Diophantine Approximation

Simultaneous diophantine approximation


sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import best_simultaneous_convergents
sage: it = best_simultaneous_convergents([e, pi])
sage: dirichlet10 = [next(it) for _ in range(10)]
sage: dirichlet10
[(3, 3, 1),
 (19, 22, 7),
 (1843, 2130, 678),
 (51892, 59973, 19090),
 (113018, 130618, 41577),
 (114861, 132748, 42255),
 (166753, 192721, 61345),
 (446524, 516060, 164267),
 (1174662, 1357589, 432134),
 (3970510, 4588827, 1460669)]

The above Dirichlet simultaneous diophantine approximations appear as columns of matrices generated by multidimensional continued fraction algorithms:

sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import mult_cont_frac_vs_dirichlet
sage: from slabbe.mult_cont_frac import Brun,ARP,Reverse,Selmer,Cassaigne
sage: algos = [Brun(), ARP(), Reverse(), Selmer(),Cassaigne()]
sage: mult_cont_frac_vs_dirichlet([e,pi], dirichlet10, algos)
  Dirichlet                     Brun       ARP        Reverse   Selmer     Cassaigne
  (3, 3, 1)                     [4, 5]     [3]        []        [8, 12]    []
  (19, 22, 7)                   [9, 16]    [6, 11]    [7, 33]   [32]       [15, 25]
  (1843, 2130, 678)             [22, 27]   [16, 17]   []        [44, 48]   [36, 39]
  (51892, 59973, 19090)         []         []         []        [56]       []
  (113018, 130618, 41577)       []         []         []        []         []
  (114861, 132748, 42255)       [33, 35]   [22, 24]   []        [62, 66]   [51, 53]
  (166753, 192721, 61345)       []         []         []        []         []
  (446524, 516060, 164267)      [36]       [25]       []        []         [56, 57]
  (1174662, 1357589, 432134)    [39, 44]   [26, 29]   []        [68]       [61, 66]
  (3970510, 4588827, 1460669)   []         [28]       []        []         []

The indices in the table are the i-th matrices. For example, the first 3 Dirichlet approximations appear in the convergents of ARP algorithm, but not the 4th neither the 5th):

sage: algo = ARP()
sage: algo.n_matrix((e,pi,1), 3)
[3 3 2]
[3 4 2]
[1 1 1]
sage: algo.n_matrix((e,pi,1), 6)
[33 19  8]
[38 22  9]
[12  7  3]
sage: algo.n_matrix((e,pi,1), 16)
[1631 2498 1843]
[1885 2887 2130]
[ 600  919  678]
sage: algo.n_matrix((e,pi,1), 22)
[114861 101941  64812]
[132748 117816  74905]
[ 42255  37502  23843]
sage: algo.n_matrix((e,pi,1), 25)
[446524 331663 842999]
[516060 383312 974277]
[164267 122012 310122]
sage: algo.n_matrix((e,pi,1), 26)
[1621186  331663 1174662]
[1873649  383312 1357589]
[ 596401  122012  432134]
sage: algo.n_matrix((e,pi,1), 28)
[3970510 2680987 1174662]
[4588827 3098490 1357589]
[1460669  986280  432134]

The Dirichlet vectors can be computed from the precedent ones. So one could expect a perfect MCF algorithm based on 3x3 matrices:

sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import dirichlet_convergents_dependance
sage: dirichlet_convergents_dependance([e,pi], 8)
  i   vi                         lin. rec.     remainder
  0   (3, 3, 1)                  []            (3, 3, 1)
  1   (19, 22, 7)                [6]           (1, 4, 1)
  2   (1843, 2130, 678)          [96, 6]       (1, 0, 0)
  3   (51892, 59973, 19090)      [28, 15, 1]   (0, 0, 0)
  4   (113018, 130618, 41577)    [2, 5, 1]     (0, 0, 0)
  5   (114861, 132748, 42255)    [1, 0, 1]     (0, 0, 0)
  6   (166753, 192721, 61345)    [1, 0, 1]     (0, 0, 0)
  7   (446524, 516060, 164267)   [2, 0, 1]     (0, 0, 0)

