
I am a full professor in computer science at the University of Bordeaux. I obtained my Ph.D in computer science in 2000, and my Habilitation in 2009. I do my research in LaBRI, the research laboratory in computer science at the university of Bordeaux. I belong to the research team Combinatorics and Algorithms. I'm interested both in theory and practice of computer science. I do my research in Machine Learning and Deep Learning, with application to malware detection and to image analysis. I'm also very interested in Distributed Algorithms and Systems.
I also enjoy teaching. Currently, I teach data science, machine learning, deep learning and reinforcement learning to graduate students from the University of Bordeaux.

I'm in charge of the Master Degree in Computer Science and of the Artificial Intelligence Master Degree at the Computer Science Department (UF Informatique) and in charge (with Laurent Simon) of the LaBRI.IA, Artificial Intelligence transversal axis of the LaBRI.

Key words: AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Distributed systems.

Office: 258,
LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux,
351, cours de la Libération,
33405 Talence cedex, FRANCE
(+33) 5 40 00 35 15