
About Me

I am an associate professor at the Université de Bordeaux, and a researcher in the manao team (LaBRI, CNRS, Inria).

Previously, I was a PostDoc in the Dynamic Graphics Project at the University of Toronto working with Aaron Hertzmann. I also spent six months in the Pixar Research Group where I worked with Michael Kass, Kurt Fleischer and Forrester Cole.

I obtained my PhD from the MSTII Doctoral School of Université de Grenoble in July 2011, under the guidance of Joëlle Thollot and François Sillion, within Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann.

Full version of my resume in English benard_cv_en.pdf and French benard_cv_fr.pdf

  • Patch Decomposition for Efficient Mesh Contours Extraction "Patch Decomposition for Efficient Mesh Contours Extraction"
  • SMEAR: Stylized Motion Exaggeration with ARt-direction "SMEAR: Stylized Motion Exaggeration with ARt-direction"
  • Non-linear Rough 2D Animation using Transient Embeddings "Non-linear Rough 2D Animation using Transient Embeddings"
  • ConTesse: Accurate Occluding Contours for Subdivision Surfaces "ConTesse: Accurate Occluding Contours for Subdivision Surfaces"
  • A Time-independent Deformer for Elastic Contacts "A Time-independent Deformer for Elastic Contacts"
  • Coherent Mark-based Stylization of 3D Scenes at the Compositing Stage "Coherent Mark-based Stylization of 3D Scenes at the Compositing Stage"
  • A Time-independent Deformer for Elastic-rigid Contacts "A Time-independent Deformer for Elastic-rigid Contacts"
  • Line drawings from 3D models: a tutorial "Line drawings from 3D models: a tutorial"
  • Edge- and substrate-based effects for watercolor stylization "Edge- and substrate-based effects for watercolor stylization"
  • Example-Based Expressive Animation of 2D Rigid Bodies "Example-Based Expressive Animation of 2D Rigid Bodies"
  • Multi-Resolution Meshes for Feature-Aware Hardware Tessellation "Multi-Resolution Meshes for Feature-Aware Hardware Tessellation"
  • contours "Computing Smooth Surface Contours with Accurate Topology"
  • ByExampleStylization "Stylizing Animation By Example"
  • PhD"Stylisation temporellement cohérente d'animations 3D basée sur des textures"
  • AS"Active Strokes: Coherent Line Stylization for Animated 3D Models"
  • NPR Gabor Noise"A Dynamic Noise Primitive for Coherent Stylization"
  • DST"Dynamic Solid Textures for Real-Time Coherent Stylization"
  • SLAM "Self-Similar Texture for Coherent Line Stylization"
  • DST "Dynamic Solid Textures for Real-Time Coherent Stylization"
  • AS"Active Strokes: Coherent Line Stylization for Animated 3D Models"
  • NPR Gabor Noise"A Dynamic Noise Primitive for Coherent Stylization"