
[59] J.-C. Aval, About the determinant of complete non-ambiguous trees, preprint (soumis).

[58] D. Albertin, J.-C. Aval, H. Mlodecki, Quasisymmetric invariants for families of posets, preprint (soumis).

[57] J.-C. Aval, S. Giraudo, T. Karaboghossian, A. Tanasa, Graph operads: general constructions and natural extensions of canonical operads, preprint (soumis).

[56] J.-C. Aval, A. Boussicault, M. Petreolle, P. Laborde-Zubieta, Generating functions of periodic parallelogram polyominoes, preprint.

[55] J.-C. Aval, K. Djenabou, P. McNamara, Quasisymmetric functions distinguishing trees, Algebraic Combinatorics, 6 (2023), 595-614.

[54] J.-C. Aval, A. Boussicault, M. Bouvel, O. Guibert, M. Silimbani, Baxter tree-like tableaux, Australasian J. Combin., 86 (2023), 24-75.

[53] J.-C. Aval, A. Boussicault, B. Delcroix-Oger, F. Hivert, P. Laborde-Zubieta, Non-ambiguous trees: new results ans generalizations, Europ. J of Combin., 95 (2021), 103331.

[52] J.-C. Aval, T. Karaboghossian, A. Tanasa, The Hopf monoid of hypergraphs and its sub-monoids: basic invariants and reciprocity theorems, Elec. J of Combin., 21(1) (2020), P1.34.

[51] J.-C. Aval, N. Bergeron, J. Machacek, New invariants for permutations, orders and graphs, Adv. Appl. Math., 121(2) (2020), 102080.

[50] J.-C. Aval, S. Giraudo, T. Karaboghossian, A. Tanasa, Graph insertion operads, FPSAC'2020, Ramat-Gan (Israel), juillet 2020.

[49] J.-C. Aval, F. Bergeron, Interlaced rectangular Parking functions, Sem. Lothar. de Comb., 81 (2019), B81h.

[48] J.-C. Aval, T. Karaboghossian, A. Tanasa, Basic invariants and reciprocity theorems for the Hopf monoid of hypergraphs and its sub-monoids., FPSAC'2019, Ljubljana (Slovenia), juillet 2019.

[47] J.-C. Aval, F. Bergeron, Rectangular Schröder parking functions combinatorics, Sem. Lothar. de Comb., 79 (2018), B79a.

[46] J.-C. Aval, F. Chapoton, Poset structures on (m + 2)-angulations and polynomial bases of the quotient by Gm-quasisymmetric functions, Sem. Lothar. de Comb., 77 (2016), B77b.

[45] J.-C. Aval, A. Boussicault, B. Delcroix-Oger, F. Hivert, P. Laborde- Zubieta, Non-ambiguous trees : new results ans generalizations, FPSAC'2016, Vancouver (Canada), juillet 2016.

[44] J.-C. Aval, M. D'Adderio, M. Dukes, Y. Le Borgne, Two operators on sandpile configurations, the sandpile model on the complete bipartite graph and a cyclic lemma, Adv. Appl. Math, 73 (2016) 59--98.

[43] J.-C. Aval, V. Féray, J.-C. Novelli, J.-Y. Thibon Quasi-symmetric functions as polynomials functions on Young diagrams, J. Alg. Combinatorics, 41 (2015), 669-706.

[42] J.-C. Aval, F. Bergeron, A. Garsia Combinatorics of labelled parallogram polyominoes, J. of Comb. Theory A, 132 (2015), 32-57.

[41] J.-C. Aval, M. Dukes, Y. Le Borgne A note on a bijection of Aldred, Atkinson and McCaughan, note non publiée (2015).

[40] J.-C. Aval, V. Féray, J.-C. Novelli, J.-Y. Thibon Super quasi-symmetric functions via Young diagrams, FPSAC'2014, Chicago (USA), juin 2014, in DMTCS Proceedings FPSAC'2014, 169-180.

[39] J.-C. Aval, M. D'Adderio, M. Dukes, A. Hicks, Y. Le Borgne Statistics on parallelogram polyominoes and a q,t-analogue of the Narayana numbers J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A, 123 (2014) 271-286.

[38] J.-C. Aval, A. Boussicault, M. Bouvel, M. Silimbani Combinatorics of non-ambiguous trees Adv. Appl. Math., 56 (2014), 78-108.

[37] J.-C. Aval, A. Boussicault, S. Dasse-Hartaut The tree structure in staircase tableaux Sem. Lothar. de Comb., 70 (2014), B70g.

[36] J.-C. Aval, M. D'Adderio, M. Dukes, A. Hicks, Y. Le Borgne A q,t-analogue of the Narayana numbers, FPSAC'2013, Paris (France), in DMTCS Proceedings FPSAC'2013, 623-634 (2013).

[35] J.-C. Aval, A. Boussicault, M. Bouvel, M. Silimbani Combinatorics of non-ambiguous trees FPSAC'2013, Paris (France), in DMTCS Proceedings FPSAC'2013, 49-60 (2013).

[34] J.-C. Aval Combinatoire autour du groupe symétrique Mémoire d'HDR, Université de Bordeaux (2013).

