
Authors are always listed in alphabetical order.
You can also see my list of publications on DBLP, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt, Google scholar, ArnetMiner, HAL, Microsoft academic search; Researchgate.


  • A theoretical expansion of the Sprout game.
    S. Sena Das, Z. Mar Myint, S. Nandi, S. Sen, É. Sopena. preprint (2023).
  • Homomorphisms of (n,m)-graphs with respect to generalised switch
    S. Sen, É. Sopena, S Taruni. preprint (2023).

Unpublished work

  • Acircuitic directed star arboricity of planar graphs with large girth.
    A. Pinlou, E. Sopena. preprint (2005).
  • A note on the oriented chromatic number of graphs with maximum degree three.
    E. Sopena, L. Vignal. preprint (1996).


  1. Upper Broadcast Domination Number of Caterpillars with no Trunks.
    S. Bouchouika, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 12(2) (2024), 219--264, full paper.
  2. (alpha, beta)-Modules in Graphs.
    M. Habib, L. Mouatadid, E. Sopena, M. Zou. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 38 (2024), no.1, 566--589. 10.1137/21M1443534, preprint.
  3. On the oriented achromatic number of graphs.
    Pavan P D, E. Sopena. Discrete Applied Math. 347 (2024), 48--61, doi:10.1016/j.dam.2023.12.021.
  4. On the Broadcast Independence Number of Circulant Graphs.
    A. Laouar, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 2350053 (2023). doi:10.1142/S1793830923500532, preprint.
  5. Every planar graph with Δ⩾8 is totally (Δ+2)-choosable.
    M. Bonamy, Th. Pierron, E. Sopena. J. Graph Theory 104-1 (2023), 17-86, doi:10.1002/jgt.22949, preprint.
  6. A proof of the Multiplicative 1-2-3 Conjecture.
    J. Bensmail, H. Hocquard, D. Lajou, E. Sopena. Combinatorica 43 (2023), 37--55, doi:10.1007/s00493-023-00003-0, preprint.
  7. Strong incidence colouring of graphs.
    B. Benmedjoub, E. Sopena. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 44-2 (2024), 663--689, paper.
  8. Generalising the achromatic number to Zaslavsky's colourings of signed graphs.
    J. Bensmail, F. Dross, N. Oijid, E. Sopena. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 923 (2022), 196--221, doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2022.05.009, preprint (2022).
  9. On a List Variant of the Multiplicative 1-2-3 Conjecture.
    J. Bensmail, H. Hocquard, D. Lajou, E. Sopena. Graphs and Combinatorics 38 (2022), paper no. 88, doi:10.1007/s00373-022-02491-1, preprint (2022).
  10. A note on the neighbour-distinguishing index of digraphs.
    E. Sopena, M. Woźniak. Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 23-1 (2023), doi:10.26493/1855-3974.2144.9e3, preprint (2022)
  11. On the Broadcast Independence Number of Locally Uniform 2-Lobsters.
    M. Ahmane, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 44-1 (2024), 199-229, doi:10.7151/dmgt.2443, preprint
  12. Further Evidence Towards the Multiplicative 1-2-3 Conjecture.
    J. Bensmail, H. Hocquard, D. Lajou, E. Sopena. Discrete Applied Math., 307 (2021), 135-144 doi:10.1016/j.dam.2021.10.014, preprint.
  13. On the signed chromatic number of some classes of graphs.
    J. Bensmail, S. Das, S. Nandi, T. Pierron, S. Sen, E. Sopena. Discrete Math., accepted (2021) preprint.
  14. Proper connection and proper-walk connection of digraphs.
    A. Fiedorowicz, E. Sidorowicz, E. Sopena. Appl. Math. Comput., doi:10.1016/j.amc.2021.126253, preprint (2021).
  15. The homomorphism order of signed graphs.
    R. Naserasr, S. Sen, E. Sopena. J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., to appear, preprint (2020).
  16. Exact square coloring of subcubic planar graphs.
    F. Foucaud, H. Hocquard, S. Mishra, N. Narayanan, R. Naserasr, É. Sopena, P. Valicov. Discrete Applied Math. 293 (2021), 74-89, doi:10.1016/j.dam.2021.01.007, preprint.