But, looking further, it is not true anymore, because v_10 is not a greedy linear combination of the previous three:

sage: dirichlet_convergents_dependance([e,pi], 18)   # long time (7.4s)
  i    vi                                  lin. rec.         remainder
  0    (3, 3, 1)                           []                (3, 3, 1)
  1    (19, 22, 7)                         [6]               (1, 4, 1)
  2    (1843, 2130, 678)                   [96, 6]           (1, 0, 0)
  3    (51892, 59973, 19090)               [28, 15, 1]       (0, 0, 0)
  4    (113018, 130618, 41577)             [2, 5, 1]         (0, 0, 0)
  5    (114861, 132748, 42255)             [1, 0, 1]         (0, 0, 0)
  6    (166753, 192721, 61345)             [1, 0, 1]         (0, 0, 0)
  7    (446524, 516060, 164267)            [2, 0, 1]         (0, 0, 0)
  8    (1174662, 1357589, 432134)          [2, 1, 1]         (0, 0, 0)
  9    (3970510, 4588827, 1460669)         [3, 1]            (0, 0, 0)
  10   (21640489, 25010505, 7961091)       [5, 1, 1, 1]      (0, 0, 0)
  11   (25610999, 29599332, 9421760)       [1, 1]            (0, 0, 0)
  12   (47251488, 54609837, 17382851)      [1, 1]            (0, 0, 0)
  13   (117318127, 135587768, 43158927)    [2, 0, 1, 0, 1]   (0, 0, 0)
  14   (142929126, 165187100, 52580687)    [1, 0, 1]         (0, 0, 0)
  15   (164569615, 190197605, 60541778)    [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]   (0, 0, 0)
  16   (307498741, 355384705, 113122465)   [1, 1]            (0, 0, 0)
  17   (779567097, 900967015, 286786708)   [2, 1]            (0, 0, 0)

Remark: matrices of independent lines is 1 (with Thomas Garrity, 27oct 2016). He kind of have a proof of that…

This used to give a Value Error:

sage: dirichlet_convergents_dependance([e,pi], 19) # not tested (1min 12s)
  i    vi                                     lin. rec.             remainder
  0    (3, 3, 1)                              []                    (3, 3, 1)
  1    (19, 22, 7)                            [6]                   (1, 4, 1)
  2    (1843, 2130, 678)                      [96, 6]               (1, 0, 0)
  3    (51892, 59973, 19090)                  [28, 15, 1]           (0, 0, 0)
  4    (113018, 130618, 41577)                [2, 5, 1]             (0, 0, 0)
  5    (114861, 132748, 42255)                [1, 0, 1]             (0, 0, 0)
  6    (166753, 192721, 61345)                [1, 0, 1]             (0, 0, 0)
  7    (446524, 516060, 164267)               [2, 0, 1]             (0, 0, 0)
  8    (1174662, 1357589, 432134)             [2, 1, 1]             (0, 0, 0)
  9    (3970510, 4588827, 1460669)            [3, 1]                (0, 0, 0)
  10   (21640489, 25010505, 7961091)          [5, 1, 1, 1]          (0, 0, 0)
  11   (25610999, 29599332, 9421760)          [1, 1]                (0, 0, 0)
  12   (47251488, 54609837, 17382851)         [1, 1]                (0, 0, 0)
  13   (117318127, 135587768, 43158927)       [2, 0, 1, 0, 1]       (0, 0, 0)
  14   (142929126, 165187100, 52580687)       [1, 0, 1]             (0, 0, 0)
  15   (164569615, 190197605, 60541778)       [1, 0, 0, 0, 1]       (0, 0, 0)
  16   (307498741, 355384705, 113122465)      [1, 1]                (0, 0, 0)
  17   (779567097, 900967015, 286786708)      [2, 1]                (0, 0, 0)
  18   (8457919940, 9775049397, 3111494861)   [10, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1]   (0, 0, 0)


sage: it = best_simultaneous_convergents([e,pi])
sage: %time L = [next(it) for _ in range(15)]   # not tested (4.66s)
sage: it = best_simultaneous_convergents([e,pi])
sage: %time L = [next(it) for _ in range(18)]   # not tested (52s)


  • Sébastien Labbé, September 22, 2016

  • Sébastien Labbé, October 10, 2016

  • Sébastien Labbé, October 19, 2016, Cython improvements (10000x faster)

  • Sébastien Labbé, October 21, 2016, Parallelization of computations


  • In general, how many of the dirichlet approximations are found by the MCF algos?