[33] J.-C. Aval, A. Boussicault, P. Nadeau Tree-like tableaux Elec. J. Comb. 20 (2013) P34.

[32] J.-C. Aval, A. Boussicault, S. Dasse-Hartaut Dyck tableaux Theor. Comput. Sci. 502 (2013), 195-209.

[31] J.-C. Aval, P. Duchon Half-turn symmetric FPLs with rare couplings and tilings of hexagons Theor. Comput. Sci. 502 (2013), 143-152.

[30] J.-C. Aval, F. Bergeron Co-quasi-invariant spaces for finite complex reflection groups J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A 119 (2012), 1432-1446.

[29] J.-C. Aval, J.-C. Novelli, J.-Y. Thibon The # product in combinatorial Hopf algebras version longue de [26] non publiée (2012).

[28] J.-C. Aval, A. Boussicault, S. Dasse-Hartaut The tree structure in staircase tableaux GASCom'2012, Bordeaux (2012).

[27] J.-C. Aval, A. Boussicault, P. Nadeau Tree-like tableaux FPSAC'2011, Reykjavik, Islande, DMTCS Proceedings (2011).

[26] J.-C. Aval, J.-C. Novelli J.-Y. Thibon The # product in combinatorial Hopf algebras FPSAC'2011, Reykjavik, Islande, DMTCS Proceedings (2011).

[25] J.-C. Aval, P. Duchon Enumeration of alternating sign matrices of even size (quasi-)invariant under a quarter turn Elec. J. of Combin. 17 (2010) R51.

[24] J.-C. Aval, X. Viennot The product of trees in the Loday-Ronco algebra through Catalan alternative tableaux Semin. Lothar. de Combin. 63 (2010), B63h.

[23] J.-C. Aval, N. Bergeron, H. Li Non-commutative Combinatorial Inverse Systems Internat. J. of Algebra 4 (2010) 1003--1020.

[22] J.-C. Aval, On the symmetry of the partition function of some square ice models Theor. Math. Phys, 161 (3) (2009), 1582--1589.

[21] J.-C. Aval, P. Duchon Enumeration of alternating sign matrices of even size (quasi-)invariant under a quarter turn FPSAC'2009, Hagenberg, Austria, DMTCS Proceedings (2009).

[20] J.-C. Aval Keys and alternating sign matrices, Sem. Lothar. Comb. 59 (2008), B59f.

[19] J.-C. Aval, J.-F. Marckert A symmetry property of some harmonic algebraic curves note non publiée (2008).

[18] J.-C. Aval Multivariate Fuss-Catalan numbers, Discrete Math., 308 (2008), 4660-4669.

[17] J.-C. Aval Ideals and quotients of B-quasisymmetric functions, Sem. Lothar. Comb. 54 (2006), B54d.

[16] J.-C. Aval Multivariate Fuss-Catalan numbers and B-quasisymmetric functions, FPSAC'2006, San Diego, USA (2006).

[15] J.-C. Aval, N. Bergeron Schur partial derivative operators Europ. J. of Combin., 26 (2005), no. 6, 785--794

[14] J.-C. Aval, F. Bergeron, N. Bergeron Diagonal Temperley-Lieb Invariants and Harmonics Sem. Lothar. Comb. 54A (2005), B54Aq (19 pages)

[13] J.-C. Aval, F. Bergeron, N. Bergeron Ideals of quasi-symmetric functions and Super-covariant polynomials for Sn Adv. in Math., 81 (2004), no. 2, 353--367

[12] J.-C. Aval, N. Bergeron Catalan paths and quasi-symmetric functions Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.131 (2003), 1053--1062

[11] J.-C. Aval Polynômes quasi-invariants et super-coinvariants pour le groupe symétrique généralisé, Ann. Sci. Math. Québec, 27 (2003), no. 2, 111--121

[10] J.-C. Aval Quasi-invariant and super-coinvariant polynomials for the generalized symmetric group, FPSAC'2003 (2003), CD-ROM, paper# 43.

[9] J.-C. Aval, On certain spaces of lattice diagram determinants Discrete Math., 256 (2002), 557--575.

[8] J.-C. Aval, N. Bergeron Vanishing ideals of lattice diagram polynomials J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 99 (2002), 244--260.

[7] J.-C. Aval, F. Bergeron, N. Bergeron Lattice diagram polynomials in one set of variables Adv. in Appl. Math, 28 (2002), 343--359.

[6] J.-C. Aval Conjecture n! et généralisations Mémoire de Thèse, publié aux Editions du LaCIM (2001).

[5] J.-C. Aval On certain spaces of lattice diagram polynomials Actes du Colloque LaCIM2000, Montréal (2000), éditions du LaCIM (No 27), 43--51

[4] J.-C. Aval Monomial bases related to the n! conjecture Discrete Math., 224 (2000), 15--35

[3] J.-C. Aval Bases explicites et conjecture n! Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, Springer-Verlag (2000), 103--112

[2] J.-C. Aval On sets represented by partitions Europ. J. of Combin. (1999), 20, 317--320

[1] J.-C. Aval Sur les ensembles représentés par les partitions d'un entier n Mémoire de DEA (1998).