PhD and Master Students
PhD Students
- 2017-2024 Abdelamine LAOUAR, Sur le nombre d’indépendance broadcast des graphes circulants. Co-supervised with Isma Bouchemakh (USTHB, Algiers, Algeria) (PhD document (pdf)
, in French).
- 2019-2022 Jonathan NARBONI, Graph Coloring and Recoloring. Co-supervised with Marthe Bonamy and František Kardoš (PhD document (pdf), in English).
- 2017-2022 Sabrina BOUCHOUIKA, Sur le nombre de domination broadcast supérieur de quelques classes de graphes. Co-supervised with Isma Bouchemakh (USTHB, Algiers, Algeria), (PhD document (pdf), in French).
- 2018-2021 Dimitri LAJOU, On various graph coloring problems. Co-supervised with Hervé Hocquard, (PhD document (pdf), in English).
- 2016-2020 Nacera AHMANE, On the independent broadcast number of some classes of trees. Co-supervised with Isma Bouchemakh (USTHB, Algiers, Algeria).
- 2015-2019 Théo PIERRON, Induction schemes: From languages separation to graph colorings. Co-supervised since 2017 with Marthe Bonamy and Marc Zeitoun, (PhD document (pdf), in English), Theo's homepage.
- 2015-2018 Mohammed SENHAJI, Neighbour-distinguishing decompositions of graphs. Co-supervised with Olivier Baudon, (PhD document (pdf), in English).
- 2014-2018 Brahim BENMEDJDOUB, On incidence coloring. Co-supervised with Isma Bouchemakh (USTHB, Algiers, Algeria). (PhD document (pdf), in French)
- 2014-2017 Daouya LAÏCHE, Packing coloring of undirected and oriented graphs. Co-supervised with Isma Bouchemakh (USTHB, Algiers, Algeria). ( PhD document (pdf)
, in French)
- 2012-2015 Christopher DUFFY, Homomorphisms of (j;k)-mixed Graphs (joint PhD with U. Victoria, Canada). Co-supervised with Gary MacGillivray. (PhD document (pdf), in English), Chris's homepage
- 2011-2014 Julien BENSMAIL, Partitions and decompositions of graphs. Co-supervised with Olivier Baudon. (PhD document (pdf), in English), Julien's homepage.
- 2011-2014 Sagnik SEN, A contribution to the theory of graph homomorphisms and colorings. Co-supervised with Arnaud Pêcher and André Raspaud. (PhD document (pdf), in English), Sagnik's homepage
- 2010-2013 Gabriel RENAULT, Combinatorial games on graphs. Co-supervised with Paul Dorbec. (PhD document (pdf), in English)
- 2009-2012 Petru VALICOV, On packing, colouring and identification problems. Co-supervised with Arnaud Pêcher and Mickael Montassier. (PhD document (pdf), in English), Petru's homepage
- 2007-2011 Adrien GUIGNARD, Jeux de coloration de graphes. (PhD document (pdf), in French)
- 2003-2006 Alexandre PINLOU, Arc-coloration et sommet-coloration orientées. (PhD document (pdf), in French), Alexandre's homepage
- 2002-2005 Pascal OCHEM, Graph colorings and combinatorics on words. (PhD Document (pdf), in English), Pascal's homepage
- 2001-2005 Mohammad HOSSEINI DOLAMA, Contribution à l’étude de quelques problèmes de colorations de graphes. (PhD document (pdf), in French)
- 1994-1997 Laurence VIGNAL, Colorations généralisées de graphes orientés (co-encadrant).
Master Students
- Viktor Paardekooper (Comp. Sci Bordeaux), Switching homomorphisms of signed digraphs (2020), co-supervised with Florent Foucaud.
- Sébastien Clauzel (Comp. Sci Bordeaux), Complete colorings of signed graphs (2020), co-supervised with Florent Foucaud.
- Dimitri LAJOU (ENS Lyon), Nombre achromatique des graphes signés (2018), co-supervised with Hervé Hocquard.
- Tobias CASTANET (INSA Toulouse), Coloration par liste des graphes signés (2018), co-supervised with Hervé Hocquard.
- Tom DAVOT (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Coloration par multi-somme (2017), co-supervised with Olivier Baudon.
- Mohammed SENHAJI (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Colorations bornées (2015), co-supervised with Olivier Baudon.
- Maxime SAVARO (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Arête-coloration forte des graphes distances (2015), co-supervised with Hervé Hocquard.
- Rachid HAFIANE (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Coloration orientée des graphes cubiques (2012).
- Ezgi KANTARCI (ALGANT, Bordeaux), Peg Solitaire (2012).
- Gabriel RENAULT (ENS Lyon), Jeux combinatoires partisans de coloration de graphe (2010), co-supervised with Paul Dorbec.
- Sagnik SEN (ALGANT, Bordeaux), Homomorphisms and bounds (2010), co-supervised with Reza Naserasr.
- Ève GARNAUD (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Version combinatoire à deux joueurs du jeu du Solitaire (2010), co-supervised with Paul Dorbec.
- Adrien GUIGNARD (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Jeux combinatoires sur les graphes (2007).
- Arnaud Cédric ENDAMNE ANGO (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Colorations d'incidences par listes (2006).
- Irina BORITCHEVA (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Graphes orientés critiques (2004).
- Alexandre PINLOU (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Arc-colorations et graphes représentatifs des arcs (2003).
- Farès SAAD-KORCHEF (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Arête-colorations acycliques (2003).
- Karine PROOT (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Arc-coloration des graphes orientés (2002).
- Nadja BENMEURAIEM (Comp. Sci., Bordeaux), Graphes orientés k-critiques (2000).
- Jean-Paul CHIRON (Comp. Sci. Bordeaux), Liste-coloration de graphes orientés (1996).
- Laurence VIGNAL (Comp. Sci. Bordeaux), Polynômes chromatiques des graphes orientés (1994).
- Nathalie BIAIS (Comp. Sci. Bordeaux), Vérification à la volée des propriétés des automates cellulaires asynchrones (1993).