• The ClootCrans press: books by Jan Koenderink, on various vision-related topics, freely available
  • Notes from Two Scientific Psychologists: a blog about psychology, strongly inspired by Gibson’s theory
  • Atmospheric phenomena: a blog about unusual phenomena such as rainbows, halos, glories, pilars, etc.
  • Shaders.xyz: a forum for artists who take on the challenge of reproducing complex material appearances in 3D
  • Materia: an active survey of innovative materials (not only their optic properties), a source of inspiration.
  • Daniel Dennett: an enlightening philosopher fond of cognitive sciences who knows how to ask disturbing questions
  • Catsuka (mostly french): a very active survey of any type of animation movies (shorts, features, music videos, etc)
  • 3DVF (french only): a portal for computer graphics artists and tech enthousiasts with very frequent articles and news
  • Conférences expérimentales de l’ESPGG (french only): 11 years of scientific conferences with live experiments!