Weryfikacja wspomagana komputerowo
Lab 2 – Mutual Exclusion Problem and LTL

Vincent Penelle

Topics of this Lab

Exercice 1: (Mutual Exclusion and Peterson’s Algorithm)

When making concurent programs, a crucial point is avoid undesirable side-effects between processes that could introduce undesirable behaviour, by having two processes acting at the same time on the same variable. For example, if a process A tries to read a variable x and add 1 to its value, if between the read and the write, a process B reads x and writes back the double of its value, we do not have an expected behaviour. To solve this, we should ensure that A and B cannot act on x while the other process is currently using it.

In the modelling of a program, we will identify so-called critical sections which are the part of the code in which a process access to the shared variables and must not be interfered with to ensure a correct behaviour. The mutual exclusion problem consist to determine if it is impossible for two processes to be simultaneously in their critical section.

  1. The first algorithm ensuring that two properties has been given by Dekker in 1965. Open the file Mutual-exclusion-1.pml and observe the modelisation of this algorithm. Verify it using spin (add an assert testing a relevant condition).
  2. This algorithm is complex. An idea to simplify it could be to use the following code. Verify it. Does it work? How can you fix it?
  3. A more modern solution is the Peterson’s algorithm (1981). Here is its promela implementation. Observe how simpler it is. Verify it (add an assert at the relevant place).

Technical point:

We will now manipulate LTL formulæ to check more complex properties over programs. LTL formula can express a property to be checked over one run of the program. Spin is able to check if a formula is falsified on one run, and give it to you (of course, if there is a too long run falsifying the formula, Spin may not see it).

In a Promela program, you declare a LTL formula as follows:

ltl name {formula}

The syntax of LTL in Promela is:

The atoms you can use to form your formulæ include any test expressible in Promela. You can also use as an atom the position of a process. To do that you can put label in your code. For example, let us say that you have a process with pid P containing a label crit, the atom P@crit is true whenever the process with pid P is in the line labelled by crit.

To use this plainly, you may want to declare active processes at the start of the program, as for example, if you started two instances of a process dummy, dummy[0] is the pid of the first one and dummy[1] the one of the second.

You can check one LTL formula at a time in the verification tab of Spin.

Exercice 2: Mutual exclusion problem and LTL

Take back the program about the Peterson algorithm. Write in LTL, and check with SPIN the following properties:

Do the same exercice with the perterson algorithm for N processes.

Exercice 3: Peterson algorithm for N processes

Propose a variant of the algorithm working for N concurrent processes. Adapt as well the LTL formula of the last exercise and check them.

Exercice 4: Syracuse Problem

An infamous problem that holds since centuries is known as the Syracuse problem. It considers a sequence of integer u such that for every term ui of the sequence if ui is even, ui+1 = ui/2, and if it is odd, ui+1 = 3 × ui + 1.

Collatz has conjectured that whatever u0 you choose, 1 will appear in the sequence. It is not yet proved, yet as far as people have checked (and that goes to very high numbers) it has not been falsified.

  1. Create a Promela program that construct the Syracuse sequence from a number (that you give in the code). For example 100 (but you are free to test other ones).
  2. State as LTL formula the following properties: and check them with SPIN.

Exercice 5: (Goats and wolves)

Let us now conceive a program to solve a more consequent problem.

G goats and W wolves travelling together come across the Vistula and want to cross it. There is no bridge, but a boat is on the shores. It can welcome L animals at the same time (who can drive the boat, yes. You are not require to explain how they do that). The trouble is that if at any time in the boat or one of the banks there are strictly more wolves than goats, the predator nature of these otherwise nice animals will take over. And we don’t want any casualty.

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