Emmanuel Fleury

Associate Professor @ Université de Bordeaux, France.
Formal Methods Team, Modelization and Verification Group @ LaBRI


Short Bio

Since October 2005, I hold a position of associate professor in the group Modelization & Verification in the team Formal Methods within the LaBRI at University of Bordeaux (France).

From 2001 to 2005, I have been post-doc (one year) and, then, assistant professor at Aalborg University (Denmark) in the CISS lab in the team of Kim G. Larsen. I defended my Ph.D. in 2002 at the LSV in ENS Cachan (France) under the supervision of Antoine Petit.

Research Interests

My main topic in research is 'Models and Software Verification'. Before 2006, I mainly focused on the 'Timed Automata' model, introduced by Alur and Dill and automated verification of model.

Since 2007, I work on verification of software and more precisely on 'Binary Program Analysis and Verification' and on 'Software Security', from, both, a practical and theoritical point of view.


I am teaching several courses in the Master of Cryptology & Computer Security at University of Bordeaux: Programming (Master1), Software Security (Master1), OS security (Master2).

Contact Information

Emmanuel Fleury
Office 261,
LaBRI, Domaine Universitaire
351, Cours de la Libération
33405, Talence Cedex, France
+33 (0)5 40 00 69 34
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