List of Publications

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Interview in "Les Echos Judiciaires"

(01 December 2023)

Les Echos Judiciaires is a regional newspaper that has existed since 1848 and is authorised by the prefect to publish regional legal notices. This makes it a newspaper that is...

Debate on "Will AI kill all artists?"

(12 October 2023)

With the proliferation of so-called ‘generative AI’, many questions are being asked about the replacement of artists by computer systems. This conference-debate, held on 12 October at the Utopia cinema,...

Afterwork of Creation of the Bordeaux AI-Cluster

(11 October 2023)

Since May 2023, I am leading the response of the Bordeaux site to the call for the creation of research and training centers in AI (France 2030 Call for IA-Cluster)....

Afterwork on AI with AIDEM

(05 October 2023)

Engineering schools have a very rich associative life, and it is with the association AIDEM, made up of former students of ENSEIRB-MATMECA, that I was able to participate on October...

Vernissage of the Assassin's Creed exhibition by Ubi Soft in Bordeaux

(03 October 2023)

Due to the privileged relationship that LaBRI has with Ubi Soft studio in Bordeaux, and the Kiwi project (now a discontinued project) in which I was able to supervise a...

Here is the list of publications, classified by year. I am currently working on distributing the papers via this web site (but this may take some time…). (About DBLP: I sent many emails to DBLP to fix the problem about homonyms. There is (at least one) other Laurent Simon that occurs in my DBLP list of papers.