  17. Pushable chromatic number of graphs with degree constraints.
    J. Bensmail, S. Das, S. Nandi, S. Paul, Th. Pierron, S. Sen, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. 344 (2021), 112151, doi:10.1016/j.disc.2020.112151, preprint.
  18. Distinguishing numbers and distinguishing indices of oriented graphs.
    K. Meslem, E. Sopena. Discrete Applied Math. 285 (2020), 330-342, doi:10.1016/j.dam.2020.06.007, preprint.
  19. Homomorphisms of sparse signed graphs.
    C. Charpentier, R. Naserasr, E. Sopena. Electron. J. Combin 27 (2020), no. 3, P3.6, available here.
  20. Homomorphisms of signed graphs: An update.
    R. Naserasr, E. Sopena, T. Zaslavsky. Europ. J. Combin. 91 (2021), 103222, doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2020.103222, submitted version.
  21. A Connected Version of the Graph Coloring Game.
    C. Charpentier, H. Hocquard, E. Sopena, X. Zhu. Discrete Applied Math. 283 (2020), 744-750, doi:10.1016/j.dam.2020.03.012, submitted version.
  22. Broadcasts on Paths and Cycles.
    S. Bouchouika, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Discrete Applied Math. 283 (2020), 375-395,, submitted version
  23. From light edges to strong edge-colouring of 1-planar graphs.
    J. Bensmail, Fr. Dross, H. Hocquard, Eric Sopena. Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci., 22 (2020), no. 1, available here.
  24. Incidence coloring - Cold cases.
    F. Kardoš, M. Maceková, M. Mockovčiaková, E. Sopena, R. Soták. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 40 (2020), 345-354, available here.
  25. Edge Weights and Vertex Colours: Minimizing Sum Count.
    O. Baudon, J. Bensmail, H. Hocquard, M. Senhaji, E. Sopena. Discrete Applied Math. 270 (2019), 13-24, doi:10.1016/j.dam.2019.07.019, submitted version.
  26. A general decomposition theory for the 1-2-3 Conjecture and locally irregular decompositions.
    O. Baudon, J. Bensmail, T. Davot, H. Hocquard, J. Przybyło, M. Senhaji, E. Sopena, M. Woźniak. Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 21(1) (2019), available here.
  27. 2-distance coloring of integer distance graphs.
    B. Benmedjdoub, E. Sopena, I. Bouchemakh. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 39 (2019), 589-603, doi:10.7151/dmgt.2040, submitted version.
  28. Oriented colourings of graphs with maximum degree three and four.
    C. Duffy, G. MacGillivray, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. 342 (2019), no. 4, 959-974,, submitted version.
  29. On the Distinguishing Number of Cyclic Tournaments: Towards the Albertson-Collins Conjecture.
    K. Meslem, E. Sopena. Discrete Applied Math. 266 (2019), 219-236. doi:10.1016/j.dam.2018.10.021, submitted version.
  30. Octal Games on Graphs: The game 0.33 on subdivided stars and bistars.
    L. Beaudou, P. Coupechoux, A. Dailly, S. Gravier, J. Moncel, A. Parreau, E. Sopena. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 746 (2018), 19-35, doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2018.06.018, submitted version. (Full proof of Theorem 22 is available here.)
  31. Incidence Choosability of Graphs.
    B. Benmedjdoub, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Discrete Applied Math. 265 (2019), 40-55, doi:10.1016/j.dam.2019.04.027, submitted version.
