International Conference on Graph Transformations
Roma, September 29 th - October 1st, 2004
Satellite Workshop :
Logic, Graph Transformations, Finite and Infinite Structures
October 1-2, 2004
Abstracts of
Lectures Registration, accomodation URGENT :
Presentation of the program (as of July 10th) 3 pages.pdf
The next International
Conference on Graph Transformations will be organized in Roma from September
29 th until October 1st, 2004.
Like in Barcelona in 2002, satellite workshops will be organized.
This is to announce a satellite workshop on
Logic and its applications to graphs, graph transformations
and graph algorithms
that will be held on Friday MORNING and Saturday 1-2 October, 2004.
Topics of the workshop.
The main topic of
the workshop is the use of logic for representing graph properties and graph
transformations, and its relationships with combinatorics and complexity.
"Graph" is actually a generic and convenient wording, covering hypergraphs,
relational structures, and related combinatorial structures, like matroids
and linearly ordered graphs.
More precisely, the preliminary list of subjects of talks is the following :
This list is not exhaustive.
Organization and support
The workshop will be partially supported by the European network GAMES, coordinated by E. Graedel (Aachen, Germany).
The program committee consists of B. Courcelle and D. Janin (Labri, Bordeaux, France), H. Ehrig (Berlin, Germany), E. Graedel (Aachen, Germany).
However, the meeting
will be organized as a workshop and not as a formal conference with proceedings
prepared three months in advance.
Relevant documents (extended abstracts, full papers, slides) will be
made available through the Web page of the workshop.
A problem session
will be scheduled, together with informal presentations of ongoing research.
Student papers will be wellcome in these informal sessions.
fees and accomodation
The schedule is constrained
by the organization of ICGT :
Friday October 1st from 9h to 13h, and Saturday 2nd from 9h to 18h, with
breaks of course.
Registration fees
will be of 100 euros for participation only to the workshop To be paid
before end July ;
they are reduced to 50 euros for registered participants to ICGT conference.
They cover the participation to the workshop, the reproduction of documents
(copies of the abstracts, documentation about Roma), three coffee breaks,
and the lunch on Saturday.
Registration, accomodation, public transportation, payment of registration
fees will be handled by
the organization of ICGT conference.
Contact : Bruno Courcelle , , David Janin, ~courcell/LogicIcgt.html
General organization of ICGT and the satellite workshops :
F. Parisi-Presicce :
July 4th, 2004
B. Courcelle