Frédéric Herbreteau
Maître de Conférences (Associate Professor)
Contact information
Domaine Universitaire
351, cours de la Libération
33405 Talence cedex
room: 263
phone: (+33)
fax: (+33)
1, av du Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Domaine Universitaire - BP99
33402 Talence cedex
room: 213
phone: (+33)
fax: (+33)
Research interests
My research activity concerns model-checking of infinite-state systems,
in particular real-time systems. My goal is to develop new verification
algorithms for timed automata that can scale to industrial-size
applications. Current topics include:
- Acceleration techniques for timed automata and linear hybrid
- Efficient algorithms for model-checking timed automata, in particular,
coarse and dynamic abstractions
- Verification of communicating timed automata, distributed and concurrent
real-time systems
My work is or has been supported by several projects:
TChecker: a verification
tool for timed automata - and a plateform for implementation and evaluation
of verification algorithms.
International journal papers
- Frédéric Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan, Thanh-Tung Tran, Igor Walukiewicz:
Why Liveness for Timed Automata Is Hard, and What We Can Do About
It. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 21(3): 17:1-17:28 (2020) [author's
version](Extends FSTTCS'16 paper)
Shweta Bhandari, Frédéric Herbreteau, Vijay Laxmi, Akka Zemmari, Manoj Singh Gaur, Partha S. Roop: SneakLeak+: Large-scale klepto apps analysis. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 109: 593-603 (2020)
[publisher's version]
- F. Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan and I. Walukiewicz. Better
Abstractions for Timed Automata. Information and Computation,
[authors' version
publisher's version] (Long version of LICS'12 paper)
- F. Herbreteau and B. Srivathsan. Coarse Abstrations Make Zeno
Behaviors Difficult to Detect. Logical Methods in Computer
9(1), 2013. [authors'/publisher's
version] (Special issue - CONCUR'11)
- F. Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan and I. Walukiewicz Efficient
Emptiness Check for Timed Büchi Automata. Formal Methods in
Design, 40(2), pp. 122-146, Springer, 2012.
authors' version
version] (Special issue - CAV'10)
- F. Herbreteau, F. Cassez and O. Roux. Application of
Methods to Reactive Programs with Event Memorization.
Real-time Systems, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 20(3), pages 287-316,
may 2001. [
authors' version
International conference papers
Patricia Bouyer, Paul Gastin, Frédéric Herbreteau, Ocan Sankur, B.
Srivathsan: Zone-Based Verification of Timed Automata:
Extrapolations, Simulations and What Next? FORMATS 2022: 16-42
[authors' version]
Frédéric Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan and Igor Walukiewicz: Checking
Timed Büchi Automata Emptiness using the Local-Time Semantics.
CONCUR 2022. [publisher's version]
R. Govind, Frédéric Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan, Igor Walukiewicz:
Abstractions for the local-time semantics of timed automata: a
foundation for partial-order methods. LICS 2022: 24:1-24:14
Simon Wimmer, Frédéric Herbreteau, Jaco van de Pol:
Certifying Emptiness of Timed Büchi Automata. FORMATS 2020: 58-75
[authors' version | publisher's version]
Oded Maler best paper award
- R. Govind, F. Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan and
I. Walukiewicz: Revisiting local time semantics for networks
of timed automata CONCUR 2019: 16:1--16:15.
[authors' version
| publisher's
- Shweta Bhandari, F. Herbreteau, Vijay Laxmi, Akka Zemmari, Partha S.
Roop, Manoj Singh Gaur: POSTER: Detecting Inter-App Information
Leakage Paths. AsiaCCS 2017: 908-910.
authors' version
| publisher's
- Shweta Bhandari, F. Herbreteau, Vijay Laxmi, Akka Zemmari, Partha S.
Roop, Manoj Singh Gaur: SneakLeak: Detecting Multipartite Leakage
Paths in Android Apps. TrustCom/BigDataSE/ICESS 2017: 285-292
publisher's version]
- F. Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan, T.-T. Tran, I. Walukiewicz: Why
Liveness for Timed Automata Is Hard, and What We Can Do About It.
