Evènement pour le groupe Algorithmique Distribuée

Date 2015-10-05  14:00-15:00
Titre Silent Self-stabilizing BFS Tree Algorithms Revised  
RésuméAnalysis of two fundamental results of the self-stabilizing literature about silent BFS spanning tree constructions: the Dolev et al algorithm and the Huang and Chen's algorithm. More precisely, we propose in the composite atomicity model three straightforward adaptations inspired from those algorithms. We then present a deep study of these three algorithms. Our results are related to both correctness (convergence and closure, assuming a distributed unfair daemon) and complexity (analysis of the stabilization time in terms of rounds and steps). (joint work with with Stéphane Devismes - VERIMAG) Exceptionnellement, l'exposé aura lieu dans l'amphi du LaBRIelement, l'exposé aura lieu dans l'amphi du LaBRI 
OrateurColette Johnen 

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