ANR ISAR Interaction with Spatial Augmented Reality |
We participate at this ANR project (2014-2018) |
V-must – Virtual Museum Transnational Network |
We participated at the FP7 european network of excellence (2011-2015) |
ANR SeARCH – Semi-automatic acquisition and reassembly of cultural heritage |
I was the general coordinator of the the ANR SeARCH project (2009-2013) |
Steering Boards
- EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (since 2014)
Program Committes
- EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics & Cultural Heritage (since 2012)
- ACM Web3D conference (since 2011)
- Siggraph Asia 2013 – Technical Briefs & Posters
- Siggraph, Siggraph Asia, Eurographics, CHI, IEEE Computer Graphics Forum, Eurographics CGF, ACM Transaction on Graphics, ACM Web3D, ACM JOCCH, CGI, Journal of Multimedia (Academy Publisher), Computer & Graphics (Elsevier)
- H2020 European commission
- national ANR applications
Current students
- since 2019 : Charlie Schlick (PhD student), about Augmented Reality with new display systems
Past students
- Thomas Crespel (PhD, 2016-2019), about 3D Display Systems, today at Envisics
- Loïs Mignard-Debise (PhD, 2014-2018), about Light Field Microscopy, today at United Visual Researchers
- Brett Ridel (PhD & Master, 2012-2016), about Spatial Augmented Reality
- Nicolas Mellado (PhD & Master, 2009-2013), about Multi-scale surface analysis, today researcher at IRIT
- Lucas Ammann (Post-doc, 2010-2011) about Surface Relief Analysis
- Nawel Takouachet (Post-doc, 2011-2012) about Tangible User Interfaces
- Guillaume Rivière (PhD, 2006-2009) about Tangible User Interfaces, today associate professor at ESTIA
- Nicolas Sorraing (Master, 2007) about Tangible User Interaction
- Tamy Boubekeur (PhD & Master, 2003-2007) about Geometry Processing, today full professor at ParisTech on leave as research director at Adobe