
/Exposé /Talk/

In this talk, we will introduce a novel cooperative game theory model designed to tackle a significant unresolved issue in operations research within the forestry sector as initially highlighted by Rönnqvist and colleagues in 2015. This issue centers on developing and suggesting effective principles for shared transportation in forestry. Additionally the model is applicable to urban distribution and plays a crucial role in exploring potential expansions to more complex large-scale collaborative efforts in logistics, particularly in the context of emerging frameworks like the physical internet. We will discuss the reasons for examining such models, the difficulties they present, some initial findings, and future outlooks. The project inherently spans multiple disciplines, integrating elements from supply chain optimization, cooperative game theory, polyhedral combinatorics, and combinatorial optimization.

[Gautier Stauffer]
[ https://www.unil.ch/unisciences/gautierstauffer | https://www.unil.ch/unisciences/gautierstauffer ]

Remarks / Remarques

Find all the information of the working group on this [ https://graphesetoptimisation.labri.fr/pmwiki.php/Groupe/GT?userlang=en | web page ] .
Retrouvez toutes les informations du GT sur cette [ https://graphesetoptimisation.labri.fr/pmwiki.php/Groupe/GT | page web ] .