  32. Packing colouring of some classes of cubic graphs.
    D. Laďche, E. Sopena. Australas. J. Combin. 72 (2018), no. 2, 376-404, available here.
  33. Neighbour-Sum-2-Distinguishing Edge-Weightings: Doubling the 1-2-3 Conjecture.
    O. Baudon, J. Bensmail, M. Senhaji, E. Sopena. Discrete Applied Math. 251 (2018), 83-92, doi:10.1016/j.dam.2018.05.047, submitted version.
  34. On locally irregular decompositions of subcubic graphs.
    O. Baudon, J. Bensmail, H. Hocquard, M. Senhaji, E. Sopena. Opuscula Mathematica 38 (2018), no. 6, 795-817, available here.
  35. On the Broadcast Independence Number of Caterpillars.
    M. Ahmane, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Discrete Applied Math. 244 (2018), 20-35,, submitted version.
  36. Rainbow Connections in Digraphs.
    E. Sidorowicz, E. Sopena. Discrete Applied Math. 243 (2018), 248-261,, submitted version.
  37. A Study of k-dipath Colourings of Oriented Graphs.
    C. Duffy, G. MacGillivray, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 20 (2018), no. 1, #6, paper.
  38. Strong Rainbow Connection in Digraphs.
    E. Sidorowicz, E. Sopena. Discrete Applied Math. 238 (2018), 133-143,, submitted version.
  39. Ice sliding games.
    P. Dorbec, E. Duchęne, A. Fabbri, J. Moncel, A. Parreau, E. Sopena. Int. J. Game Theory 47 (2018), no. 2, 487-508,, submitted version.
  40. The neighbour-sum-distinguishing edge-colouring game.
    O. Baudon, J. Przybylo, E. Sidorowicz, M. Senhaji, E. Sopena, M. Wozniak. Discrete Math. 340 (2017), 1564-1572,, submitted version.
  41. Equitable neighbour-sum-distinguishing edge and total colourings.
    O. Baudon, M. Pilsniak, J. Przybylo, M. Senhaji, E. Sopena, M. Wozniak. Discrete Appl. Math. 222 (2017), 40-53,, submitted version.
  42. Packing coloring of some undirected and oriented coronae graphs.
    D. Laďche, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 37 (2017), 665-690,, submitted version.
  43. On the Packing Coloring of Undirected and Oriented Generalized Theta Graphs.
    D. Laďche, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Australas. J. Combin. 66 (2016), no. 2, 310-329, available here.
  44. i-MARK: A New Subtraction Division Game.
    E. Sopena. Theoret. Comput. Sci., 627 (2016), 90-101,, submitted version.
  45. Outerplanar and planar oriented cliques.
    A. Nandy, S. Sen, E. Sopena. J. Graph Theory 82 (2016), no. 2, 165-193,, submitted version.
  46. Homomorphisms and colourings of oriented graphs: An updated survey.
    E. Sopena. Discrete Math., 339 (2016), 1993-2005,, submitted version.
  47. The incidence game chromatic number of (a,d)-decomposable graphs.
    C. Charpentier, E. Sopena. J. Discrete Algorithms 31 (2015), 14-25,, submitted version.
  48. Dicots, and a taxonomic ranking for misčre games.
    P. Dorbec, G. Renault, A. N. Siegel, E. Sopena. J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A 130 (2015), 42-63, doi:10.1016/j.jcta.2014.10.006, submitted version.
  49. On the complexity of determining the irregular chromatic index of a graph.
    O. Baudon, J. Bensmail, E. Sopena. J. Discrete Algorithms 30 (2015), 113-127, doi:10.1016/j.jda.2014.12.008, submitted version.
  50. An oriented version of the 1-2-3 Conjecture.
    O. Baudon, J. Bensmail, E. Sopena. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 35 (2015), 141-156, submitted version.