  • Code Szekeres MCF algorithm


Szekeres, G. Multidimensional continued fractions. Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös Sect. Math. 13 (1970), 113–140 (1971).

Cusick, T. W. The Szekeres multidimensional continued fraction. Math. Comp. 31 (1977), no. 137, 280–317.


Return an iterator of best convergents to a vector of real number according to Dirichlet theorem on simultaneous approximations.


  • v – list of real numbers


  • iterator


sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import best_simultaneous_convergents
sage: it = best_simultaneous_convergents([e, pi])
sage: [next(it) for _ in range(5)]
[(3, 3, 1),
 (19, 22, 7),
 (1843, 2130, 678),
 (51892, 59973, 19090),
 (113018, 130618, 41577)]


Correspondence with continued fraction when d=1:

sage: it = best_simultaneous_convergents([e])
sage: [next(it) for _ in range(10)]
[(3, 1),
 (8, 3),
 (11, 4),
 (19, 7),
 (87, 32),
 (106, 39),
 (193, 71),
 (1264, 465),
 (1457, 536),
 (2721, 1001)]
sage: continued_fraction(e).convergents()[:11].list()
[2, 3, 8/3, 11/4, 19/7, 87/32, 106/39, 193/71, 1264/465, 1457/536, 2721/1001]
slabbe.diophantine_approx.best_simultaneous_convergents_upto(v, Q, start=1, verbose=False)

Return a list of all best simultaneous diophantine approximations p,q of vector v at distance |qv-p|<=1/Q such that \(1<=q<Q^d\).


  • v – list of real numbers

  • Q – real number, Q>1

  • start – integer (default: 1), starting value to check

  • verbose – boolean (default: False)


sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import best_simultaneous_convergents_upto
sage: best_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 2)
[((3, 3, 1), 3.549646778303845)]
sage: best_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 4)
[((19, 22, 7), 35.74901433260719)]
sage: best_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 36, start=4**2)
[((1843, 2130, 678), 203.23944293852406)]
sage: best_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 204, start=36**2)
[((51892, 59973, 19090), 266.16775098010373),
 ((113018, 130618, 41577), 279.18598227531174)]
sage: best_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 280, start=204**2)
[((114861, 132748, 42255), 412.7859137824949),
 ((166753, 192721, 61345), 749.3634909055199)]
sage: best_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 750, start=280**2)
[((446524, 516060, 164267), 896.4734658499202),
 ((1174662, 1357589, 432134), 2935.314937919726)]
sage: best_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 2936, start=750**2)
[((3970510, 4588827, 1460669), 3654.2989332956854),
 ((21640489, 25010505, 7961091), 6257.014011585661)]


sage: best_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 102300.1, start=10^9) # not tested (1 min)
[((8457919940, 9775049397, 3111494861), 194686.19839453633)]
slabbe.diophantine_approx.dirichlet_convergents_dependance(v, n, verbose=False)


  • v – list of real numbers

  • n – integer, number of iterations

  • verbose – bool (default: False),


  • table of linear combinaisons of dirichlet approximations in terms of previous dirichlet approximations


sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import dirichlet_convergents_dependance
sage: dirichlet_convergents_dependance([e,pi], 4)
  i   vi                      lin. rec.     remainder
  0   (3, 3, 1)               []            (3, 3, 1)
  1   (19, 22, 7)             [6]           (1, 4, 1)
  2   (1843, 2130, 678)       [96, 6]       (1, 0, 0)
  3   (51892, 59973, 19090)   [28, 15, 1]   (0, 0, 0)

The last 3 seems enough:

sage: dirichlet_convergents_dependance([e,pi], 8)
  i   vi                         lin. rec.     remainder
  0   (3, 3, 1)                  []            (3, 3, 1)
  1   (19, 22, 7)                [6]           (1, 4, 1)
  2   (1843, 2130, 678)          [96, 6]       (1, 0, 0)
  3   (51892, 59973, 19090)      [28, 15, 1]   (0, 0, 0)
  4   (113018, 130618, 41577)    [2, 5, 1]     (0, 0, 0)
  5   (114861, 132748, 42255)    [1, 0, 1]     (0, 0, 0)
  6   (166753, 192721, 61345)    [1, 0, 1]     (0, 0, 0)
  7   (446524, 516060, 164267)   [2, 0, 1]     (0, 0, 0)

