Acquisition and Reconstruction


The aim of this project is to produce a visualizer for Dicom files and to extract surfaces from medical datas (e.g. CT scans).

This course is aimed only for students from IIS. Students from IPCV and MMSI should refer to

Group organization


Handing-in assignments

  1. Install the python tool used for packing pip3 install -U --user seauval
  2. Edit the list of files to include in your archive if required in to_pack.txt
  3. Create the archive using python3 -m seauval.manager pack --group X
  4. Check archive content: tar -tzf GroupName.tar.gz
  5. Send or upload the archive
    • Send to
    • Make sure to use (4TIS904U) as prefix in the title.
    • Add all group members in CC.

Tools and links

Notes/advices to students