  51. A note on the cubical dimension of new classes of binary trees.
    K. Kabyl, A. Berrachedi, E. Sopena. Czech. Math. J. 65 (2015), no. 1, 151-160, submitted version.
  52. Homomorphisms of signed graphs.
    R. Naserasr, E. Rollová, E. Sopena. J. Graph Theory 79 (2015), no. 3, 178-212,, submitted version.
  53. Partitioning Harary graphs into connected subgraphs containing prescribed vertices.
    O. Baudon, J. Bensmail, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 16 (2014), no. 3, 263-278, available here.
  54. Rainbow connection in oriented graphs.
    P. Dorbec, I. Schiermeyer, E. Sidorowicz, E. Sopena. Discrete Appl. Math. 179 (2014), 69-78, doi:10.1016/j.dam.2014.07.018, submitted version.
  55. Complete oriented colourings and the oriented achromatic number.
    E. Sopena. Discrete Appl. Math. 173 (2014), 102-112,, submitted version.
  56. Homomorphisms of planar signed graphs to signed projective cubes.
    R. Naserasr, E. Rollová, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 15 (2013), no. 3, 1-12, available here.
  57. Bounds for the (m,n)-mixed chromatic number and the oriented chromatic number.
    W.F. Klostermeyer, G. MacGillivray, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. Graph Theory Notes of New York, issue LXV (2013), 10-14, paper.
  58. The Incidence Chromatic Number of Toroidal Grids.
    E. Sopena, J. Wu. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 33 (2013), no. 2, 315-327,, submitted version.
  59. Upper oriented chromatic number of undirected graphs and oriented colorings of product graphs.
    E. Sopena. Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 32 (2012), no. 3, 317-333,, submitted version.
  60. Coloring the square of the Cartesian product of two cycles.
    E. Sopena, J. Wu. Discrete Math. 310 (2010), no. 17-18, 2327-2333,, submitted version.
  61. Homomorphisms of 2-edge-colored graphs (long version).
    A. Montejano, P. Ochem, A. Pinlou, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. Discrete Appl. Math. 158 (2010), 1365-1379, doi:10.1016/j.dam.2009.09.017, submitted version.
  62. Compound Node-Kayles on paths.
    A. Guignard, E. Sopena. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 410 (2009), no. 21-23, 2033-2044, doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2008.12.053, submitted version.
  63. On the oriented chromatic index of oriented graphs.
    P. Ochem, A. Pinlou, E. Sopena. J. Graph Theory 57 (2008), no. 4, 313-332, doi: 10.1002/jgt.20286, submitted version.
  64. On the oriented chromatic number of graphs with given excess.
    M. Hosseini Dolama, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. 306 (2006), no. 13, 1342-1350, doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2005.12.023, submitted version.
  65. The acircuitic directed star arboricity of subcubic graphs is at most four.
    A. Pinlou, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. 306 (2006), no. 24, 3281-3289, doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2006.06.007, submitted version.
  66. On the oriented chromatic number of Halin graphs.
    M. Hosseini Dolama, E. Sopena. Inform. Proc. Letters 98 (2006), no. 6, 247-252, doi: 10.1016/j.ipl.2005.03.016, submitted version.
  67. Oriented vertex and arc colorings of outerplanar graphs.
    A. Pinlou, E. Sopena. Inform. Proc. Letters 100 (2006), no. 3, 97-104, doi: 10.1016/j.ipl.2006.06.012, submitted version.
  68. On the maximum average degree and the incidence chromatic number of a graph.
    M. Hosseini Dolama, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. and Theoret. Comput. Sci. 7 (2005), no. 1, 203-216,, submitted version.
  69. Incidence coloring of k-degenerated graphs.
    M. Hosseini Dolama, E. Sopena, X. Zhu. Discrete Math. 283 (2004), no. 1-3, 121-128, doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2004.01.015, submitted version.
  70. Nilpotent families of endomorphisms of (P(V)+,U).
    D. Fon-der-Flaass, A. Kostochka, J. Nesetril, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B 86 (2002), no. 1, 100-108, doi: 10.1006/jctb.2002.2116, submitted version.
