Description of Research Activities

The group is interested in the analysis of visual content, in particular spatio-temporal, such as video or even multi-modal data: sensor signals, video, images. Today we develop deep learning AI tools for the analysis of these contents, the particular interest is given to self-attention models in deep networks and transformers, their evaluations in relation to psychovisual data. As part of the transverse axis "AI" of LABRI, we develop tools for explanations of AI decisions in information classification problems.

We are involved in national research networks, in particular GDR-ISIS in the framework of thème B image et vision. We participate, as organizers in the task "Analysis of Sport video" of the international evaluation campain MediaEval.

In motion estimation we use classical approaches by optical flow. In classification we found our research on machine learning -Deep Learning with NNs.


Français Anglais


Pr Jenny Benois-Pineau

LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux 1
351 cours de la liberation
33405 Talence cedx France,
e-mail :