I am a 3rd year PhD student at the Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique under the direction of Sylvain Lombardy.

The current title of my thesis is Problèmes de réalisation de séries rationnelles.
It is about weighted automata and extensions: mostly rotating automata. Depending on the semiring of the weights, they realise various classes of series, when anything: sometimes, they are not valid.

I have a CV.

Research interests:

  • Extensions of automata, mostly
    • Weighted automata,
    • Two-way and rotating automata.

Articles written with Sylvain Lombardy:

Teaching Assistant at ENSEIRB-MatMeca:

TODO mettre une photo

Université de Bordeaux
351, cours de la Libération
Bâtiment A30
Bureau 357
F-33405 Talence cedex

Phone: +33 5 40 00 35 17
Email: louis-marie.dando(at)labri.fr