  71. There exist oriented planar graphs with oriented chromatic number at least sixteen.
    E. Sopena. Inform. Proc. Letters 81 (2002), no. 6, 309-312, doi: 10.1016/S0020-0190(01)00246-0, submitted version.
  72. Estimating the minimal number of colors in acyclic k-strong colorings of maps on surfaces.
    O. Borodin, A. Kostochka, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. Mathematical Notes 72 (2002), no. 1, 31-33. doi: 10.1023/A:1019808819476.
  73. Acyclic list 7-colouring of planar graphs.
    O. Borodin, D. Fon-der-Flaass, A. Kostochka, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. J. Graph Theory 40 (2002), no. 2, 83-90, doi:10.1002/jgt.10035, submitted version.
  74. On the oriented game chromatic number.
    J. Nesetril, E. Sopena. Electronic J. Combin. 8 (2001), no.2, paper #14.
  75. On nice graphs.
    P. Hell, A.V. Kostochka, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. 234 (2001), 39-51, doi: 10.1016/S0012-365X(00)00190-4, submitted version.
  76. Oriented graph coloring.
    E. Sopena. Discrete Math. 229 (2001), no. 1-3, 359-369, doi: 10.1016/S0012-365X(00)00216-8, submitted version.
  77. On deeply critical oriented graphs.
    O. Borodin, D. Fon-der-Flaass, A. Kostochka, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. J. Combin. Theory, Ser. B. 81 (2001), 150-155, doi: 10.1006/jctb.2000.1984, submitted version.
  78. Three-and-more set theorems.
    P. Hell, J. Nesetril, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 41 (2000), no. 4, 793-801, paper, submitted version.
  79. Acyclic k-strong coloring of maps on surfaces.
    O. Borodin, A. Kostochka, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. Mathematical Notes 67 (2000), no. 1-2, 29-35, doi: 10.1007/BF02675788, submitted version.
  80. Acyclic colouring of 1-planar graphs.
    O. Borodin, A. Kostochka, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. Discrete Analysis and Operations Research 6 (1999), no. 4, 20-35, doi:10.1016/S0166-218X(00)00359-0, submitted version.
  81. On the maximum average degree and the oriented chromatic number of a graph.
    O.V. Borodin, A.V. Kostochka, J. Nesetril, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. 206 (1999), 77-89, doi: 10.1016/S0012-365X(98)00393-8, submitted version.
  82. Acyclic improper colorings of graphs.
    P. Boiron, E. Sopena, L. Vignal. J. Graph Theory 32 (1999), 97-107, submitted version.
  83. On universal graphs for planar oriented graphs of a given girth.
    O.V. Borodin, A.V. Kostochka, J. Nesetril, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. 188 (1998), 73-85, doi: 10.1016/S0012-365X(97)00276-8, submitted version.
  84. The chromatic number of oriented graphs.
    E. Sopena. J. Graph Theory 25 (1997), 191-205, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0118(199707)25:3<191::AID-JGT3>3.0.CO;2-G, submitted version.
  85. Acyclic and oriented chromatic numbers of graphs.
    A.V. Kostochka, E. Sopena, X. Zhu. J. Graph Theory 24 (1997), no. 4, 331-340, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0118(199704)24:4<331::AID-JGT5>3.3.CO;2-8, submitted version.
  86. Graph relabeling systems: a general overview.
    Y. Métivier, E. Sopena. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 16 (1997), no. 2, 167-185, submitted version.
  87. On the minimum number of edges giving maximum oriented chromatic number.
    A.V. Kostochka, T. Luczak, G. Simonyi, E. Sopena. Dimacs/Dimatia conference « Contemporary Trends in Discrete Mathematics », Stirin, Czech Rep., May 1997, Dimacs Series in Discrete Math. and Theoret. Comput. Sci. 49 (1997), 179-182, submitted version.
  88. Acyclic improper colourings of graphs with bounded degree.
    P. Boiron, E. Sopena, L. Vignal. Dimacs/Dimatia conference « Contemporary Trends in Discrete Mathematics », Stirin, Czech Rep., May 1997, Dimacs Series in Discrete Math. and Theoret. Comput. Sci. 49 (1997), 1-10, submitted version.
