
sage: r = Polyhedron([(h,1), (1,1), (1,h), (h,0)])
sage: s = Polyhedron([(h,0), (1,0), (1,h)])
sage: P = PolyhedronPartition({0:p, 1:q, 2:r, 3:s})
sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronExchangeTransformation as PET
sage: base = identity_matrix(2)
sage: Re1 = PET.toral_translation(base, vector((2/3, 0)))
sage: Re2 = PET.toral_translation(base, vector((0, 1/4)))
sage: from slabbe import PETsCoding
sage: X_P_R = PETsCoding((Re1,Re2), P)
sage: L21 = X_P_R.coincidence_patterns((2,1))
sage: L21
[((0,), (0,)), ((1,), (0,)), ((1,), (1,)), ((2,), (3,))]
sage: L12 = X_P_R.coincidence_patterns((1,2))
sage: L12
[((0, 2),), ((1, 2),), ((1, 3),), ((2, 0),), ((2, 1),), ((3, 1),)]


This should be all zero:

sage: [X_P_R.cylinder(p).volume() for p in L21]
[0, 0, 0, 0]
sage: [X_P_R.cylinder(p).volume() for p in L12]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
cylinder(pattern, include_empty_interior_atom=False)

Return the coding region of the pattern.


  • pattern – list of lists or dict of positions to code

  • include_empty_interior_atom – boolean (default:False), whether to include in the partition the atom that are not full dimensional (that is, points, lines, etc.)


polyhedron partition (containing probably only one atom, or more to handle the case of union of polyhedrons)


sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronPartition
sage: h = 1/3
sage: p = Polyhedron([(0,h),(0,1),(h,1)])
sage: q = Polyhedron([(0,0), (0,h), (h,1), (h,0)])
sage: r = Polyhedron([(h,1), (1,1), (1,h), (h,0)])
sage: s = Polyhedron([(h,0), (1,0), (1,h)])
sage: P = PolyhedronPartition({0:p, 1:q, 2:r, 3:s})
sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronExchangeTransformation as PET
sage: base = identity_matrix(2)
sage: Re1 = PET.toral_translation(base, vector((2/3, 0)))
sage: Re2 = PET.toral_translation(base, vector((0, 1/4)))
sage: from slabbe import PETsCoding
sage: X_P_R = PETsCoding((Re1,Re2), P)
sage: pattern = [[1, 1, 0, 0, 1], [3, 2, 2, 2, 3], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]]
sage: C = X_P_R.cylinder(pattern)
sage: C
Polyhedron partition of 1 atoms with 1 letters
sage: atom = C.atoms()[0]
sage: atom
A 2-dimensional polyhedron in QQ^2 defined as the convex hull of 6 vertices
sage: atom.vertices()
(A vertex at (1/9, 1/18),
 A vertex at (5/24, 1/4),
 A vertex at (0, 0),
 A vertex at (1/6, 1/4),
 A vertex at (1/18, 7/36),
 A vertex at (0, 1/12))
sage: v = vector((1/7, 1/7))
sage: v.set_immutable()
sage: v in atom
partition_for_patterns(sizes, include_empty_interior_atom=False)

Return the coding region of the pattern.


  • sizes – tuple of integers

  • include_empty_interior_atom – boolean (default:False), whether to include in the partition the atom that are not full dimensional (that is, points, lines, etc.)


  • polyhedron partition (containing probably only one atom, or more to handle the case of union of polyhedrons)

  • dictionnary, key to patterns (tuple of tuples)


sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronPartition
sage: h = 1/3
sage: p = Polyhedron([(0,h),(0,1),(h,1)])
sage: q = Polyhedron([(0,0), (0,h), (h,1), (h,0)])
sage: r = Polyhedron([(h,1), (1,1), (1,h), (h,0)])
sage: s = Polyhedron([(h,0), (1,0), (1,h)])
sage: P = PolyhedronPartition({0:p, 1:q, 2:r, 3:s})
sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronExchangeTransformation as PET
sage: base = identity_matrix(2)
sage: Re1 = PET.toral_translation(base, vector((2/3, 0)))
sage: Re2 = PET.toral_translation(base, vector((0, 1/4)))
sage: from slabbe import PETsCoding
sage: X_P_R = PETsCoding((Re1,Re2), P)
sage: X_P_R.partition_for_patterns((2,2))
(Polyhedron partition of 24 atoms with 24 letters,
{0: ((0, 0), (2, 2)),
 1: ((0, 1), (2, 2)),
 2: ((0, 1), (2, 3)),
 3: ((1, 0), (2, 2)),
 4: ((1, 0), (3, 2)),
 5: ((1, 1), (2, 2)),
 6: ((1, 1), (3, 2)),
 7: ((1, 1), (3, 3)),
 8: ((1, 1), (2, 3)),
 9: ((2, 2), (0, 0)),
 10: ((2, 2), (1, 0)),
 11: ((2, 2), (1, 1)),
 12: ((2, 2), (2, 2)),
 13: ((2, 2), (0, 1)),
 14: ((2, 2), (1, 1)),
 15: ((2, 2), (2, 2)),
 16: ((2, 3), (0, 1)),
 17: ((2, 3), (1, 1)),
 18: ((2, 3), (2, 2)),
 19: ((2, 3), (2, 3)),
 20: ((3, 2), (1, 1)),
 21: ((3, 2), (2, 2)),
 22: ((3, 2), (3, 2)),
 23: ((3, 3), (3, 2))})
sage: X_P_R.partition_for_patterns((1,3))
(Polyhedron partition of 18 atoms with 18 letters,
{0: ((0, 0, 0),),
 1: ((0, 0, 1),),
 2: ((0, 1, 0),),
 3: ((0, 1, 1),),
 4: ((1, 0, 0),),
 5: ((1, 0, 1),),
 6: ((1, 1, 0),),
 7: ((1, 1, 1),),
 8: ((1, 1, 1),),
 9: ((1, 1, 1),),
 10: ((2, 2, 2),),
 11: ((2, 2, 2),),
 12: ((2, 2, 2),),
 13: ((2, 2, 3),),
 14: ((2, 3, 2),),
 15: ((2, 3, 3),),
 16: ((3, 2, 2),),
 17: ((3, 3, 2),)})
pattern(x0, sizes)

Return the pattern obtained as the coding of the orbit of some starting point by the application of the PETs a certain number of times given by the tuple of sizes.

TODO: add a input direction when the point lies in more than one atoms


  • x0 – point in the domain of the partition

  • sizes – tuple of integers


list of lists (using cartesian coordinates)


sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronPartition
sage: h = 1/3
sage: p = Polyhedron([(0,h),(0,1),(h,1)])
sage: q = Polyhedron([(0,0), (0,h), (h,1), (h,0)])
sage: r = Polyhedron([(h,1), (1,1), (1,h), (h,0)])
sage: s = Polyhedron([(h,0), (1,0), (1,h)])
sage: P = PolyhedronPartition({0:p, 1:q, 2:r, 3:s})
sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronExchangeTransformation as PET
sage: base = identity_matrix(2)
sage: Re1 = PET.toral_translation(base, vector((2/3, 0)))
sage: Re2 = PET.toral_translation(base, vector((0, 1/4)))
sage: from slabbe import PETsCoding
sage: X_P_R = PETsCoding((Re1,Re2), P)
sage: X_P_R.pattern((1/7,1/7), (3,5))
[[1, 1, 0, 0, 1], [3, 2, 2, 2, 3], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]]

When the point lies on the boundary, it currently raises an error:

sage: X_P_R.pattern((0,0), (3,5))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: polyhedron p whose vertices are (A vertex at (0, 3/4),)
lies in more than one atoms (=[0, 1])

Recover the Wang tile sets associated to the atoms of the partition.


sage: from slabbe import PolyhedronExchangeTransformation as PET
sage: from slabbe.arXiv_1903_06137 import self_similar_19_atoms_partition
sage: from slabbe import PETsCoding
sage: z = polygen(QQ, 'z')
sage: K.<phi> = NumberField(z**2-z-1, 'phi', embedding=RR(1.6))
sage: Gamma0 = matrix.column([(1,0), (0,1)])
sage: PU = self_similar_19_atoms_partition()
sage: RUe1 = PET.toral_translation(Gamma0, vector((phi^-2,0)))
sage: RUe2 = PET.toral_translation(Gamma0, vector((0,phi^-2)))
sage: X_PU_RU = PETsCoding((RUe1,RUe2), PU)
sage: TU = X_PU_RU.to_wang_tiles()
sage: TU
Wang tile set of cardinality 19

For some reason (the partition PU should be simplified by removing one vertical at x==phi^-1 as noticed by Jana), we need to merge colors 2,6 and 4,0:

sage: horiz_merge = {a:a for a in '01234567'}
sage: horiz_merge.update({'6':'2','4':'0'})
sage: tiles = [(E,horiz_merge[N],W,horiz_merge[S]) for (E,N,W,S) in TU.tiles()]
sage: from slabbe import WangTileSet
sage: TU = WangTileSet(tiles)

We compare the above computed one with the original one:

sage: tiles = ["FOJO", "FOHL", "JMFP", "DMFK", "HPJP", "HPHN", "HKFP", "HKDP",
....:          "BOIO", "GLEO", "GLCL", "ALIO", "EPGP", "EPIP", "IPGK", "IPIK",
....:          "IKBM", "IKAK", "CNIP"]
sage: U = WangTileSet([tuple(tile) for tile in tiles])
sage: TU.is_equivalent(U)