Colette Johnen

E-mail LaBRI: johnen_AT_labri_dot_fr
E-mail INRIA: colette.johnen_AT_inria_dot_fr

ORCID page

HalRef page (colette-johnen)

Current Position: since 1st September 2020 to the 31 august 2021 : I am in delegation at INRIA, Paris in the Delys project - Delys is a joint research group between Inria Paris France and CNRS/Sorbonne University through the LIP6 (UMR 7606).

Since September 2008, I am Full Professor at University de Bordeaux. I do my research within the group specialized in Combinatorics and Algorithms, in the team Distributed Algorithms of LaBRI.

CV 2020

Intership proposal 2020