FSTTCS 2016: 48:1-48:14, 2016.
publisher's version]
- F. Herbreteau and T.T. Tran. Improving search order for
reachability testing in timed automata Proc. 13th International
Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS),
2015. [authors'
version |
publisher's version]
- B. Boigelot, F. Herbreteau and I. Mainz. Acceleration of Affine
Hybrid Transformations Proc. 12th Int. Symp. on Automated Technology
for Verification and Analysis (ATVA), 2014.
publisher's version]
- L. Clemente, F. Herbreteau and G. Sutre. Decidable Topologies
for Communicating Automata with FIFO and Bag Channels Proc. 25th
Conf. on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), 2014.
publisher's version]
- F. Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan and I. Walukiewicz. Lazy
abstractions for timed automata Proc. 25th Int. Conf. on
Computer Aided Verification (CAV), 2013.
[authors' version|
publisher's version]
- L. Clemente, F. Herbreteau, A. Stainer and G. Sutre. Reachability
of Communicating Timed Processes. Proc. 16th Int. Conf. on
Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS),
2013. [authors' version|
publisher's version]
- F. Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan and I. Walukiewicz. Better
abstractions for timed automata. Proc. 27th ACM/IEEE Symp. on
Logic in Computer Science (LICS), 2012.
[authors' version
publisher's version]
An error in
the statement of
theorem 34 has been fixed in the authors' version
- F. Herbreteau, D. Kini, B. Srivathsan, I. Walukiewicz. Using
non convex approximations for efficient analysis of timed automata.
Proc. 31st IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software
Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS), Leibniz
International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), 2011.
[authors' version |
publisher's version]
- F. Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan. Coarse abstractions make Zeno
behaviors difficult to detect. Proc. 22nd Int. Conf. on
Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), 2011.
[authors' version |
publisher's version]
- F. Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan. Efficient On-The-Fly Emptiness
Check for Timed Büchi Automata. Proc. of the 8th Int. Symp. on
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA), 2010.
authors' version
publisher's version]
- F. Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan and I. Walukiewicz. Efficient
Emptiness Check for Timed Büchi Automata. Proc. of the 22nd Int.
Conf. on Computer Aided Verification (CAV), 2010.
authors' version |
publisher's version]
- F. Herbreteau, G. Sutre an T.Q. Tran. Unfolding Concurrent
Well-Structured Transition Systems. Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf.
on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
(TACAS), LNCS, Springer, Volume 4424, pages 706-720, Braga, Portugal,
mar-apr 2007.
authors' version
publisher's version]
- B. Boigelot and F. Herbreteau. The Power of Hybrid Acceleration
Proc. of the 18th Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification (CAV),
LNCS, Springer, Volume 4144, pages 438-451, Seattle USA, aug 2006.
authors' version
publisher's version]
- B. Boigelot, F. Herbreteau and S. Jodogne. Hybrid Acceleration
using Real Vector Automata. Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. on
Computer Aided Verification (CAV), LNCS, Springer, Volume 2725, pages
193-205, Boulder USA, jul 2003.
authors' version
publisher's version]
- F. Herbreteau, F. Cassez, A. Finkel, O. Roux and G. Sutre.
Verification of Embedded Reactive Fiffo Systems. Proc. of the 5th
Latin American Conf. in Theoretical INformatics (LATIN), LNCS, Springer,
Volume 2286, pages 400-414, apr 2002.
authors' version
publisher's version ]
Doctorate thesis (French PhD)
- F. Herbreteau. Automates à file réactifs embarqués - Application à
la vérification de systèmes temps-réel. Doctorat de l'Université de
Nantes et de l'École Centrale de Nantes. 14 décembre 2001, Nantes,
France (in French). pdf
National workshops and conferences
- F. Herbreteau. Some Properties of Reactive FIFFO Automata. Modelling
and VErification of Parallel Processes (MOVEP summer school), june
2000, Nantes, France. pdf
Submitted/unpublished manuscripts
- A. Deshpande, F. Herbreteau, B. Srivathsan, T.-T. Tran and I.