But not in this case:

sage: dirichlet_convergents_dependance([pi,sqrt(3)], 12)
  i    vi                      lin. rec.                  remainder
  0    (3, 2, 1)               []                         (3, 2, 1)
  1    (22, 12, 7)             [6]                        (4, 0, 1)
  2    (47, 26, 15)            [2, 1]                     (0, 0, 0)
  3    (69, 38, 22)            [1, 1]                     (0, 0, 0)
  4    (176, 97, 56)           [2, 0, 1, 4]               (4, 1, 1)
  5    (223, 123, 71)          [1, 0, 1]                  (0, 0, 0)
  6    (399, 220, 127)         [1, 1]                     (0, 0, 0)
  7    (1442, 795, 459)        [3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]         (0, 0, 0)
  8    (6390, 3523, 2034)      [4, 1, 1]                  (0, 0, 0)
  9    (26603, 14667, 8468)    [4, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]   (0, 0, 0)
  10   (32993, 18190, 10502)   [1, 1]                     (0, 0, 0)
  11   (40825, 22508, 12995)   [1, 0, 1, 1]               (0, 0, 0)

The v4 is not a lin. comb. of the previous four:

sage: dirichlet_convergents_dependance([e,pi,sqrt(3)], 5)
  i   vi                                lin. rec.        remainder
  0   (3, 3, 2, 1)                      []               (3, 3, 2, 1)
  1   (19, 22, 12, 7)                   [6]              (1, 4, 0, 1)
  2   (193, 223, 123, 71)               [10, 1]          (0, 0, 1, 0)
  3   (5529, 6390, 3523, 2034)          [28, 6, 3]       (2, 5, 1, 1)
  4   (163067, 188461, 103904, 59989)   [29, 14, 1, 1]   (2, 4, 1, 1)

Return the fractional part of real number x.

Not always perfect…


sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import frac
sage: frac(3.2)
sage: frac(-3.2)
sage: frac(pi)
pi - 3
sage: frac(pi).n()

This looks suspicious…:

sage: frac(pi*10**15).n()
slabbe.diophantine_approx.mult_cont_frac_vs_dirichlet(v, dirichlet, algos)

Returns the indices i such that dirichlet approximations appears as columns of the i-th matrix obtained from mult. dim. cont. frac. algorithms.


  • v – list of real numbers

  • dirichlet – list, first dirichlet approximations

  • algos – list, list of mult. cont. frac. algorithms




sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import best_simultaneous_convergents
sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import mult_cont_frac_vs_dirichlet
sage: from slabbe.mult_cont_frac import Brun,ARP,Reverse,Selmer,Cassaigne
sage: v = [e, pi]
sage: it = best_simultaneous_convergents(v)
sage: dirichlet = [next(it) for _ in range(10)]
sage: algos = [Brun(), ARP(), Reverse(), Selmer(),Cassaigne()]
sage: mult_cont_frac_vs_dirichlet(v, dirichlet, algos)
  Dirichlet                     Brun       ARP        Reverse   Selmer     Cassaigne
  (3, 3, 1)                     [4, 5]     [3]        []        [8, 12]    []
  (19, 22, 7)                   [9, 16]    [6, 11]    [7, 33]   [32]       [15, 25]
  (1843, 2130, 678)             [22, 27]   [16, 17]   []        [44, 48]   [36, 39]
  (51892, 59973, 19090)         []         []         []        [56]       []
  (113018, 130618, 41577)       []         []         []        []         []
  (114861, 132748, 42255)       [33, 35]   [22, 24]   []        [62, 66]   [51, 53]
  (166753, 192721, 61345)       []         []         []        []         []
  (446524, 516060, 164267)      [36]       [25]       []        []         [56, 57]
  (1174662, 1357589, 432134)    [39, 44]   [26, 29]   []        [68]       [61, 66]
  (3970510, 4588827, 1460669)   []         [28]       []        []         []
slabbe.diophantine_approx.mult_cont_frac_vs_dirichlet_dict(v, dirichlet, algos)


