- Our work SMEAR: Stylized Motion Exaggeration with ARt-direction has been presented at Siggraph 2024.
- Our paper Patch Decomposition for Efficient Mesh Contours Extraction has been presented at EGSR 2024.
About Me
I am an associate professor at the Université de Bordeaux, and a researcher in the manao team (LaBRI, CNRS, Inria).
Previously, I was a PostDoc in the Dynamic Graphics Project at the University of Toronto working with Aaron Hertzmann. I also spent six months in the Pixar Research Group where I worked with Michael Kass, Kurt Fleischer and Forrester Cole.
I obtained my PhD from the MSTII Doctoral School of Université de Grenoble in July 2011, under the guidance of Joëlle Thollot and François Sillion, within Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann.