Evènement pour le groupe Séminaire Méthodes Formelles

Date 2021-02-02  07:00-07:00
TitreBisimulation Finiteness of Pushdown Systems Is Elementary 
RésuméIt is shown that if a pushdown system is bisimulation equivalent to a finite system, there is already such a finite system whose size is elementary in the description size of the pushdown system. As a consequence, it is elementarily decidable if a pushdown system is bisimulation-finite. This is joint work with Pawel Parys. Enregistrement ! https://u-bordeaux-fr.zoom.us/rec/share/j6rrjZ1m6oS6b_dpH0xMZD6ip1zb3v53ML5VCtRkAmV6T-kXK1VyjuSkhOv0k7dA.0EtTQChWwRQ_J-6J 
OrateurStefan Göller 
UrlUniversität Kassel 

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