  • v – list of real numbers

  • dirichlet – list, first dirichlet approximations

  • algos – list, list of mult. cont. frac. algorithms




   sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import best_simultaneous_convergents
   sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import mult_cont_frac_vs_dirichlet_dict
   sage: from slabbe.mult_cont_frac import ARP, Brun
   sage: v = [e, pi]
   sage: it = best_simultaneous_convergents(v)
   sage: dirichlet = [next(it) for _ in range(3)]
   sage: mult_cont_frac_vs_dirichlet_dict([e,pi], dirichlet, [Brun(), ARP()])
   {Arnoux-Rauzy-Poincar\'e 3-dimensional continued fraction algorithm: defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {(3, 3, 1): [3], (19, 22, 7): [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], (1843, 2130, 678): [16, 17]}),
    Brun 3-dimensional continued fraction algorithm: defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {(3, 3, 1): [4, 5], (19, 22, 7): [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], (1843, 2130, 678): [22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]})}

Or from precomputed Dirichlet approximations::

   sage: dirichlet = [(3, 3, 1), (19, 22, 7), (1843, 2130, 678), (51892, 59973, 19090)]
   sage: mult_cont_frac_vs_dirichlet_dict([e,pi], dirichlet, [Brun(), ARP()])
   {Arnoux-Rauzy-Poincar\'e 3-dimensional continued fraction algorithm: defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {(3, 3, 1): [3], (19, 22, 7): [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], (1843, 2130, 678): [16, 17]}),
    Brun 3-dimensional continued fraction algorithm: defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {(3, 3, 1): [4, 5], (19, 22, 7): [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], (1843, 2130, 678): [22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]})}

Simultaneous diophantine approximation


The code gets between 1000x faster and 50000x faster compared to the same function in Python code (diophantine_approximation.py):

sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx_pyx import good_simultaneous_convergents_upto
sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx import _best_simultaneous_convergents_upto
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 203)     # 493 µs
[678, 19090, 19768]
sage: _best_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 203)         # 905 ms
((1843, 2130, 678), 203.239442934072)
sage: 905/493. * 1000
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 204)    # 493 µs
[19090, 19768, 41577]
sage: _best_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 204)         # 25s (not tested)
((51892, 59973, 19090), 266.17)
sage: 25 / 493. * 1000000


  • Sébastien Labbé, October 19, 2016

slabbe.diophantine_approx_pyx.good_simultaneous_convergents_upto(*args, **kwds)

Return a list of potential best simultaneous diophantine approximation of vector v at distance 1/Q.

It searches for all possibilities of denominators in the interval [1, Q^d] starting at start by step. Argument step is used for parallel computations purposes.


  • v – list of real numbers to approximate

  • Q – real number, Q>1

  • start – integer (default: 1), starting value to check

  • step – integer (default: 1), step


  • list of integers q such that entries of q*v are at most 1/Q from the integer lattice


sage: from slabbe.diophantine_approx_pyx import good_simultaneous_convergents_upto
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 2)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 4)
[7, 14, 15]
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 35)
[7, 678, 685]
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 36)
[678, 685]
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 203)
[678, 19090, 19768]
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 204)
[19090, 19768, 41577]

The previous results mean that these integers are good approximations:

sage: v = [e,pi]
sage: [(7 * a).n() for a in v]
[19.0279727992133, 21.9911485751286]
sage: [(678 * a).n() for a in v]
[1842.99507969523, 2129.99981913388]
sage: [(19090 * a).n() for a in v]
[51892.0001052832, 59973.0037570292]

Knowing the error of previous results, we can start the next computation at step 678:

sage: min(1/abs(678*a - p) for a,p in zip([e,pi], (1843, 2130))).n()
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 204, start=678)
[19090, 19768, 41577]

Use start and step for parallel computation purposes:

sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 2935, start=1)
[432134, 1460669, 7961091, 8393225]
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 2935, start=1, step=3)
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 2935, start=2, step=3)
[432134, 1460669, 8393225]
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 2935, start=3, step=3)


sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([1,e,pi], 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: argument Q(=1.0) must be > 1

If the interval is too short, then noting is found:

sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 204, start=42000, step=2)

No solution was found when the q was \(cdef int\) instead of \(cdef long\):

sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 136500, start=1)  # not tested (2min)

This used to give a Value Error:

sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 102300, start=10^9, step=2) # not tested (1min)
sage: good_simultaneous_convergents_upto([e,pi], 102300, start=10^9+1, step=2) # not tested (1min)
[3111494861, 3398281569]