Invitation to the Simons Institute (Berkeley)

17 April 2023

Most recent news

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Glucose is (finally) on Github

(17 May 2023)

Glucose is finally (also) distributed on Github. The idea is simply to allow official forks from Glucose versions. We used to distribute it only via the archives and the [official...

Interview in the Regional Newspaper "Sud-Ouest" about Trustworthy AI

(03 May 2023)

A.I. has been the subject of many, many press articles in recent months. The exposure of tools such as chatGPT4 to the general public accelerates even more the need for...

Invitation to the Simons Institute (Berkeley)

(17 April 2023)

As part of the Simons Institute’s SAT Program (SAT Reunion Semester), I had the pleasure of being invited for a long stay in this famous research place about theoretical computer...

Lauch of the DIHNAMIC European Project

(20 March 2023)

The Dihnamic project has just been launched very officially. It is a large-scale European and regional project in which I act as a member of the advisory board. The project...

Dataquitaine 2023

(02 March 2023)

The sixth “Dataquitaine” (a regional scientific event organized in Nouvelle-Aquitaine) days were held on Thursday 2 March 2023 at Kedge Business School, organised by Digital Aquitaine and especially the Domex...

As part of the Simons Institute’s SAT Program (SAT Reunion Semester), I had the pleasure of being invited for a long stay in this famous research place about theoretical computer science and located in the heart of the Berkeley campus.

The days were punctuated by discussions, whiteboards to fill, and improvised presentations. Far from the tumult of the administrative tasks left in Bordeaux, it was a real period of scientific breathing. Many nice discussions (which would be too long to summarise here) but probably one regret. After years of trying to emphasize the importance of studying experimentally search algorithms (especially SAT) that currently exist, I could measure the strength of a certain conservatism. The hardness of studying these algorithm is not well recognized. Ut is extraordinarily complex in practice. It is not a question of showing that one beats another algorithm by a few benchmarks. Despite the good will of a part of the community, it remains almost impossible to publish articles dealing with this subject.

In two words, almost all publications try to show that integrating this or that new mechanism improves (sometimes on a subset of problems) the current performances. This is of course very good and necessary (the SAT community have even written a guide for this evaluation to be done in good conditions). But almost none of them study why and how this modification acts. This raises questions about our knowledge of the underlying mechanisms.

But I don’t despair of convincing.

The main room of the institute

The main room of the institute where everyone chats and converges (mainly at tea time).

A nice view from San Francisco on my way to the institute

A little walk in the morning on the way from San Francisco to Berkeley. Nice working conditions.

(Last Modified date: 18 May 2023)
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