Walukiewicz. Fast detection of cycles in timed automata.
(The iterability check has already been
published in "R. Jaubert and P.-A. Reynier. Quantitative Robustness
Analysis of Flat Timed Automata. FoSSaCS, 2011").
Current students
- Viswanathan Gautham Singukulam, intern CMI Chennai, may-july 2024 (with I. Walukiewicz)
- Sylvain Raïs, PhD student ONERA/U. Bordeaux, 2023-... (with O.Ly, J. Brunel and D. Doose)
- Sarah Larroze-Jardiné, PhD student U. Bordeaux, 2021-... (with I. Walukiewicz)
Past students
- Lorenzo Clemente, project ANR VACSIM 2011-2013, now at the
University of Warsaw (Poland)
- Julien Forget, project ANR SPaCIFY 2009-2010, now Associate
Professor at Polytech'Lille (France)
- Govind Rajanbabu, PhD "Partial-order Reduction for Timed Systems"
(16th June 2021, with I. Walukiewicz and Srivathsan B.), now a postdoctoral
researcher at IIT Bombay.
- Tung Thanh Tran, PhD "Verification of Timed Automata:
reachability, liveness and modelling" (4th November 2016, with I.
Walukiewicz), now an assistant professor at Hô Chi Minh City
International University.
- B. Srivathsan, PhD "Abstractions for Timed Automata" (6th June
2012, with I. Walukiewicz), now an assistant professor at CMI Chennai.
- The Quang Tran, PhD "Unfolding Concurrent Well-Structured
Transition Systems" (19th June 2009, with G. Sutre and I. Walukiewicz),
now an engineer at Vietnam National University.
Master's thesis, interns
- Sarah Larroze-Jardiné, Master thesis, Feb.-July 2021, "Techniques de réduction d'ordre-partiel pour la vérification d'automates temporisés"
- Brian Mazé, Master thesis, Mar-Jun 2019, "Verification of behavior trees" (with A. Rollet and L. Simon)
- Thejaswini, CMI Chennai intern, May-July 2017, "On-the-fly
algorithms for safety games", AVeRTS and IoTTTA projects (with I.
- Ravichandra Addanki, IIT Bombay intern, may-july 2015,
"Instantaneous sequences in timed automata", AVeRTS project (with I.
- Aakash Deshpande, IIT Bombay intern, may-july 2014, "Fast
detection of cycles in timed automata", AVeRTS project (with I.
- Umang Mathur, IIT Bombay intern, may-july 2013, "Non-Zeno
Strategies for Timed Games" (with I. Walukiewicz)
- K. Laverny, Master Thesis, feb.-june 2013, "Interpolation for
Timed Automata" (with I. Walukiewicz)
- Prajwal A N, IIT Bombay intern, may-july 2012, "Better symbolic
representations for timed automata" (with I. Walukiewicz).
- Aditya Tiwari, IIT Bombay intern, may-july 2011, "Lazy
abstraction of Timed Automata" (with I. Walukiewicz).
- Dileep Kini, IIT Bombay intern, may-july 2010, "Abstraction of
Timed Automata" (with I. Walukiewicz), now a PhD candidate at University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Nicolas Aucouturier, Master Thesis, feb.-june 2008, "Language
interpolation for abstraction-based model-checking" (with E. Fleury),
now an R&D engineer at Prover Technology.
- B. Srivathsan, IIT Bombay intern, may-july 2007, "On-the-fly liveness verification of timed automata" (with I. Walukiewicz).
- The Quang Tran, Master Thesis, feb.-jun. 2004, "Unfolding Concurrent Well-Structured Transition Systems" (with G. Sutre).
- Stéphanie Gaudan, Master Thesis, feb.-jun. 2004, "Automatic
Abstraction-Refinement for the Verification of Infinite-State Systems"
(with G. Sutre), now an engineer at THALES.