
Taking gender issues into account in training and research

The session includes:
- An introduction by Marion Paoletti, professor of sociology and in charge of Parity, Equality, Diversity at the University of Bordeaux.
- An intervention on the topic "Women and computing: egalitarian practices, inclusive devices" by Isabelle Collet, a computer scientist by training and professor of educational sciences at the University of Geneva. Isabelle Collet published in 2019 "Les oubliés du numérique" (The forgotten of the digital) at Le Passeur editions. She is a trustee of the Fondation femmes@numérique in France and of the Impact IA Foundation based in Geneva.
- An intervention on the topic "Questioning gender in one's research activities: the RESET tool" by Ninon Junca, in charge of the RESET* project at the University of Bordeaux.


Amphi LaBRI