Kilian Hett

Ph.D. student in Medical

Imaging at University of Bordeaux

About me

I am currently a Ph.D. student at LaBRI - University of Bordeaux (Image and Sound team, Pictura group).
My research subject is the development of methods for the early detection of Alzheimer's disease under the supervision of Dr. Pierrick Coupé.


• Our paper entitled "Adaptive fusion of texture-based grading for Alzheimer's disease classification" has been accepted for publication in the journal Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics.

• MICCAI 2018 : Our paper entitled "Graph of brain structure grading for early detection of Alzheimer's disease" has been accepted at MICCAI 2018.

• MLMI 2018 : Our paper entitled "Graph of hippocampal subfields grading for Alzheimer's disease prediction" has been accepted for oral presentation at MICCAI-MLMI 2018.

• Preprint : Check out our last work on multimodal hippocampal subfields grading here.




Office 327

LaBRI - UMR 5800

351 cours de la Libération,

33405 Talence Cedex, France


+33(0)627 093 889