Mohamed MOSBAH

Professor  at  Bordeaux INP (ENSEIRB-MATMECA)
Vice President for Digital Transformation, Bordeaux INP
Deputy Director of LaBRI  Research  Lab.

LaBRI , University of  Bordeaux

351, cours de la Libération
33405 Talence Cedex, FRANCE  

E-mail : mosbah AT  labri DOT fr
Phone: +33 5 40 00 69 17 / +33 5 56 84 23 33
Fax:  +33 5 40 00 66 69 
  Version Française  ( ici)

Short Biography (coming soon)

Curriculum Vitae 


    Reseach Interests

·         Distributed computing, distributed systems, distributed algorithms

·         Algorithms for mobile and Ad hoc networks

·         Formal methods and security  for distributed systems

·         Current Project ViSiDiA (Visualisation, simulation and proof of distributed algorithms )

    Publication list (HAL)

    Liste of publications DBLP

     Conference chair / PC Chair :

      PC Member :

Teaching (slides are in french)

1.      Distributed Algorithms (Master SDRP, Master MA)

2.      Relational database systems (ENSEIRB)

3.      Object-oriented database systems (ENSEIRB)

4.       Programming languages (ENSEIRB)

5.      Software engineering (ENSEIRB)

Projects and Grants


September 28,  2018