  89. Colorings and girth of oriented planar graphs.
    J. Nesetril, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. Discrete Math. 165-166 (1997), 519-530, doi:10.1016/S0012-365X(96)00198-7, submitted version.
  90. T-preserving homomorphisms of oriented graphs.
    J. Nesetril, E. Sopena, L. Vignal. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 38 (1997), no. 1, 125-136, paper.
  91. Expanding graph relabeling systems have the power of recursive enumerability.
    E. Sopena. Fundamenta Informaticae 27 (1996), no. 1, 1-26, submitted version.
  92. Checking global graph properties by means of local computations : the majority problem.
    I. Litovsky, Y. Métivier, E. Sopena. Electronic Notes in Comput. Sci. 2 (1996), doi:10.1016/S1571-0661(05)80197-5, submitted version.
  93. Different local controls for graph relabeling systems.
    I. Litovsky, Y. Métivier, E. Sopena. Math. System Theory 28 (1995), 41-65, doi:10.1007/BF01294595, submitted version.
  94. Good and semi-strong colorings of oriented planar graphs.
    A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. Inform. Proc. Letters 51 (1994), 171-174, doi:10.1016/0020-0190(94)00088-3, submitted version.
  95. Some combinatorial aspects of time-stamps systems.
    R. Cori, E. Sopena. Europ. J. Combin. 14 (1993), 95-102, doi:10.1006/eujc.1993.1013, submitted version.
  96. Hypermap Rewriting: A Combinatorial Approach.
    E. Sopena. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 85 (1991), 253-281, doi:10.1016/0304-3975(91)90183-3
  97. 2-asynchronous automata.
    R. Cori, M. Latteux, Y. Roos, E. Sopena. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 61 (1988), 93-102, doi:10.1016/0304-3975(88)90110-7

Book Chapters

  1. Graph relabelling systems and distributed algorithms.
    I. Litovsky, Y. Métivier, E. Sopena. Handbook of graph grammars and computing by graph transformation, vol. III, World Scientific, H. Ehrig, H.-J. Kreowski, U. Montanari and G. Rozenberg eds., 1-56 (1999), submitted version.

Invited talks

  1. Recent Developments on Homomorphisms and Colourings of Signed Graphs.
    E. Sopena. Colourings, Independence and Domination, 18th workshop on Graph Theory, CID'19 (September 15-20, 2019, Piechowice, Poland), (slides)
  2. Combinatorial games on graphs.
    E. Sopena. 6th Polish Combinatorial Conference, September 19-23, 2016, Będlewo, Poland, (slides).
  3. Incidence coloring of graphs.
    E. Sopena. 24th Workshop on Cycles and Colourings, September 6-11, 2015, Nový Smokovec, High Tatras, Slovakia, (slides).
  4. Homomorphisms and colourings of oriented graphs.
    E. Sopena. Discrete Math Days and Ontario Combinatorics Workshop, May 21-24, 2015, Ottawa, Canada, (slides).
  5. Homomorphisms and colourings of oriented graphs.
    E. Sopena. 7th Cracow Conference on Graph Theory, "Rytro '14", September 14-19, 2014, Rytro, Poland, (slides).
  6. Homomorphisms of signed graphs.
    E. Sopena. 15th Workshop Colourings, Independence and Domination - CID 2013, September 15-20, 2013, Szklarska Poręba, Poland, (slides).
  7. Colorings of oriented graphs.
    E. Sopena. Colourings, Independence and Domination, CID'07, Karpacz, Poland, Oct. 2007, (slides).

Conferences and Workshops

  1. A Connected Version of the Graph Coloring Game.
    C. Charpentier, H. Hocquard, E. Sopena. The 9th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory, Bledʼ19 (June 24-28, 2019, Bled, Slovenia).
