

RoboCup is an international robotic competition. It had originally been created with the aim of developing a team of robots able to win against the world champion team in human soccer by 2050. Now, it features more than 10 different leagues with a wide variety of robotics challenge, from bipedal locomotion (humanoid league) to disaster robots (rescue league). Each year, this competition gather more than 3'000 researchers from the whole world.

The humanoid kid-size league

Rhoban team is deeply involved in the humanoid kid-size league. In this league, the robots must have a humanoid shape and use only humanoid-like sensors. Each team can develop its own hardware and therefore participating require a large amount of engineering work. The major challenges of this league are the following:

My participations to the RoboCup

Year Result Location Comments
2019 1st Place Sydney, Australia 1st place Drop-In, 1st place Technical challenges
2018 1st Place Montreal, Canada 1st place Drop-In
2017 1st Place Nagoya, Japan 1st place Drop-In, Best humanoid award
2016 1st Place Leipzig, Germany First Win
2015 3rd Place Hefei, China First podium
2013 2 goals scored Eindhoven, Netherlands First goals scored by the Rhoban team
2011 No goal scored Istanbul, Turkey First participation of the team

Responsibilities for RoboCup organization

Year Role
2022Executive Committee
2018-2021Technical Committee