Magic hexagon solver

Magic hexagon solver

We reduce the problem to an integer linear program.


It allows to compare the efficiency of LP solvers:

sage: from slabbe.magic_hexagon import solve_magic_hexagon
sage: _ = solve_magic_hexagon(solver='Coin')   # not tested (>5min?)
sage: _ = solve_magic_hexagon(solver='GLPK')   # not tested (90s)
sage: _ = solve_magic_hexagon(solver='Gurobi') # not tested (<1s)

See Wikipedia article Magic_hexagon


Solves the magic hexagon problem

We use the following convention for the positions:

    1   2  3
  4  5   6   7
8   9  10  11  12
 13  14  15  16
   17  18  19


  • solver – string (default:None)


sage: from slabbe.magic_hexagon import solve_magic_hexagon
sage: a = solve_magic_hexagon()      # long time (90s if GLPK, <1s if Gurobi) # optional gurobi
sage: a                              # long time random                       # optional gurobi
[15, 14, 9, 13, 8, 6, 11, 10, 4, 5, 1, 18, 12, 2, 7, 17, 16, 19, 3]
sage: sorted(a) == list(range(1,20)) # long time                              # optional gurobi