  2. Incidence coloring of graphs with bounded maximum average degree.
    F. Kardoš, M. Maceková, M. Mockovčiaková, E. Sopena, R. Soták. The 6th Gdańsk Workshop on Graph Theory, GWGT'18 (July 1-4, 2018, Gdańsk, Poland).
  3. A general decomposition theory for the 1-2-3 Conjecture and locally irregular decompositions.
    O. Baudon, J. Bensmail, T. Davot, H. Hocquard, J. Przybyło, M. Senhaji, E. Sopena, M. Woźniak. 10th International Colloquium on Graph Theory and combinatorics, ICGT'18 (July 9-13, 2018, Lyon, France).
  4. Marking game and graph operators.
    P. Dorbec, G. Paris, E. Sidorowicz, E. Sopena. 10th International Colloquium on Graph Theory and combinatorics, ICGT'18 (July 9-13, 2018, Lyon, France).
  5. Every planar graph of maximum degree 8 is totally 10-choosable.
    M. Bonamy, T. Pierron, E. Sopena. 10th International Colloquium on Graph Theory and combinatorics, ICGT'18 (July 9-13, 2018, Lyon, France).
  6. Incidence coloring of some special classes of graphs.
    F. Kardoš, M. Maceková, M. Mockovčiaková, E. Sopena, R. Soták. The 6th Gdańsk Workshop on Graph Theory, GWGT'18, (2018, Gdansk, Poland).
  7. Incidence coloring of some special classes of graphs.
    M. Maceková, F. Kardoš, M. Mockovčiaková, E. Sopena, R. Soták. 10th International Colloquium on Graph Theory and combinatorics, ICGT'18 (July 9-13, 2018, Lyon, France).
  8. On the Distinguishing Number of Cyclic Tournaments: Towards the Albertson-Collins Conjecture.
    K. Meslem, E. Sopena. Colourings, Independence and Domination, 17th workshop on Graph Theory, CID'17 (September 17-22, 2017, Piechowice, Poland).
  9. Incidence Choosability of Graphs.
    B. Benmedjdoub, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Colourings, Independence and Domination, 17th workshop on Graph Theory, CID'17 (September 17-22, 2017, Piechowice, Poland).
  10. Packing colouring of some cubic graphs.
    D. Laďche, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Colourings, Independence and Domination, 17th workshop on Graph Theory, CID'17 (September 17-22, 2017, Piechowice, Poland).
  11. On the Distinguishing Number of Cyclic Tournaments: Towards the Albertson-Collins Conjecture.
    K. Meslem, E. Sopena. The Second Malta Conference in Graph Theory and Combinatorics, MCGTC'17 (June 26-30, 2017, Qawra, Malta).
  12. Octal Games on Graphs.
    L. Beaudou, P. Coupechoux, A. Dailly, S. Gravier, J. Moncel, A. Parreau, E. Sopena. Combinatorial Game Theory Colloquium II, CGTC 2 (January 25-27, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal).
  13. Graph minor operations for the marking game.
    P. Dorbec, G. Paris, E. Sopena. Bordeaux Graph Workshop BGW'2016 (November 7-10, Bordeaux, France), (extended abstract).
  14. A Study of k-dipath Colourings of Oriented Graphs.
    C. Duffy, G. MacGillivray, E. Sopena. Bordeaux Graph Workshop BGW'2016 (November 7-10, Bordeaux, France), (extended abstract).
  15. The neighbour-sum-distinguishing edge-colouring game.
    O. Baudon, J. Przybylo, E. Sidorowicz, M. Senhaji, E. Sopena, M. Wozniak. Bordeaux Graph Workshop BGW'2016 (November 7-10, Bordeaux, France), (extended abstract).
  16. Strong Rainbow Connection in Digraphs.
    E. Sidorowicz, E. Sopena. Bordeaux Graph Workshop BGW'2016 (November 7-10, Bordeaux, France), (extended abstract).
  17. On the list incidence chromatic number of graphs.
    B. Benmedjdoub, E. Sopena, I. Bouchemakh. Bordeaux Graph Workshop BGW'2016 (November 7-10, Bordeaux, France), (extended abstract).
