Recherche Title: Algorithms for consistent query answering under primary key constraints Abstract: Databases often have

Contextuality in composite systems: entanglement vs. the Kochen-Specker theorem The Kochen-Specker (KS) theorem is often taken as a notion of

(Uniquement en présentiel / Only offline, no online version) We introduce a limit theory for Latin squares, paralleling the recent limit theories of

Sébastien Bouchard, LaBRI Titre: Byzantine gathering in polynomial time. Abstract: Gathering is a key task in distributed and mobile systems, which

Measurement incompatibility vs. Bell non-locality: an approach via tensor norms. Measurement incompatibility and quantum non-locality are two key

Tariq Benmansour soutiendra sa thèse intitulée : « Contrôle et surveillance par les réseaux de capteurs corporels sans fils (WBANs) »