  18. Packing coloring of circular ladder graphs and generalized H-graphs.
    D. Laďche, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Bordeaux Graph Workshop BGW'2016 (November 7-10, Bordeaux, France), (extended abstract).
  19. Packing coloring of coronas of paths, coronas of cycles and caterpillars.
    D. Laďche, I. Bouchemakh, E. Sopena. Bordeaux Graph Workshop BGW'2014 (November 19-22, Bordeaux, France).
  20. Incidence coloring game and arboricity of graphs.
    C. Charpentier, E. Sopena. International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms - IWOCA 2013 (July 10-12, Rouen, France), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 8288 (2013), 106-114, (paper).
  21. Homomorphisms of signed bipartite graphs.
    R. Naserasr, E. Rollova and E. Sopena. European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications - Eurocomb 2013 (September 9-13, Pisa, Italy). (abstract).
  22. Dicots, and a taxonomic ranking for misčre games.
    P. Dorbec, G. Renault, A.Siegel and E. Sopena. European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications - Eurocomb 2013 (September 9-13, Pisa, Italy). (abstract).
  23. On homomorphisms of planar signed graphs to signed projective cubes.
    R. Naserasr, E. Rollova and E. Sopena. European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications - Eurocomb 2013 (September 9-13, Pisa, Italy). (abstract).
  24. On the size of graphs that can be partitioned under a given number of prescriptions.
    O. Baudon, J. Bensmail, J. Przybyło, É. Sopena and M. Woźniak. 4th Polish Combinatorial Conference (4PCC) (Będlewo, Pologne), 2012.
  25. Toppling Switches.
    P. Dorbec, G. Renault and E. Sopena. Combinatorial Games Workshop (June 22-26, Halifax, Canada), 2012.
  26. CGT Inspired Tools for Studying the Game Chromatic Number of Trees.
    E. Sopena. DIMAP Workshop on Combinatorics and Graph Theory 2011 (April 4-7, University of Warwick, U.K.).
  27. Upper oriented chromatic number of undirected graphs and oriented colorings of product graphs.
    E. Sopena. 8th French Combinatorial Conference 8FCC (June 28-July 2, 2010, Orsay, France).
  28. The chromatic number of sparse colored mixed graphs.
    A. Montejano, A. Pinlou, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb '09), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 34 (2009), 363–367, doi:10.1016/j.endm.2009.07.060, submitted version.
  29. Homomorphisms of 2-edge-colored graphs.
    A. Montejano, P. Ochem, A. Pinlou, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. IV Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium LAGOS’07, Electronic Notes in Discrete Math. 30 (2007), 33-38, doi: 10.1016/j.endm.2008.01.007.
  30. Small k-dominating sets in planar graphs with applications.
    C. Gavoille, D. Peleg, A. Raspaud, E. Sopena. WG'01, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 2204 (2001), paper, submitted version.
  31. Combinatorial construction of time-stamp systems and interpolation systems.
    E. Sopena, V. Albiero. Proc. Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics FPSAC'95, Marne-La-Vallée (1995), submitted version.
  32. Computing chromatic polynomials of oriented graphs.
    E. Sopena. Proc. Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics FPSAC'94, Dimacs (1994), 413-422, submitted version.
  33. Definition and comparison of local computations on graphs.
    I. Litovsky, Y. Métivier, E. Sopena. Proc. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science MFCS'92, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 629 (1992), 364-373, paper.
  34. Graph rewriting systems with priorities.
    M. Billaud, P. Lafon, Y. Métivier, E. Sopena. Workshop on Graph-theoretic Concepts in Computer Science WG'89, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 411 (1989), 94-106, doi:10.1007/3-540-52292-1_7
  35. Combinatorial hypermap rewriting.
    E. Sopena. Proc. "Rewriting techniques and Applications", RTA'87, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. 256 (1987), 62-73.